Drugs Were Not The Cause of Robin Willams’ Death…Learn the Truth

People get hooked on drugs because they are taught or forced to do so. In this generation, those who make money off the sale of drugs, advertise and sell drugs. The same drug dealers who bring in billions of dollars from drug sales also get their propaganda into hollywood movies convincing everyone that doctors are faithful servants who can make you well with drugs. Others teach that through drug use, you can enter your own utopia, becoming free of pain and the worry of the rat race, which involves the whole world today.

If you will pay close attention to what you watch and allow your children to watch on television, you will start noticing subtle hints, and even not so subtle propaganda, to drug-up, hook-up, and buy guns like the ‘good’ guys do. They even teach your children that the ‘good’ kills the evil and live happily ever after.

Those who make money off of guns, also put their efforts into selling guns. They buy many advertisements to teach you to buy guns for your safety. Why do you need guns for safety? Why do you need drugs to relieve pain? Why is everyone’s bodies suffering pain? What’s causing all the pain? Do drugs really cure what is causing the pain or just cover it up for a while?

It’s said now that Robin Williams had Parkinson’s Disease and that’s why he killed himself. So the question the next generation should ask is: what gave him Parkinson’s Disease (PD)? Approximately 1.5 million people have PD in the United States. PD is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, balance and speech. Your body uses dopamine, which is produced by neurons in the brain, to control movement. Parkinson’s disease kills these neurons. Scientists don’t know what exactly causes these cells to deteriorate.

A curse causeless does not come. So what is the cause of this curse called Parkinson’s Disease?

But still, PD was not the cause of Robin Williams’ death.


Prophecy Warns


Why would the Inspired Prophets of Yahweh and the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, warn us that this generation would have the worst epidemics ever in history?  Hey! Wake up! We have the greatest computers capable of storing vast amounts of knowledge, only in this present, prophesied generation. Yet, the greatest epidemics in the history of mankind are present in this intellectual generation.


Stomach Bug May Be Linked to Parkinson’s

By Tina Hesman Saey, Science News


Brain cells may be the latest victim of a bacterial bad guy already charged with causing ulcers and stomach cancer.

Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that lives in the stomachs of about half the people in the world, may help trigger Parkinson’s disease, researchers reported May 22 at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that kills dopamine-producing cells in some parts of the brain. People with the disease have trouble controlling their movements. About 60,000 new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year in the United States.

Some previous studies have suggested that people with Parkinson’s disease are more likely than healthy people to have had ulcers at some point in their lives and are more likely to be infected with H. pylori.

…neuroscientist Michael Salvatore, found that Helicobacter-infected mice make less dopamine in parts of the brain that control movement, possibly indicating that dopamine-making cells are dying just as they do in Parkinson’s disease patients.

The bacteria didn’t have to be alive to cause the problem.



First reported in 1986, human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) has since become one of the most widespread members of human herpes viruses and comes in two related variants: HHV-6A and HHV-6B.

How Does HHV-6 Function?

HHV-6 is known to attack specific cells including, but not limited to, CD 4 lymphocytes, NKTs, oligodedrocytes, CD8 cells and microglial cells. Moreover, this virus is immune suppressive and also activates other viruses in the process. While HHV-6 can remain latent for long periods of time, it can reactivate and cause infection quickly. The virus can lie in wait in the salivary glands, kidneys or brain until reactivated.

HHV-6 as a Potential Cause to Chronic Lyme Disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Viruses have been implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis (MS.) More specifically, neurotropic virus HHV-6 has been clinically shown to be directly linked to many neurologic problems including encephalitis, mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and many others.



Now, they’re on the right track…STDs. But don’t stop there because STDs were not the cause.

‘Perfect Storm’: Parkinson’s Disease May Worsen Depression

By Linda Carroll


A push from Parkinson’s disease could have put Robin Williams at risk of a “perfect storm” of depression, medical experts said Thursday.

Williams’ wife said the comedian was battling the early stages of Parkinson’s along with the mood disorder when he took his own life, and health experts say the two are closely linked. Parkinson’s, it turns out, can produce depression even in those who have never suffered from it before.

“I think it makes absolute sense that if you have a pre-existing depression and you get a disorder that by itself has a tendency to cause depression and you also just learned you have the disorder, it creates the perfect storm,” said Dr. Jeff Bronstein, a professor of neurology and director of the movement disorder program at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Although the disease is best known for its deleterious effects on the nerve cells that produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that facilitates movement, Parkinson’s also affects a host of other chemical messengers, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which may explain why patients are more likely to develop depression.

The bad news: Often doctors and even patients themselves do not recognize the depression. It’s just too easy to say that the patient is down because of the diagnosis, Richard said. Further, Parkinson’s and depression have overlapping symptoms, such as a blank facial expression and a monotone voice, she explained.

When it comes to suicide, there isn’t any data suggesting that Parkinson’s patients are at higher risk than others, experts said. However, Williams did fall into a group with one of the highest suicide rates in the world: Suicides among white, upper-middle-aged men has jumped by more than 50 percent in the last decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

One thing researchers do know is that people with a history of depression are likely to develop Parkinson’s-related depression before they start having motor symptoms, said Dr. Daniel Weintraub, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. However, it’s usually a motor symptom, such as unexplained tremor, that brings patients in to the doctor’s office, he said.

Studies have shown “that it’s not uncommon for Parkinson’s patients to have death and suicide ideation,” said Weintraub



That’s all the information on neurology that the neurologists can disclose at this time. The fact is, the diseases set up in your body at this time are incurable.


Neurology – What is Neurology


Neurology is the medical specialty which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the brain and nervous system. A physician who practices neurology is called a neurologist. A surgeon who operates on the brain is called a neurosurgeon.

Neurologists treat stroke patients, as well as patients with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and hundreds of other neurological issues, some of which are acute, others of which may be ongoing, or chronic.



History of neuroscience

From the ancient Egyptian mummifications to 18th century scientific research on “globules” and neurons, there is evidence of neuroscience practice throughout the early periods of history. The early civilizations lacked adequate means to obtain knowledge about the human brain. Their assumptions about the inner workings of the mind, therefore, were not accurate. Early views on the function of the brain regarded it to be a form of “cranial stuffing” of sorts. In ancient Egypt, from the late Middle Kingdom onwards, in preparation for mummification, the brain was regularly removed, for it was the heart that was assumed to be the seat of intelligence. According to Herodotus, during the first step of mummification: “The most perfect practice is to extract as much of the brain as possible with an iron hook, and what the hook cannot reach is mixed with drugs.” Over the next five thousand years, this view came to be reversed; the brain is now known to be the seat of intelligence, although colloquial variations of the former remain as in “memorizing something by heart”.



No science left behind

University College London (UCL) recently won £140 million ($245 million) of private funding for a new initiative to study neural circuits and behavior, fighting off tough competition from Oxford and Cambridge. With reduced government grants and increasingly expensive technology, funding from private sources is crucial to continuing advancement in science. However, whereas private funding once aimed to fund risky projects and fill in gaps in public funding, public and private sources now increasingly seem to funnel money toward similar projects. It is essential that funding for specific topics does not skew research to the detriment of important areas that might be temporarily less fashionable.

Although foundations have always been a part of the research funding landscape, the contribution of private philanthropy to biomedical research has been steadily increasing. The Germany-based Hertie Foundation has spent more than $122 million on neuroscience since 2000, a threefold increase compared to what it spent in the previous quarter-century. In the UK, funding from the Wellcome Trust is almost comparable to the funds available from the government’s Medical Research Council. In the US, philanthropic funding for the biomedical sciences is reported to be about $5 billion a year, roughly one-sixth that of the total amount granted by the National Institutes of Health. Such a trend certainly seems like welcome news to the scientific community.

Such large injections of money certainly have the power to galvanize research in specific areas, but they also have potential downsides. As they are targeted only towards particular projects, they have the potential to skew the distribution of research projects being proposed and executed, by pulling resources from other, less ‘popular’ areas. Recent funding decisions from private foundations in the US suggest a slant towards clinical rather than basic research: in 2006, 23% of a total of $19 billion of private funding was spent on topics to do with health, compared to 2.9% on science and technology topics. This is a significant shift from the figures for 1999, when basic science received a slightly larger piece of the pie: 17.2% of $11 billion of private funding was for research on health, compared to 3.6% for science and technology topics (http://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/statistics/gs subject.html). Although this difference seems slight in terms of percentages, the percentage of money allocated to pure science and technology has decreased over the intervening years, while the total money available has increased by about $10 billion from 1998 to 2006. These small differences in percentage points therefore mean huge differences in the money available. Areas deemed important by private donors are thus increasingly important for determining research priorities.



There’s much more money to be made in diseases than in stopping the cause of the disease. A curse causeless does not come. There is no cure, but there is a cause that could be stopped, which in turn would stop the disease.

We know what causes STDS. We know that STDs are created by breaking the health Laws found in the Inspired Writings of Yahweh’s Prophets. These health Laws are found in every bible.

We see America and the whole world teaching and practicing breaking these Laws in spite of the fact that we know they will cause, and are causing, diseases of all kinds, including Parkinson’s Disease. Numerous scientific tests prove, without a doubt, that the Inspired Scriptures written by Yahweh’s Prophets are correct in what they warned would cause sickness, disease, confusion, and even death.


Is There a Price to Pay for Promiscuity?

By Chris Iliades, MD | Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH


Society puts an emphasis on sexuality — but casual sex can impact your physical and emotional health in ways that you may not suspect.


Can promiscuity threaten your longevity? The short answer is yes. Having a large number of sexual partners has been linked to poor sexual health and decreased longevity. Why? The more sexual partners you have, the greater your risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions like prostate cancer, cervical cancer, and oral cancer.


Here’s a rundown of physical risks you face from promiscuity:

  • STDs. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 19 million new STD infections occur each year. Among the most common STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, but the most common of all is the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV can infect the mouth or the genitals, and most people do not know they are infected. HPV has been linked to cervical cancer and to oral and throat cancers.
  • HIV and AIDS. Being promiscuous and having STDs both increase your susceptibility to the AIDS virus. …AIDS still killed more than 14,000 Americans in 2007.




Sexual revolution leaving diseased minds and bodies in its wake

There was a time in America when a physician had just two or three young adult patients with sexually transmitted diseases. In 2013 that number has become two or three dozen and is increasing as “hooking up” turns out to be a deadly sexual game.

The participants in the sexual revolution may be paying a price that is so high and fraught with disappointment and disease that it may turn into a continuing nightmare for those caught up in it.

Budziszewski, a professor of government and philosophy at the University of Texas and author of On the Meaning of Sex explains that humans are not designed for hooking up, that hearts and minds are designed to work together.

According to Budzisewski a recent survey commissioned by the Women’s Forum, 83 percent of college women say marriage is a very important goal for them while at the same time 40 percent of them are engaging in “hooking up” without any expectation of a lasting relationship.

In the article “Why Hooking Up is Letting You Down” he describes the dysfunctional results of the sexual revolution that started with one generation thinking of it as a game without rules and now the next generation is paying a price in disappointment as well living with life-long sexually transmitted diseases.

Budziszewki asks, “Has the time come to bury the sexual revolution and return to the commands and prohibitions contained in traditional sexual morality?”



Suffering from brain fog? It may be due to an STD

By authordeb  |  Posted March 1, 2014  |  Detroit, Michigan


Confusion, forgetfulness and even dementia can stem from herpes, hepatitis and even HIV

Are you having trouble remembering things, making decisions or having hard time concentrating? You may be suffering from cognitive decline. Although cognitive decline is associated with the aging process it can be caused by other factors such as infections like the herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2.

Just last March, a study published in Neurology found that people who had herpes simplex type 1 virus could be at greater risk for cognitive problems especially when it came to memory.

“Once acquired, herpes viruses are never cleared from the body and instead persist in a latent state. Such pathogens are, however, subject to reactivation and capable of invading the central nervous system, where they may exert direct damage to brain.”

Would you believe me if I said that cold sores, yes the ones that come from herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), HIV and even cytomegalovirus (CMV) are linked to the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

For over 20 years it has been observed that some people with the disease experience declines in cognition that impairs memory, attention, language, problem solving and decision making that can occur when HIV enters the nervous system and impacts the health of nerve cells. It is estimated that cognitive dysfunction is a major problem for an estimated 1 million Americans living with HIV.



Heart problems linked to sexually transmitted diseases

April 14, 2014

Stroke, heart valve disease and cardiovascular events can stem from STDs


The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. The most common type in the United States is coronary artery disease, which can cause heart attack, angina, heart failure, and arrhythmias. High blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease. Another factor of heart disease coming to light is sexually transmitted diseases.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus spread through body fluids that affects CD4 cells or T cells. Over time, HIV can destroy so many of these cells that the body that it is no longer able to fight infections and disease. About 50,000 new infections occur each year, with an estimated 1.2 million people already living with HIV.

Patients infected with HIV have an increased risk of developing heart disease. Past studies have looked at this association but had inconclusive results until now. John Hopkins researchers have made the association between HIV and coronary artery disease.

HIV patients may be up to three times more likely to suffer a stroke than people uninfected by the virus that causes AIDS. Over the last decade in the United States, there has been a substantial and significant rise in patients hospitalized for stroke with coexisting HIV infection…

A report released by the CDC (January 8) showed 334,826 cases of gonorrhea in 2012, a 4.1% increase form 2011. There were 15,667 cases of primary and secondary syphilis (the first two stages of syphilis) in 2012.

Cardiovascular syphilis is the most frequent basic cause of death from acquired syphilis. Cardiac syphilis is an infection of the heart and related blood vessels by the syphilis bacteria. Destruction caused by cardiovascular syphilis can be life-threatening. Complications include narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart which can cause angina, heart attack and even death. Damage to heart valves can result in heart failure. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. Almost every sexually active person will acquire HPV at some point in their lives. HPV is also linked to heart disease.

According to a study by the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, women who had tested positive for HPV were two to three times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus: the virus can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis infection, ranging in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness. Besides causing damage to the liver, Hepatitis c is a risk factor for heart disease.



Sodomy: A Public Health Risk



– Ninety-five percent or more of the AIDS infections among gay men result from receptive anal intercourse.2

– The risk of anal cancer “soars” by nearly 4,000% for men who have sex with men. The rate doubles again for those who are HIV positive. A Michigan homosexual newspaper admits there is no such thing as “safe sex” to prevent this “soaring” cancer risk.

– Homosexual men face a significantly higher risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices.4

Men who engage in sodomy are 860% more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD), increasing up to 500% their risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Men who commit acts of sodomy with men have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of STDs. Control of STDs is a central component of HIV infection prevention in the United States; resurgence of bacterial STDs threatens national HIV infection prevention efforts.5

Anal Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is nearly universal among HIV-positive homosexual or bisexual men and about 60% in HIV-negative men exhibiting the same sexual behavior.6



– Women who commit sex acts with other women face a significantly higher risk of bacterial vaginosis, breast cancer and ovarian cancer than heterosexual women.8

– The spread of Human Papilomavirus (HPV) is not prevented by condoms. The persons most susceptible to cancer associated with HPV are young women (under 20) and people who practice anal intercourse.9

– Women who engage in receptive anal sex are at a higher risk for contracting anal cancer. In fact, in the U.S. general population, anal cancer is more prevalent among women than men — between 1.5 and 2 times more common, perhaps because more women than men engage in receptive anal sex.10



Bestiality brothels are ‘spreading through Germany’ warns campaigner as abusers turn to sex with animals as ‘lifestyle choice’

Animal welfare officer Madeleine Martin problem of ‘erotic zoos’ is growing

She tells of farmer whose once friendly sheep began refusing human contact

So when he put CCTV in his barn he watched men file in and abuse his herd

By Matt Blake

Published: 11:53 EST, 1 July 2013 | Updated: 11:58 EST, 1 July 2013


Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.

Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a ‘lifestyle choice’.

‘There are now animal brothels in Germany,’ Martin told the paper, adding that people were playing down the issue by describing it as a ‘lifestyle choice’.

Last November German authorities said they were planning to reinstate an old law forbidding sex with animals after a sharp rise in incidents of bestiality along with websites promoting it.

There are even ‘erotic zoos’ which people can visit to abuse animals ranging from llamas to goats.

Hans-Michael Goldmann, chairman of the agriculture committee, said the government aimed to forbid using an animal ‘for individual sexual acts and to outlaw people ‘pimping’ creatures to others for sexual use.’

German ‘zoophile’ group ZETA has announced it will mount a legal challenge should a ban on bestiality become law.

Mere concepts of morality have no business being law,’ said ZETA chairman Michael Kiok.

The terms bestiality and zoophilia are the formal names for having sex with animals for pleasure.



Sex With Animals Linked to Penile Cancer


Jennifer Abbasi, LiveScience Contributor

Date: 07 November 2011 Time: 09:21 AM ET

Updated at 1:05 p.m. ET on Friday, Nov. 11.


For many people, bestiality is a bad joke, but for some it could be a matter of life or death, according to a new study finding that men who had sex with animals in their lifetimes were twice as likely to develop cancer of the penis as others.

Men who had sex with animals also reported a higher incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Of the 118 penile cancer patients, 45 percent reported having sex with animals, compared with 32 percent of healthy men, who visited the medical centers for benign conditions, check-ups or cancer prevention. Fifty-nine percent of men who had sex with animals did so for one to five years, while 21 percent continued the behavior, also known as zoophilia, for more than five years. The subjects reported a variety of frequencies for their sex acts, ranging from monthly to daily.

“We think that the intense and long-term SWA practice could produce micro-traumas in the human penile tissue,” Zequi said. “The genital mucus membranes of animals … have different characteristics from human genitalia, and the animals’ secretions are … different from human fluids. … non-human secretions would be toxic for us,” he explained.



The previous articles show the work of scientists in this generation. Their discoveries were made in the same generation–the last generation–of the prophesied increase in knowledge which produced the computer that has given mankind the ability to increase and store vast amounts of knowledge. The computer has allowed mankind almost instant access to the combined research on any subject. Notice the Prophecy for this generation.

Daniyl 12:1, 4

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


This time of trouble includes sickness and disease epidemics. To get the full understanding of this most accurate Prophecy, we must couple it with the Savior’s Prophecy for this same time period, where it actually means Last Generation. Daniyl 12:1 reveals it’s the greatest time of trouble ever. Now read the Savior’s Words.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.


Verse 21 gives us the same information as Daniyl…the greatest time of trouble ever.

Daniyl 12:4

But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


Notice the phrase time of The End.

Mattithyah 24:3

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?


Notice the phrase The End. Now read:

Mattithyah 24:33-34

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


In verse 34 notice the phrase that generation, and what takes place in that generation.

Daniyl 12:4

…knowledge will be increased.


This should prove to anyone that the Inspired Prophecies, written by Yahweh’s Prophets who were sent by Yahweh, are 100% accurate and can be trusted as future Instruction for us today.


Long Before the Increase of Knowledge


The start of the prophesied increase in knowledge was in 1934.


The Evolution of the Modern Computer. An Open Source Graphical History (1934 to 1950)

This is the home of the Computer Evolution File. This file attempts to provide a comprehensive graphical representation of the evolution of the modern computer for the period 1934 to 1950.


The Evolution of the Modern Computer (1934 to 1950): An Open Source Graphical History

For the record. I believe that The Manchester Mk I Prototype was the first Computer in a modern sense. But the text file is not intended to prove this or any other machine was first. It is only intended to record the known dates and influences for computing machines designed between 1934 and 1950. I Believe that the graph is complex enough to support many interpretations.



With this knowledge, computerized equipment was produced that allowed the scientific world to see microorganisms that make up all things, including our bodies, which function through the work of the micro-kingdoms that operate every organ in your body, like your eyes, ears, lungs, etc. Only in this generation is mankind capable of seeing these kingdoms at work. Mankind can somewhat tell what these kingdoms do in each organ to keep that organ functioning. Remember, this knowledge only came to man in this generation.

Years before this increase in knowledge, Yahweh gave Laws to mankind showing that certain things could, and would, enter the body of kingdoms and start warring against those kingdoms. Yahweh said these things will defile the body if you engage in those activities that would allow them to enter your body. Don’t defile yourself with these things, Yahweh said. Read in your own bible or read the copy below from The Book of Yahweh.

Leviticus 18:19-30

19 Also, you shall not have sexual relations with a woman during the uncleanness of her monthly period; niddah, nor during any similar uncleanness; zavah.

20 Moreover, you shall not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself, along with her.

21 You shall not give any of your children to be passed through the fire, to sacrifice them to Molech. You shall not profane the Name of Yahweh by giving your children to gods (elohim). I am Yahweh.

22 You shall not have sexual relations with a man, as with a woman. It is an abomination.

23 Neither shall you have sexual relations with any animal and defile yourself, along with it; neither shall any woman present herself to have sexual relations with an animal. It is confusion and perversion.

24 Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, for this is how the nations who are going to be driven out before you became defiled:

25 For the world is defiled because they have given themselves over to sin; and the land itself vomits out her inhabitants.

26 You shall therefore keep My Statutes and My Judgments, and you must not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation nor any of the strangers that sojourn among you__

27 (For all these abominations have the people of the land done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled; unholy)__

28Or the land will vomit you out, if you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.

29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, the person who commits them shall be cut off from among his people.

30 Therefore you shall keep My Ordinance, and commit none of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that you do not defile yourselves with them. I am Yahweh your Father.

Leviticus 11:4-8

4 Nevertheless, there are some that only chew the cud, or only have a split hoof, you must not eat these: the camel, because it chews the cud, but does not have a split hoof, it is unclean to you.

5 The coney, or rock badger, because it chews the cud, but does not have a split hoof, it is unclean to you;

6 The rabbit, because it chews the cud, but does not have a split hoof, it is unclean to you;

7 And the pig, although it has a split hoof completely divided, yet it does not chew the cud; it is unclean to you.

8 Their meat you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you.


Did you notice these things are unclean to you? Unclean means something that can cause sickness or disease (abomination). If you touch the dead carcass of an unclean animal, this uncleanness, something that is not visible by the naked eye, can transfer to you. Until instruments were manufactured in this Last Generation, it was impossible to see these microorganisms. This proves this writing was inspired by a High Power, a Supreme Being, Who knows about these microorganisms and can see them without a microscope.

The Book of Leviticus was not written until round 1490 BCE. Add to that date 1934, the start of the generation when knowledge was increased, and you have 3,424 years before the increase in knowledge when the electric microscope was made possible to view the microorganisms found in and on swine. At death, these microorganisms begin leaving the body of the pig, looking for a new host. They can enter a person’s body and start causing the abominations; that is, sickness and disease, we were warned about.

The same is true of STDs that are created by mankind through forbidden sexual acts shown to us in Leviticus Chapter 18. Sodomy, bestiality, fornication, adultery and homosexuality create and mutate STDs that were discovered in this generation due to the prophesied increase in knowledge shown in Daniyl.

Daniyl 12:1, 4

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


No person can foretell the future. Yet, the Prophecies in Daniyl 12 and Mattithyah 24 stand as absolute proof that these Prophecies were inspired by a Power much more Superior than mankind.

The diseases in this generation were caused by performing sexual acts that we were warned against by Yahweh’s Prophets. They had nothing but the Inspiration of Yahweh as their source of knowledge.


Our Forefathers


Yahweh warned, as is written in your bible, that you must teach these Laws to your children to keep them safe and to guide them all the days of their lives. What was so then is also so now. STDs are caused by breaking these Laws. STDs cause confusion of the mind. They cause heartache, pain and discomfort in the body, disruption of family life, murder, suicide, hatred, anger, fighting, war, and so many other maladies and life-altering scenarios. It’s difficult to absorb all of the misery that breaking Yahweh’s Laws causes. Yes, STDs are linked to all of these diseases, but there would not be STDs if Yahweh’s Laws had been practiced.  Therefore, the breaking of Yahweh’s Laws is the cause. Notice:

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.


Verse 5 shows that the earth and the people are defiled because they all practice breaking Yahweh’s Laws, and the defilement is getting worse each day.

Mattithyah 24:21-22, 29, 33-34

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


Yahweh showed us in Genesis Chapter 4 the trouble a confused, rebellious mind can cause in the example of the great sinner Cain who killed his own brother.

Genesis 4:6-8, 11, 14

6 So Yahweh said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you downcast?

7 If you do Righteousness, will you not be acceptable? And if you do not do Righteousness, sin is crouching at your door. The desire to sin is with you, but you must overcome it!

8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were spread abroad, that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.

11 So now, you are cursed from the earth which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.

14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall not be seen by Your Face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


All the world in this generation has gone the way of Cain. They are suffering the same sickness and confusion that cause people to harm themselves and others. Compare what is taking place in the world today with the vengeance and retaliation today.

Yahdah 1:11

Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for reward, and have perished in the rebellion of Korah!

Genesis 4:6-8

6 So Yahweh said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you downcast?

7 If you do Righteousness, will you not be acceptable? And if you do not do Righteousness, sin is crouching at your door. The desire to sin is with you, but you must overcome it!

8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were spread abroad, that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.

Genesis 4:14

Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall not be seen by Your Face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


The whole world is in a crisis today and getting ready to go into nuclear wars because they have not been taught the way to health and peace.


The Only Way to Peace


The only way to stop or keep your children from taking drugs is through character education. We are all commanded to teach it.

Deuteronomy 6:1, 6, 25

1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

6 And these Laws which I command you this day must be in your heart;

25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.


Our Righteousness? Yes!

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


There is a reason for the children getting hooked on drugs and killing themselves or others. It’s the same reason there are forty-one wars raging today and nuclear wars prophesied. Yet, you are invited to come to church before you go to war or before you kill yourself or before you start using drugs as if the preachers who teach war have some contact with the Power to save. Read:

Isayah 59:1-8

1Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for Justice, nor does any plead for Truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of Peace, and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know Peace.


Yahshua Messiah’s Words? Yes!

Mattithyah 19:17

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


Robin Williams got caught up in this money-making rat race, of which and for which all nations stand. It got so depressing, he couldn’t stand it any longer. This rat race, that your bible warns you against, brings sickness, disease, confusion, and destruction. Read this!

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His Ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.

19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Therefore choose Life, so both you and your children may live.


The Way Out!


This is given also in:

Deuteronomy 6:7

And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.


Did you see the word diligently?

Proverbs 20:11-12

11 Even a child is known by his actions; whether his work is pure, and whether it is right.

12 The ear that hears, and the eye that sees—Yahweh has made both of them.

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 29:15-18

15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction will drive it far from him.

16 He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he who gives to the rich__both will surely come to want.

17 Incline your ear, and listen to the words of the wise, then apply your mind to my knowledge;

18 For it will be a delight to cherish them in your mind, and have all of them ready on your lips.


In verse 15, we see the rod of correction is the Staff or Scepter of Righteousness that the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, as High Priest over The House of Yahweh, is now teaching along with this warning.

Hebrews 1:1-4

1Yahweh, Who at various times and in different ways spoke in times past to our fathers through the Prophets,

2 Has in these Last Days spoken to us through His Son, Whom He has appointed Heir of all things, for Whom He also made the world;

3 Who, being the reflection of the Perfection of Yahweh, and the Representation of Yahweh’s Plan, by upholding all things concerning that which was spoken by Yahweh through the Laws and the Prophets, when He had purged sins, sat down on the Right Hand of Yahweh on high,

4 Becoming so much better than the Malakim, He has, by inheritance, obtained a more excellent Name than they.

Hebrews 10:21, 16

21 And having a High Priest over The House of Yahweh:

16 This is the Covenant that I will renew with them after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My Laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them.


Children are not left to themselves today; they are left to hollywood, which teaches them sodomy, fornication, adultery, bestiality, homosexuality, and of course, drug use. These things are also taught in schools and many churches, and they are supported by the ‘supreme’ court and all churches.

All parents should first repent, and then peacefully start demanding that these things change. You would be surprised at what a difference this would make in this generation and your own life.

Isayah 59:1-2

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.

I Yahchanan 3:22

And whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His Laws and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

Revelation 22:12-16

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of Gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.

16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Messenger to testify to you these things in the congregations of The House of Yahweh. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


I will be given authority to resurrect Robin Williams one day soon. It is Yahweh’s Will that he be taught these Wonderful Laws that all the world rejects today. These Laws create love between people, as well as healthy minds and bodies.

II Yahchanan 1:5-6

5 But now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote any new Laws to you, but that which we had from the beginning: That we love one another—

6 And this is love: That we walk after His Laws. Those are the Laws, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in them.


What caused Robin Williams to take his own life is the same thing that’s causing forty-one wars in the nations today. Read it for yourself in your own bible and know for sure this was prophesied for this generation.

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.


All religions today stand guilty before Yahweh, for they were warned of what they are causing. Now is the time to repent and be converted. Call, write or email us; we can help and we desire to do so.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Love, True Love


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com


Surely We Can See Wars

Yahweh’s Prophecies are 100% True. Every plague is shown in so many details. Why is the whole world pushing forward actions that will bring the nuclear burning of the whole earth and the murder of four-fifths of the earth’s population?


Bible Prophecies Show the Answers


It’s not surprising that the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, said only fools would be slow to believe all that the Prophets of Yahweh have spoken. Follow the Scriptures in your bible and you will see what I mean. Yahweh’s Prophet Daniyl actually spoke of this present generation of nuclear knowledge. When you couple his words with Yahshua Messiah’s Words, you see, without a doubt, that we are in the last part of the Last Generation given to mankind by the Creator Yahweh to prove that the activities of rebellion, chosen by mankind, against Yahweh’s Laws of health, joy, and peace, will lead to nuclear burning.


YES! Nuclear Burning

Nuclear Cloud










Yahweh’s Prophet Isayah showed the end and the cause. Daniyl shows the how and the time period. The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, showed the generation, hatred, deception, mankind’s health condition of confused minds, and the world’s condition of mourning and fading away, plus the nuclear possibilities. These combined Prophecies altogether show that the coming months will not be pleasant, and few people will live through what is rapidly coming.


Yahweh’s Prophecies


Yahweh gave the scenario of following His Way versus following the way of evil that mankind has chosen for 6,000 years. Notice:

Genesis 3:1-5

1 Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh had made. And she said to the woman; Has Yahweh indeed said: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said: You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.

4 And the serpent said to the woman; You will not surely die.

5 For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Did you catch what was said here…evil like the Gods? Now, Cain, the son of Eve and Adam is an example of being evil like the Gods.

Genesis 4:6-8, 11, 14

6 So Yahweh said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you downcast?

7 If you do Righteousness, will you not be acceptable? And if you do not do Righteousness, sin is crouching at your door. The desire to sin is with you, but you must overcome it!

8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were spread abroad, that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.

11 So now, you are cursed from the earth which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.

14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall not be seen by Your Face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


Notice in verse 6, angry. Compare:

Revelation 11:18

And the nations were angry

Mattithyah 24:7

For nation will rise against nation…

Genesis 4:14

…for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


In Genesis 4:7, Yahweh said, “If you do Righteousness…” Couple that with:

Deuteronomy 6:25

And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

Deuteronomy 28:1-14

1 And it will be, if you will listen diligently to the Voice of Yahweh your Father, by observing and doing all His Laws which I command you this day, that Yahweh your Father will set you high above all the nations on earth as His kings and priests.

2 And all these blessings will come upon you, and accompany you, because you obey Yahweh your Father:

3 Blessed will you be in the city, and blessed will you be in the country.

4 Blessed will be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground, and the young of your livestock: the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

5 Blessed will be your basket and your storehouse.

6 Blessed will you be when you come in, and blessed will you be when you go out.

7 Yahweh will cause your enemies, who rise up against you, to be defeated in front of you; they will come out against you from one direction, but flee from you in seven directions.

8 Yahweh will send a blessing on your barns and storehouses, and in everything you set your hand to do. Yahweh will bless you in the land which Yahweh your Father is giving you.

9 Yahweh will establish you as His Holy People unto Himself, as He promised you on oath, if you will keep the Laws of Yahweh your Father, and walk in all His ways.

10 Then all the people on the earth will see that you are called by the Name of Yahweh, and they will reverence you.

11 Yahweh will grant you plenteous possessions—in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground—in the land Yahweh vowed on oath to your forefathers to give you.

12 Yahweh will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bountiful treasure, to send rain upon your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will borrow from none.

13 Yahweh will make you the head, and not the tail. You will be at the top only, and never be at the bottom, if you will pay attention to the Laws of Yahweh your Father, which I command you this day, and are then careful to observe and do them.

14 For if you diligently observe and do all of Yahweh’s Law, then you will not turn aside from any of the Laws which I command you this day, to the right hand nor to the left; by going after any God (el) to serve it.


These blessings are received by practicing the Righteousness of Yahweh. But notice what is said in verse 14, going after any God to serve. Remember, evil like the Gods. Genesis 3:5 says you will be as Gods, knowing evil. Following, practicing, or knowing evil brings curses…the curses we see in abundance in this present generation.


Reflections on the deaths that haunted us this week

July 18, 2014, 6:54 PM|


There are 41 wars being fought around the world right now. But this week, one of those wars reached into the sky and grabbed 298 people who could have been any of us. Scott Pelley reports.


There are 41 wars being fought around the world right now. Most of us are busy and we race through our weeks without paying a great deal of attention, but yesterday this week stopped, because one of those wars reached into the sky and grabbed 298 people who could have been any of us.

12CBS’ Scott Pelley, commenting on our shared humanity, after the missile attack of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.


Wars in the World

Daily News on Wars in the World and on New States


AFRICA: (25 Countries and 152 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), Democrati Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (popular uprising against Government), Mali (war against tuareg and islamist militants), Nigeria (war against islamist militants), Somalia (war against islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups), South Sudan (civil war)


ASIA: (15 Countries and 128 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Afghanistan (war against islamist militants), Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel groups), Pakistan (war against islamist militants), Philippines (war against islamist militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014)


EUROPE: (9 Countries and 71 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Chechnya (war against islamist militants), Dagestan (war against islamist militants), Ukraine (Secession of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic)


MIDDLE EAST: (8 Countries and 172 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Iraq (war against islamist militants), Israel (war against islamist militants in Gaza Strip), Syria (civil war), Yemen (war against and between islamist militants)


AMERICAS: (5 Countries and 25 between drug cartels, militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved)

Hot Spots: Colombia (war against rebel groups), Mexico (war against narcotraffic groups)


TOTAL: Number of Countries involved in wars 62; Number Militias-guerrillas and separatist groups involved 549

Journalism under fire



In the very beginning, Yahweh prophesied to Cain that there would be continual war by not practicing Righteousness.

Genesis 4:14

…for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


Afterwards, one of Yahshua’s Disciples, Yahdah (Jude in the KJV), around 66 ACE said:

Yahdah 1:11

Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for reward, and have perished in the rebellion of Korah!


The Way of Cain?


The way of Cain is seen in Genesis 4:7; not practicing Righteousness but instead practicing sin. Genesis 4:7 shows that sin and the desire to sin can be overcome by practicing Righteousness and not letting religions of Satan deceive you.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


To that, Yahshua added a Prophecy that was given to Him by Yahweh to show us, today, that Satan deceives the whole world.

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. She was cast out into the earth, and her angels were cast out with her.



It is possible to let no man deceive you by strictly following the Inspired Writings of Yahweh’s Prophets, Apostles, and the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, who were all in unity with Yahweh. Notice Yahshua’s Words.

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Yahweh’s Prophets, Apostles, and Yahshua all said, to receive Life, practice Yahweh’s Laws. But evil God worshippers like Satan say, No!, sin is the desirable thing. Why are all nations and their religions practicing sin today? They choose to be deceived instead of choosing to practice Yahweh’s Righteousness. As a result, there are forty-one wars at this time. Nuclear war will soon come, for the same reason.


Prophecy of The End


The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, gave many details for us in this Last Generation that coincides with Prophecies given by Yahweh’s Prophet Daniyl. Both Daniyl and Yahshua saw things alike, yet, they lived over 500 years apart. Daniyl spoke of a time when there would be the greatest time of trouble ever and, at that time, there would be deliverance. Notice carefully:

Daniyl 12:1-10

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.

5 Then I, Daniyl, looked; and behold, there stood two others, one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

6 And said to the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching: How long will it be to the end of these wonders?

7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and vowed by Him Who lives forever, that: It will be for a time, times, and a half, when Yahweh will have accomplished pouring out His Power through His Holy People, all  these things will be finished.

8 So I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said; O my ruler, what will be the end of these things?

9 But he said: Go your way, Daniyl, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of The End.

10 Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.


Verse 1…there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. Compare with Yahshua’s Words.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.


From this we see that Daniyl and Yahshua were prophesying about the same time of trouble. Yahshua Messiah goes on to show this to take place in the Last Generation, in which the evil of the Gods prevails. Remember, the whole world will be evil like the Gods.

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Couple that with:

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.

19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Therefore choose Life, so both you and your children may live.


Take a close look at verse 17…submit to Gods; become like the Gods, knowing and practicing evil. Also verse 18, I declare to you this day that you will surely perish.

I Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor God worshippers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men.


The unrighteous? Notice in the same verse, God worshippers. Remember Genesis 3:5, evil like the Gods. By the Apostle Shaul’s writings, we know that the Gods practice all of the evils that the Apostle mentioned in I Corinthians 6:9. No doubt, the religions today are following the Gods instead of Yahweh, the Creator. Revelation 12:9 shows that Satan deceives the whole world to be like the Gods, like Cain, knowing and practicing evil like the Gods.

I Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor God worshippers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men.


Remember, you will perish if you are evil like the Gods.

Deuteronomy 30:17-18

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.


Yahshua’s Words were:

Luke 13:5

…unless you repent, you will all likewise perish!

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


I Corinthians 6:9…the unrighteous?




I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


The Unrighteous, Those Evil Like the Gods Will Perish


Let’s go back to Yahweh’s Prophet Daniyl. In Daniyl 12:1, he refers to the greatest time of trouble ever.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.


The time when knowledge would be increased.

Daniyl 12:4

But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


The time of nuclear burning.

Mattithyah 24:29

Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.


Compare: all the wicked will burn themselves up in this nuclear burning.

Malakyah 4:1

For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Father Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.


You just read how the evil of the Gods will end. Remember, continual wars.

Genesis 4:14

…for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.

Deuteronomy 28:15-24

15 However, if you do not obey Yahweh your Father, and do not carefully follow all His Laws and His statutes, which I command you this day, then all these curses will come upon you, and accompany you:

16 Cursed will you be in the city, and cursed will you be in the country.

17 Cursed will be your basket and your storehouse.

18 Cursed will be the fruit of your body, the produce of your land, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks.

19 Cursed will you be when you come in, and cursed will you be when you go out.

20 Because of the wickedness you have done in forsaking Me, it will come to pass that you will have given yourselves over to curses, confusion, and rebuke, in everything you put your hand to do, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin.

21 It will come to pass that you will cause the plagues to cling to you, until you are destroyed from the land you are entering to possess.

22 It will come to pass that you will cause yourselves to be struck with  consumption, with a fever, with an inflammation, with scorching heat, with the sword, with blasting, and with mildew; they will stay with you, until you perish.

23 And the heaven that is over your heads shall be brass, and the earth under you shall be iron.

24 It will come to pass that you will cause the rain of your land to become powder and dust: from heaven it shall come down upon you, until you are destroyed.


All nations are suffering these plagues in this generation. The word sword in verse 22 shows wars. Remember, there would be continual wars. But in this Last Generation, we see wars with blasting. Remember, this blasting from bombs, specifically the nuclear bomb, were not invented until this present generation, of which the Savior said:

Mattithyah 24:29, 32-34

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


The following article, an essay from Discover magazine, February 1984, deals directly with the consequences of Nuclear War.


Dr. Thomas was one of the four American scientists who, at the invitation of Senators Edward Kennedy and Mark Hatfield, met in Washington in December for a three-hour open discussion with four Soviet counterparts. The subject of their discussion: the nuclear winter (discover, January).

Two scientific reports have recently been published, dealing with the probable effects of nuclear war upon the earth’s climate and the life of the planet. The first discovery is already widely known within the scientific community of climatologists, geophysicists, and biologists here and abroad, and has been confirmed in detail by scientists in the Soviet Union. Computer models demonstrate that a nuclear war involving the exchange of less than one third of the total American and Soviet arsenal will change the climate of the entire Northern Hemisphere, shifting it abruptly from its present seasonal state to a long, sunless, frozen night. This will be followed after some months by a settling of nuclear soot and dust, then by a new malignant kind of sunlight, with all of its ultraviolet band, capable of blinding most terrestrial animals, no longer shielded from the earth by the ozonosphere. In the same research, new calculations of the extent and intensity of radioactive fallout predict the exposure of large land areas to much more intense levels of radiation than expected. The report is referred to as TTAPS, an acronym derived from the investigators’ names: Turco,  Toon, Ackerman, Pollack, and Sagan.

    The second piece of work, by Paul Ehrlich and 19 other distinguished biologists, demonstrates that the predictions of TTAPS mean nothing less than the extinction of much of the earth’s biosphere, very possibly involving the Southern Hemisphere as well as the Northern.

    Taken together, the two papers change everything in the world about the prospect of thermonuclear warfare. They have already received a careful and critical review by scientists representing the disciplines concerned, here and abroad, and there already appears to be an unprecedented degree of concurrence with the technical details as well as the conclusions drawn. In the view of some referees, the TTAPS report may even be understating the climatological damage implied by its data. The 20 biologists’ paper, summarized by Professor Ehrlich, represents the consensus arrived at by 40 biological scientists at a meeting in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, last spring.

            It is a new world, demanding a new kind of diplomacy and a new logic.

    Up to now, the international community of statesmen, diplomats, and military analysts has tended to regard the prospect of nuclear war as a problem only for the adversaries in possession of the weapons. Arms control and the endless negotiations aimed at the reduction of nuclear explosives have been viewed as the responsibility, even the prerogative, of those few nations in actual confrontation. Now all that is changed. There is no nation on earth free of the jeopardy of destruction if any two countries, or groups of countries, embark upon a nuclear exchange. If the Soviet Union and the United States, and their respective allies in the Warsaw Pact and NATO, begin to launch their missiles beyond a still undetermined and ambiguous minimum, neutral states like Sweden and Switzerland are in for the same long-term effects, the same slow death, as the actual participants. Australia and New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa, could have as much to worry about as West Germany if a full-scale exchange were to take place far to the north.

    Up to now, we have all tended to regard any conflict with nuclear arms as an effort by paired adversaries to settle such issues as territorial dominance or ideological dispute. Now, with the new findings before us, it is clear that any territory gained will be, at the end, a barren wasteland, and any ideology will vanish in the death of civilization and the permanent loss of mankind’s memory of culture.

    The risks of this kind of war have conventionally been calculated by the numbers of dead human beings on either side at the end of the battle, armies and noncombatants together. The terms “acceptable” and “unacceptable,” signifying so-and-so many million human casualties, have been used for making cool judgments about the need for new and more accurate weapon systems. From now on, things are different. Leave aside the already taken for granted estimate that in an all-out exchange of, say, 5,000 megatons, something like a billion people would be killed outright by blast, heat, and radiation. Set aside as well the likely fact that more than another billion would die later on, from the delayed effects of the climate and radioactive fallout.


In This Generation


In Mattithyah 29:33, Yahshua said “when you see these things”. Think of this. Wow! What a wonderful Prophecy. In this time period, Daniyl said that knowledge would be increased. It was in the beginning of this generation when the computer was invented, and the nuclear bomb that will darken the sun came from this increase of knowledge. All of this took place in this present, prophesied generation. Yahshua said, “when you see these things”. We can see all of these things at this time, in this generation.


The Time of a Prophesied Work of Warning


This generation shown in Mattithyah 24:34 is referred to as the Last Days. The Last Days is the Last Generation when the evil of God worship, which is the cause of all that the world has suffered for 6,000 years, and the wicked who will not repent for practicing and teaching it will perish.

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.

Deuteronomy 30:15-18

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.


Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 18:4, 20-28

4 Behold, all souls are Mine. Just as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is Mine; the soul that sins, it will die.

20 The soul that sins, it will die. The son will not bear the iniquity of the father, nor will the father bear the iniquity of the son. The Righteousness of the Righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.

21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he has committed, and keep all My Statutes, and do that which is Lawful and right, then he will surely live; he will not die.

22 And his transgressions that he has committed will not be mentioned against him; in his Righteousness that he has done, he will live.

23 Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? says Father Yahweh: No, but rather that he would turn back from his wicked ways, and live.

24 But when the Righteous turns away from his Righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does—should he live? All his Righteousness that he has done will not be mentioned in his behalf. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he will die.

25 Yet you say; The Way of Yahweh is not equal. Hear now, O house of Israyl: Is not My Way equal? Are not your ways unequal?

26 When a Righteous man turns away from his Righteousness, and commits iniquity and dies, it is because of the iniquity he has done, that he will die.

27 Again, when the wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has committed, and does that which is Lawful and right, he will save himself, and live.

28 Because he considered, and turned away from all his transgressions that he has committed, he will surely live; he will not die.

Luke 13:3

I tell you, No! But unless you repent you will all likewise perish!

Revelation 20:11-15

11 And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face the powers of the earth and the powers of the heavens, including the Gods (elohim), were driven away; for the verdict was reached that there is no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before Yahweh. And the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is The Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and sheol; the grave, delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every man, according to his works.

14 And death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whoever was not found written in The Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Malakyah 4:1

For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Father Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.


This is not a punishment from Yahweh. It’s a warning showing what the religious practices are bringing. The religions are leading the nations to destruction. Yahweh is warning them, and you, to repent and be converted. Yahweh also shows that  the God worshippers who are bringing this evil curse of nuclear war will not repent of their evil.


Notice the Warning


Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


You have no right to the Tree of Life unless you repent and convert to practicing Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Love, Health and Eternal Life. At the time of this great perishing, protection will actually be given to those who repent, convert, and learn to reverence the Name of Yahweh and practice the Laws of Yahweh. Notice:

Malakyah 4:1-4

1 For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Father Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.

2 But for you who reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.

3 And the wicked will be trodden down; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that this will be done, says Yahweh our Father.

4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My Servant, which I commanded through him in Horeb for all Israyl, with the Statutes and Judgments.


Verse 1 shows us that the fire with which they destroy themselves leaves them neither root nor branch. There will be no resurrection for them. Verse 2 shows that those who reverence the Name of Yahweh, the Creator, will have extreme joy. They will be given great Authority to rule as Yahweh rules.

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Psalm 8:4-5, 9

4 What is man that You are mindful of him? And the son of man, that You visit him?

5 For You have made him a little lower than the malakim, but You will crown him with glory and honor.

9 How excellent is Your Great Name in all the earth, Yahweh, our Father!

Romans 8:19

For the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the revealing of the sons of Yahweh.


These sons of Yahweh will bring peace to the universe and assure…sin never again and war no more. Read on.


The Beginning of their Rule


The system that leads the earth in the evil of the Gods today is referred to as the fourth beast, which proves to be the fourth world-ruling kingdom known as the ‘holy’ roman empire. The word holy here does not mean Righteous, Righteousness is practicing Yahweh’s Laws, which they do not do. It’s a pretense of this religion of sodomites.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


This roman empire, led by the catholic church, sent Titus, the general of their roman army, to destroy the temple that was originally called The House of Yahweh. Titus moved all of the temple artifacts to Rome. Even the stones of the temple were removed and the hill, referred to as Mt. Zion, was plowed like a field. From the vatican on the seven hills of Rome, the fourth beast still leads the world under the name catholic, meaning universal, which means they worship all Gods. But this woman (catholic church) that sits upon the beast is prophesied to be burned in the great nuclear burning that is soon to take place in this last part of this present, prophesied generation.


She’s Called the Great Whore


Revelation 17:1-7, 9, 18

1 And there came one of the seven malakim who had the seven bowls, and talked with me, saying to me: Come, I will show you the sentence of the great whore that sits upon many waters,

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; practiced idolatry: God worship (the worship of elohim), and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the midst of God worshippers (worshipers of elohim); and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold, and pre­cious stones, and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

5 And upon her head was a name written: Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth.

6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua. And when I saw her, I wondered with great astonishment.

7 And the malak said to me: Why are you astonished? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns.

9 And here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

18 And the woman whom you saw, is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.


Seven hills of Rome.

Revelation 18:1-10

1 And after these things I saw another Malak come down from heaven, having Great Authority; and the earth was enlightened with His Glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues,

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!

6 Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works! In the cup which she has mixed, mix for her double!

7 In the measure that she glorified herself, and lived luxuriously, so in that measure give her torment and sorrow! For she says in her heart: I sit a queen, and am no widow, and will see no sorrow.

8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day—death, and mourning, and famine; and she will be utterly burned with fire; for strong is Father Yahweh Who judges her.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her, will wail over her, and lament for her, when they will see the smoke of her burning

10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying: Alas! Alas! That great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your Judgment has come!


The Prophet Daniyl was inspired by Yahweh to show us who will take over after the nuclear destruction to bring Eternal Peace. Notice, the destruction comes with the increase of knowledge, starting in 1934, that leads to the greatest time of trouble ever.

Daniyl 12:1, 4

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


For details concerning this Prophecy, we recommend our book, The Mark of the Beast. There are many Prophecies detailed in this book about the mark of the beast which the whole world has upon it as this time. You need to know what this mark is.

The Prophet Daniyl shows the great time of trouble for this generation in Daniyl 12. The end of the evil God worshippers is shown in:

Daniyl 7:7-11

7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and exceedingly strong; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, then trampled the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

8 I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots; and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

9 I beheld until the thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of days did sit, Whose vesture was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool; His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire.

10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him; thousand thousands ministered to Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him; the Judgment was set, and the books were opened.

11 I beheld, then, because of the voice of the great words which the horn spoke; I beheld until the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.


Verse 11 shows this whole system is involved in ruling the world by force, ultimately resulting in a great nuclear burning. The Prophecy shown in Revelation 18:9 is the same burning shown in Daniyl 7:11, Daniyl 12:1, and Mattithyah 24:29. This nuclear burning will leave only a few alive.

Isayah 24:1-6

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.


Those few have protection; otherwise, they would not survive. This shows just how widespread the destruction will be. Please remember the warning and what Yahweh sets before mankind, then says ‘choose’.

Deuteronomy 30:15

See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—

Genesis 2:9, 17

9 And out of the ground Yahweh made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, and desirable for food. The Tree of Life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of Righteousness and evil was in the midst also.

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of Righteousness and evil you must not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die.


Again, in this Last Generation all nations are warned.

Mattithyah 24:14

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.


Notice the protection for the few left in Yahshua’s Words.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.


In verse 22, we see this is for the Elect’s sake. These Elect are called Saints by Daniyl, in this Last Generation.

Daniyl 7:12-14

12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their governments taken away; yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.

13 I saw in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they were brought together before Him.

14 And there was given Him ruling Authority, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should obey Him; His Government is an Everlasting Government, which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.


Couple that with:

Daniyl 7:26-27

26 But the Judgment will sit, and they will take away his government, to consume and to destroy it completely.

27 Then the kingdoms and governments, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, will be given to the people of the Saints of Yahweh, Whose Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and all governments will serve and obey Him.




Notice the Words from the mouth of Yahshua Messiah. These Words were given to Him by Yahweh to give to us in this Last Generation. A Saint is one who keeps the  Commandments (whole Law) of Yahweh.

Revelation 14:12, KJV

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Revelation 14:12, BOY

In this manner are the Saints purified—by keeping the Laws of Yahweh, in conformity with the faith, as Yahshua Messiah.

Revelation 12:17, KJV

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.


Those who keep the Commandments of Yahweh and have the Testimony of Yahshua Messiah are the Saints of Yahweh.


Remember, the fourth beast that sits on seven hills removed the Names Yahweh and Yahshua from the Inspired Writings of the Prophets and Apostles and replace them with the titles of men and evil Gods. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we find the following:



203 God revealed himself to his people Israel by making his name known to them. A name expresses a person’s essence and identity and the meaning of this person’s life. God has a name; he is not an anonymous force. To disclose one’s name is to make oneself known to others; in a way it is to hand oneself over by becoming accessible, capable of being known more intimately and addressed personally.


206 In revealing his mysterious name, YHWH (“I AM HE WHO IS”, “I AM WHO AM” or “I AM WHO I AM”), God says who he is and by what name he is to be called.


209 Out of respect for the holiness of God, the people of Israel do not pronounce his name. In the reading of Sacred Scripture, the revealed name (YHWH) is replaced by the divine title “LORD” (in Hebrew Adonai, in Greek Kyrios). It is under this title that the divinity of Jesus will be acclaimed: “Jesus is LORD.”



446 In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the ineffable Hebrew name YHWH, by which God revealed himself to Moses,59 is rendered as Kyrios, “Lord”. From then on, “Lord” becomes the more usual name by which to indicate the divinity of Israel’s God. The New Testament uses this full sense of the title “Lordboth for the Father and – what is new – for Jesus [Yahshua], who is thereby recognized as God Himself.60


This Prophecy is given in:

Daniyl 7:25

And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the Saints of Yahweh, and think to change times; Yahweh’s Feast Days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.


The army of the so-called ‘holy’ roman empire is seen in:


Daniyl 7:7

After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and exceedingly strong; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, then trampled the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

Daniyl 11:31

And the army will stand on his part, and they will pollute the sanctuary of strength, and will take away the daily, and they will place the Lord of heaven.


They made war against those who kept Yahweh’s Laws, the Saints.

Daniyl 7:25

And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the Saints of Yahweh, and think to change times; Yahweh’s Feast Days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.


Yahweh gave this into his hands. Yes, Yahweh allowed the roman catholic church to take Righteousness from the earth and to make war against and change Yahweh’s Laws. Just one example out of hundreds is the Seventh Day Sabbath. Did you know that Sunday is not the Seventh Day Sabbath, which the Fourth Commandment says to keep Holy?

Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remember the Sabbath  Day, to keep it Holy.

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. Therefore, in it you shall do the Work of Yahweh: you, and your wife, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and your cattle, and the stranger who dwells within your gates.

11 For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that are in them; and ceased from this work on the Seventh Day. Therefore, Yahweh  blessed the Sabbath Day, and did Righteous works on it.


The Commandment says to remember the Seventh Day to keep it Holy. Sunday is not the Seventh Day. It’s the first day of the week. This was changed by Pope Constantine, who instituted the death penalty on all Seventh Day Sabbath keepers.

Daniyl 7:25

And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the Saints of Yahweh, and think to change times; Yahweh’s Feast Days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.


Regardless, there still remains the keeping of the Seventh Day Sabbath for the People of Yahweh.


Hebrews 4:1-11

1 Therefore, since a promise of entering His Rest remains, let us be faithful so that none of you should come short of it.

2 For this Message was preached to us, as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not benefit them, because they did not share in the Faith of those who obeyed__

3 However, we who have believed do enter that Rest, as He has said: So I vowed in My judgment; They will not enter into My Rest, although the works were finished from the foundation of the world,

4 For He spoke in a certain place of the Seventh Day, in this way: And Yahweh rested the Seventh Day from all His works.

5 And in this place again: If they will enter into My Rest.

6 Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience,

7 Again, He designates a certain day, saying in David: ‘‘Today,’’ after so long a time, as it has been said: Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.

8 Now Yahshua caused them to Rest in obedience to the Law, spoken of by Yahweh in a day previously.

9 Therefore, there remains the keeping of the Sabbath to the People of Yahweh,

10 For he who has entered into His Rest has also ceased from his own works, as Yahweh did from His.

11 Therefore, let us be zealous to enter into that Rest, so that no one may fall after the same example of unbelief.


Yahweh Does Not Force Rule


Yahweh gives mankind free moral agency; that is, free choice. He sets before all mankind the Tree of Life, the House of Yahweh, that contains The Book of Yahweh, (Isayah 34:16) the Inspired Writings of Yahweh’s Prophets and the Apostles.

Hebrews 4:9

Therefore, there remains the keeping of the Sabbath to the people of Yahweh.

Genesis 2:9

And out of the ground Yahweh made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, and desirable for food. The Tree of Life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of Righteousness and evil was in the midst also.

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.

19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Therefore choose Life, so both you and your children may live.


Notice what He says in verse 19…you must choose Life. You choose Life by practicing Yahweh’s Righteousness, such as the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20:3-17

3 You shall have no hinder gods (elohim) at all. They are in opposition against Me.

4 You shall not make for yourself any carved image; an idol, in the form of anything in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters below.

5 You shall not bow down to them nor serve them; for I, Yahweh your Father, am a Heavenly Father Who is zealous for My House. The sexual sins of the fathers will be on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who transgress My Laws and change them.

6 But I will show My love to thousands who love Me by keeping My Laws.

7 You shall not take the Name of Yahweh your Heavenly Father to bring it to nothing, for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who brings dishonor upon or profanes His Name.

8 Remember the Sabbath  Day, to keep it Holy.

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. Therefore, in it you shall do the Work of Yahweh: you, and your wife, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and your cattle, and the stranger who dwells within your gates.

11 For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that are in them; and ceased from this work on the Seventh Day. Therefore, Yahweh  blessed the Sabbath Day, and did Righteous works on it.

12 Honor your father and your mother, so your days may be long upon the land which Yahweh your Father is giving you.

13 You shall not murder.

14 You shall not commit adultery.

15 You shall not steal.

16 You shall not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

17 You shall not covet; lust after, your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Verses 8 and 10 show that unless one practices keeping the Laws of Yahweh, that person does not belong to Yahweh. They belong to Satan and are not eligible to partake of the Tree of Life.

Revelation 22:12-15

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of Gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.


No Love in the Last Generation


Your bible says it and mankind has proven the writings of Yahweh’s Prophets and Apostles to be absolutely true.

I Yahchanan 3:10

In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

Isayah 59:8

They do not know the way of peace, and there is no Judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.


The whole world is struggling to keep peace within their states or nations, but they try to force peace. No one under force is peaceful. People may be forced to tolerate, but they are never at peace. The results of force are also seen in Isayah 59. This chapter actually describes this Last Generation that has been deceived (Revelation 12:9) and is struggling because they are cut off from the knowledge that brings peace. They do not know the way to peace.

Isayah 59:8

They do not know the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.


As you read the following verses, compare them with the uprisings and 41 wars raging in the world today.

Isayah 59:1-15

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for Justice, nor does any plead for Truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; Scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of peace, and there is no Judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.

9 Therefore Justice is far from us, nor does Righteousness overtake us. We wait for light, but only see obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.

10 We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes; we stumble at noonday as in the night; we are in desolate places as the dead.

11 We groan like bears, all of us; we moan mournfully like doves; we look for Justice, but there is none—for Salvation, but it is far from us.

12 For our transgressions are multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we know them—

13 In transgressing and lying against Yahweh, and turning away from following our Father, speaking oppression and rebellion, conceiving and uttering from the mind words of falsehood:

14 So Judgment is driven backwards, and Justice stands afar off, for Truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

15 Yes, Truth; the Laws, is suppressed; and he who departs from evil; upholds the Laws, is accounted as mad; makes himself a prey! Yahweh saw this, and it displeased Him that there was no Justice.


Why? Because Mankind made the choice to reject Yahweh and His Laws that would assure peace, joy, and love. As long as the nations and their religions refuse to teach and practice the Laws of Peace, you will continue to grope in darkness for answers, and your end will be as described in:

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

Mattithyah 24:7, 29, 33-34

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


How to Start


You start by keeping your Appointments with Yahweh to learn Righteousness instead of learning evil like the Gods.

Hebrews 4:8-11

8 Now Yahshua caused them to Rest in obedience to the Law, spoken of by Yahweh in a day previously.

9 Therefore, there remains the keeping of the Sabbath to the people of Yahweh,

10 For he who has entered into His Rest has also ceased from his own works, as Yahweh did from His.

11 Therefore, let us be zealous to enter into that Rest, so that no one may fall after the same example of unbelief.

Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remember the Sabbath  Day, to keep it Holy.

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. Therefore, in it you shall do the Work of Yahweh: you, and your wife, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and your cattle, and the stranger who dwells within your gates.

11 For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that are in them; and ceased from this work on the Seventh Day. Therefore, Yahweh  blessed the Sabbath Day, and did Righteous works on it.

Isayah 58:13-14

13 If you turn away your foot from breaking the Sabbath: from doing your pleasure; your own business, your own pleasure, on My Holy Day, and call the Sabbath a delight; the Holy Day of Yahweh honorable, and will honor Him by not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor engaging in idle conversation:

14 Then you will find your joy in Yahweh; and I will cause you to ride on the high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Yaaqob your father—for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken it.


That’s how the Saints of Yahweh are made.


Surely, you can see the wars taking place now. Forty-one wars are going on at this time. How long do you think it will be before you’re involved? Nuclear wars will involve the whole world in this generation.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com

Michael Brown…Did We Forget Already?

Violence can be stopped! Senseless killings, murders, fighting, and hatred can all be stopped. Does your silence mean you are willing to let the violence continue?


We, you, me, and all who care about the future of children, see the senseless deaths taking place in the streets of our cities, towns, and rural areas all across the United States. In fact, violence is spreading faster than cancer all over the world. There are close to seven billion Michael’s in the world who were left to themselves and trained by hollywood movie makers and vengeful preachers. They never had any absolutely perfect, positive character training in their lives. This scenario of being expertly trained in lust, greed, violence, and hatred has replayed itself for several generations now.

Every family has the same teaching tools and all of them are based on what comes from the ‘stars’ of hollywood, California. Everyone knows that watching just a few minutes of television a day leaves impressions on a child’s mind, turning it to fornication, adultery, violence, hatred, greed, lust, homosexuality, sodomy, and even bestiality. Anyone who has studied psychiatry for any length of time can tell you about the mental and emotional disorders that develop in the mind from viewing these negative hollywood teachings.

These same teachings are presented in the school system. Every school teaches your children to break the Laws found in your bible. The Laws of moral character that fight disease 100% better than any drug, your children are taught to ignore, even by their preachers. The Scriptures contain health Laws that actually prevent the brain from becoming invaded with mind-fogging microorganisms that, in many cases, result in death, especially suicidal deaths.

The Laws in your bible that your children are taught to ignore, even hate, show that certain animals, eaten as food, contain parasites that enter your bloodstream when ingested. They travel through the blood vessels, infecting the organs of the body, including the brain. Any organ they enter—heart, brain, lung, kidney, liver, etc.—starts dying and continues to die until the whole body is dead. If an organ is not functioning properly due to parasitic invasion, can you expect the brain to function properly?

If our children go out into the dangerous streets of the world today, is it not reasonable to think they should have healthy minds capable of making rational decisions?  Should they not have lessons in moral character also? Promiscuous sex, drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, fighting, hatred, and revenge are taught from every angle, day and night, to all people in every geographical location. If your child is out there, he or she will be offered these negative, destructive devices.

The most Perfect Laws for teaching moral character and health are found in the Inspired Scriptures; yet, the religions refuse to teach them. Even parents are discouraged from teaching them to their children or practicing those Laws themselves.




All schools throughout the world, in this generation, are nothing more than corporate training centers. The training? Here’s a brief explanation: they train your children to apply for students loans, putting themselves in huge debt, then they’re trained for jobs in the corporations. Just so your child can turn around and borrow more money, from these same corporations, to buy cars, houses, etc. Along with this, your children are taught to celebrate traditions that originated in pagan God and Goddess worship. These traditions were created to generate even more borrowing of money to buy worthless, unneeded merchandise to keep these manipulating corporations in business.


One Scenario Fits Nearly All People Today


So what is missing? The answer is…the whole purpose of life.


The beginning of mankind’s life on earth, by all proof, was 4004 BCE. This has never been proven wrong. Why was mankind created? Mankind was created for a purpose, which is shown in:

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make eman in My image, according to My flikeness; they will have grulership over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Please notice the explanatory footnotes:

e. Hebrew adam. Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon by Samuel Tregelles, page 13, shows this word means a human being, men, mankind. See also word #120, Hebrew Dictionary, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.

f. Hebrew damut. A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament by Julius Furst, pages 331-332, shows this word means to make mental images, compare, think, use similitudes, likeness. See also Words #1819 and #1823, Hebrew Dictionary,  Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.

g. Hebrew yaradu, from the root word radah. Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon by Samuel Tregelles, page 758, and A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament by Julius Furst,  page 1282, shows this word is in the third person future tense, and means stewards, overseers, teachers, priests. See also Psalm 72:1-14 and Psalm 110:2.


So we see that mankind was created for the purpose of learning Yahweh’s Way, and then given an Eternal position in Yahweh’s Perfect Kingdom. All others who do not accept this way will only live for a short time and turn back to dust, from which mankind was made. Couple with that the Words of Yahshua Messiah, Who sits (judges) as High Priest over this Last Generation’s Work of Yahweh. He is showing us the requirements for the positions in Yahweh’s Kingdom and for Eternal Life.

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


Becoming a teacher of Righteousness is what we should be training for today, instead of being involved in illegal lust, violence, and hatred. Righteousness? Yes, that’s what the Inspired Prophets of Yahweh taught. Yahshua Messiah said the following about their Teachings:

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Yahshua also said that only those who practice Righteousness will inherit Eternal Life.

Mattithyah 19:17

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into Life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


All of Yahweh’s Prophets wrote of the Laws of Yahweh, which we are required to practice, so that we may receive Eternal positions as teachers of Righteousness. These Laws are Perfect, giving guidance and warning to all of the Michael Browns in the world.

Psalm 19:7

The Laws of Yahweh are Perfect, converting the whole person. The Testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the simple ones wise.

Psalm 8:1-6

1 How excellent is Your Great Name in all the earth, Yahweh our Father! You have Your Glory firmly set above the starry frame; the heavens.

2 From the mouths of babes and sucklings strength by You is ordained, so You would still the enemy; the avenger would be crushed!

3 When we consider Your heavens, the work Your Fingers framed, the work of the moon and of the stars, which were by You ordained;

4 What is man that You are mindful of him? And the son of man, that You visit him?

5 For You have made him a little lower than the malakim, but You will crown him with glory and honor.

6 You made man to be the ruler over the works of Your Hands; You will put all things under his feet;

Daniel 12:3, KJV

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

Daniel 12:3, Amplified Bible

And the teachers and those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness (to uprightness and right standing with God) [shall give forth light] like the stars forever and ever. [Matt.13:43.]

Daniyl 12:3, BOY

And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever


Did you notice the word wise? The Hebrew actually means they teach many to turn to Righteousness. Now couple verse 3 with:

Daniyl 12:10

Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.


Righteousness is:

Deuteronomy 6:25

And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Notice, wickedness is the opposite of Righteousness. Some acts of wickedness or evil are shown by the Apostle in:

I Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor  God worshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh.


Let him who stole, steal no more.

Ephesians 4:28

Let him who stole, steal no more; but rather, let him labor, working with his hands at something proper, that he may have something to give him who has need.

Yahchanan 5:14

Afterward, Yahshua found him in the sacred precincts of The House of Yahweh, and said to him: Behold, you are healed. Sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you.


Repent of sin and convert to Righteousness.

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


These positive, character builders (Yahweh’s Laws) are strength, protection, and guidance to every child to whom they are taught. The command is given to every parent to diligently teach the Laws of Yahweh to their children.

Deuteronomy 6:1, 5-7, 25

1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

5 And you must love Yahweh your Father with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.

6 And these Laws which I command you this day must be in your heart;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.


When you teach these Laws to your children, you also teach them to yourself. Soon, in this generation, you will shine as the stars of heaven if you will turn from evil and let your understanding come from Yahweh. Again read from Daniyl.

Daniyl 12:1-4, 10

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.

10 Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.


It’s a Scriptural fact that those who refuse to practice Righteousness will not be given Eternal Life. One of the Laws of Righteousness is for parents to teach Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness to their children.


In Daniyl 12:4, we see the time of the End.


The Time of the End?


In Daniyl 12:1, the Prophet Daniyl is speaking of the greatest time of trouble ever. This is a time like now, when the whole world has no answers for their sicknesses, diseases and, obviously, wars. So what has brought about thousands of diseases that the world has no answers for? Why do they not have the answers? The answers are given in your bible. So, why doesn’t the world have the answers to their problems? Since they all belong to some religion, why are they getting deeper and deeper into sickness, diseases epidemics, hatred, violence and war? Next, the world will be going into the prophesied nuclear wars. Read Isayah 59. Notice the reason why the majority of mankind has no help or hope.

Isayah 59:1-8, 10, 12

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood,  and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for Justice, nor does any plead for Truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.

10 We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes; we stumble at noonday as in the night; we are in desolate places as the dead.

12 For our transgressions are multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we know them—


Let’s face the truth, the whole world is in this boat of sin now and it is sinking in this generation.


The Savior and The End


The Words of Yahshua Messiah show we are in the Last Generation.

Mattithyah 24:1-3, 7, 11-12, 21-22, 29, 32-34

1 Yahshua went out and was leaving the temple, when His Disciples came to show Him the buildings of the temple.

2 But Yahshua said to them: Do you see all these things? Truly I say to you: There will not be one stone left sitting on top of another, which will not be thrown down.

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

32 Now learn a parable from the fig tree: When its branch becomes tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


Verse 11 shows many false prophets. It’s not just a few. Satan has deceived the whole world.

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. She was cast out into the earth, and her angels were cast out with her.


All religions are teaching and practicing rebellion against the Laws of Righteousness. As a result, all Michael Browns, with or without guns, have very cold love toward each other.

Mattithyah 24:12

And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


Mattithyah 24:29 shows that the hatred and war between the nations will darken the sun. We see in Mattithyah 24:21 that this is the worst time of trouble between the nations and individuals in all of man’s history. Nuclear bombs invented in this generation make it possible to darken the sun.

The cold love brings the “I don’t care” character. So pulling the trigger to kill a man or masses comes easily, such as was the case in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To darken the sun means turning off the light, bringing death to all life on earth. This was never possible before in any prior generation, but it is now. Mattithyah 24:33-34 show this present time period is the Last Generation.

Mattithyah 24:33-34

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

Mattithyah 24:14

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.


This Work is now in progress. The Warning is going out to all Michael Browns and armed forces.


You read the cause of mankind’s turmoil in Isayah 59:1-8. But notice, Yahshua Messiah shows that the religions and their iniquity are behind the troubles.

Isayah 59:1-8

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it can­not hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood,  and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.


Back to the Words of Yahshua Messiah.

Mattithyah 24:11-12

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


Murders are throughout the whole earth in this present, prophesied generation.

Compare current news with this Prophecy.


WHO: Every 40 seconds someone commits suicide

(CNN) – Every 40 seconds someone in the world takes their own life, a global tally of more than 800,000 suicides a year, according to a landmark United Nations report on the subject.

The research found that suicide killed more people each year than conflicts and natural catastrophes, accounting for more than half of the world’s 1.5 million violent deaths annually, World Health Organization staff told reporters at its presentation in Geneva.

The report, the U.N. agency’s first on the subject, analyzed data on suicides from 172 countries, and took a decade to compile.



What Can Be Done Now?


The same Being Who created mankind for the purpose of making a Kingdom of Priests, prophesied, in advance, 6,000 years of world events. The last of those Prophecies concerns this generation having the worst sickness and disease epidemics and the increase in knowledge that brought about nuclear bombs that can, and will in this generation, darken the sun. Those Prophecies also show protection for those who will believe Yahweh’s Testimonies, repent of sin, and be converted to practicing Yahweh’s Perfect Laws of Righteousness.

Protection must be in this generation because the war-raging nations will not repent until the earth is devastated and the sun is darkened. So, Yahweh promises protection for those practicing the Righteousness of Yahweh. The whole world is deceived (Revelation 12:9) and practicing rebellion.

The reason for the untimely deaths of all the Michael Browns is shown in your bible. The reason for the shootings, sickness, disease, confusion, hatred, fighting, and war is shown in your bible. Read it for yourself in:

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.


There is a way to turn this system that your bible calls a beastly religious system of violence, force, fighting, and war, which takes in the whole world at this time, to peace. It’s Yahweh’s Plan and, by choice, you can become a big part of that Plan. About two billion people are prophesied to repent and come out of this generation’s Greatest Tribulation that is about to perish with nuclear war. Compare the following Prophecies written for this generation to the news article excerpts in this letter and you will see this.

Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 21-22, 29, 32-34

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

32 Now learn a parable from the fig tree: When its branch becomes tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

Revelation 6:1-8

1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were, one of the four living creatures (quartet) saying as with a voice like thunder: Come and see.

2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse; and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him: and he went out conquering and to conquer.

3 And when He had opened the second seal, I heard the second creature say: Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red; and power was granted to him who sat upon it to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword (great ability and knowledge to kill).

5 And when He had opened the third seal, I heard the third creature say: Come and see. And I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying: A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see you do not hurt the oil and the wine.


For further explanation of these Prophecies, get our books, Birth of the Nuclear Baby and The Mark of the Beast.


WHO: Every 40 seconds someone commits suicide

(CNN) – Every 40 seconds someone in the world takes their own life, a global tally of more than 800,000 suicides a year, according to a landmark United Nations report on the subject.

The research found that suicide killed more people each year than conflicts and natural catastrophes, accounting for more than half of the world’s 1.5 million violent deaths annually, World Health Organization staff told reporters at its presentation in Geneva.

The report, the U.N. agency’s first on the subject, analyzed data on suicides from 172 countries, and took a decade to compile.



Beyond genetics: children’s health encoded into them by their parent’s decisions long before conception

(NaturalNews) Parents’ life experiences and dietary habits before conception are encoded into egg and sperm and projected into the very existence of their child, influencing the child’s habits, health and ability to adapt later in life. Parenting essentially begins before conception, according to new research coming from the University of Adelaide. The lifestyle choices of the generation before are imprinted into the up-and-coming generation. In a way, children are preprogrammed before conception by the environmental factors that affect their parents. In a way, it’s as if children are already being thought of and created before egg and sperm even meet.


What they found was that egg and sperm bring more than just genetic material together to create a child. The paper revealed that there are stored environmental factors in the parents’ egg and sperm that also contribute to the development of the child. They found that health problems such as diabetes, heart issues and immune disorders in children can originate from the lifestyle of the parents in the months before conception. And it isn’t just the mother’s behaviors that play a role. The man’s dietary habits, whether poor or positive, are also recorded in his sperm and are projected into the child along with his genetic material.



Hospital asks children not to visit due to unknown virus

A hospital in Quincy, Illinois has barred children under 12 from visiting the facility until further notice due to an outbreak of an unknown respiratory virus that has affected more than 70 young children in the area, hospital officials said on Friday.

The virus, has yet to be identified, but resembles HEV68, a respiratory infection that broke out in nearby St. Louis and Kansas City a week earlier, Dr. Robert Merrick, an epidemiologist at the hospital, said in a statement.

Last week, St. Louis Children’s Hospital reported that intakes related to the virus increased 50 percent and Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, had 300 cases of children with the virus.



Israel’s Peres pitches “UN of Religions” to pope

By Associated Press

Published: 11:25 EST, 4 September 2014 | Updated: 11:25 EST, 4 September 2014


VATICAN CITY (AP) — Retired Israeli President Shimon Peres has proposed a new global peace initiative to Pope Francis: A “United Nations of Religions,” given that most wars today have religious, not nationalistic, undercurrents.

The Vatican said Peres pitched the initiative during a 45-minute audience Thursday in the Apostolic Palace. The two men last met when Francis invited the then-Israeli president and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to pray for peace together in the Vatican gardens on June 8.

A few weeks later, war broke out in the Gaza Strip.

Peres told the Catholic publication Famiglia Cristiana that the U.N. is ill-suited to handle today’s conflicts and that a “‘U.N. of Religions‘ is the best way to fight terrorists who kill in the name of God.”

Francis promised the Vatican’s attention to the proposal.



NATO Allies Agree to Take on Islamic State Threat

The U.S. and nine key allies agreed Friday that the Islamic State group is a significant threat to NATO countries and that they will take on the militants by squeezing their financial resources and going after them with military might.

The new NATO coalition will be able to mount a sustained effort to push back the militants, Obama said. The U.S. secretaries of State and Defense, meeting with their counterparts at the international gathering, insisted the Western nations build a plan by the time the U.N. General Assembly meets this month.

So far, U.S. airstrikes in Iraq have been largely limited to helping Kurdish forces and protecting refugees. But Obama has set a goal of dismantling and destroying the Islamic State, and said Friday that the U.S. will continue to hunt down the militants just as it did with al-Qaida and with al-Shabab in Somalia.

Secretary of State John Kerry heads to the Middle East next week, and he expects to expand the coalition beyond Western nations.



On ISIS, Ted Cruz Tells President Obama to ‘Take Them Out’


Texas Republican Says the President Has Underestimated, Misjudged the Islamic Extremists



US Launches Airstrikes Around Iraq’s Haditha Dam

The U.S. military said Sunday it launched airstrikes around Haditha Dam in western Iraq, targeting Islamic State insurgents there for the first time in a move to prevent the group from capturing the vital dam.

The strikes represented a broadening of the U.S. campaign against the Islamic State militants, moving the military operations closer to the border of Syria, where the group also has been operating.



Putin: ‘The petrodollar must die’

On mission to reduce global role of U.S. currency


Next big U.S. bankruptcy?


NEW YORK – Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again declared “the petrodollar must die,” leaving no doubt he is on a mission to reduce the importance of the U.S. dollar as a measure of international oil trade.

Reuters reported Thursday that Putin, in a visit to the newly annexed Crimea, said Russia should aim to sell its oil and gas for rubles globally, because the dollar monopoly in energy trade was damaging Russia’s economy.

“We should act carefully,” Reuters quoted Putin as saying. “At the moment we are trying to agree with some countries to trade in national currencies.”

According to Treasury Department records, Russia in March sold off one-third of its U.S. Treasury debt holdings. Russia reduced its U.S. Treasury holdings from $153 billion in March 2013 to $100.4 billion in March 2014. The most recent numbers remain at a reduced level, with Russia holding $111.4 billion in U.S. treasuries in May 2014, compared to $143.4 billion in May 2013.

The Russian sell-off of U.S. Treasury debt has been widely interpreted as reflecting Moscow’s adverse reactions to economic sanctions the Obama administration imposed on Russia as punishment for taking over Crimea and threatening military involvement in Ukraine.

The Voice of Russia reported May 13 that Russia’s Ministry of Finance is ready to give a green light to a plan to radically increase the role of the Russian ruble in export operations while reducing the share of Russia’s dollar-denominated transactions.

The Voice of Russia report detailed a “de-dollarization meeting” chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov involving top level experts from Russia’s energy sector, banks and governmental agencies. The leaders were summoned to find a way to increase Russia’s ruble-denominated dollars to retaliate against the recently imposed U.S. economic sanctions.

In May, China agreed to buy $400 billion of Russian-produced natural gas over 30-years, valued in domestic currencies, in what was touted as Gazprom’s biggest contract ever.

In August, Russia signed a historic deal with Iran to purchase $20 billion of oil in rubles, bypassing Western sanctions against Iran while hastening the petrodollar’s decline.

“There is also a newly emerging alliance among Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt and Russia,” Rickards pointed out in a recent interview.

“The new alignment will have no particular use for U.S. dollars and no reason to support them. This turn of events marks the beginning of a significant diminution in the role of the dollar in the international monetary system. Since the price of gold is, in large part, simply the inverse of the value of a dollar, the decline of the dollar will presage a major increase in the dollar price of gold.”



Russian Strategic Bombers Near Canada Practice Cruise Missile Strikes on US

Nuclear launch rehearsal conducted in North Atlantic


By Bill Gertz

September 8, 2014


Two Russian strategic bombers conducted practice cruise missile attacks on the United States during a training mission last week that defense officials say appeared timed to the NATO summit in Wales.

The Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers were tracked flying a route across the northern Atlantic near Iceland, Greenland, and Canada’s northeast.

Disclosure of the nuclear bombing practice comes as a Russian general last week called for Moscow to change its doctrine to include preemptive nuclear strikes on the United States and NATO.

Yakubov said among other needed doctrinal changes, “it is necessary to hash out the conditions under which Russia could carry out a preemptive strike with the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces”—Moscow’s nuclear forces.

U.S. Army troops will lead an international military exercise inside western Ukraine later this month. The exercises, known as “Rapid Trident 2014,” will begin Sept. 15 and include troops from several NATO and NATO-partner states, including Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, and the United States.

The Tu-95 is a nuclear-capable bomber that is outfitted with six AS-15 nuclear-armed cruise missiles. The missiles have a range of over 1,800 miles.

Google Earth analysis reveals that a Tu-95 launch box located in the Labrador Sea and firing AS-15 missiles would be in range of Ottawa, New York, Washington, and Chicago, and could reach as far south as the Norfolk Naval base.

That same month, on June 9, two Russian Bear bombers flew within 50 miles of the California coast in the closest strategic bomber flights near a U.S. coast since the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Admiral Cecil Haney, commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, which is in charge of nuclear forces, said last month that he is concerned both by large-scale Russian nuclear exercises and by increased bomber flights near the United States.



The Savior Said


The Savior Yahshua Messiah shows it all in Mattithyah 24:1-34. The hatred among the nations, we see is extreme now, so much so, they are willing to destroy all of mankind with nuclear activity. Please notice another Scripture at this point. Your bible actually shows the start of these wars that, as Hillary Clinton said, no war started with the first strike. The war starts with the signing of the agreement to start with the first strike. The use of the nuclear bomb actually started September 12, 2006, as shown in Prophecy. This is detailed in our book, Birth of the Nuclear Baby. Dates are given and the actual time of the first strike, then the stalling or holding back which is shown in the news articles that accompany the book. Also shown is the location of the beginning wars. Notice the great River Euphrates in the next Scripture.

Revelation 9:13-21

13 And the Last Malak sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before Yahweh,

14 Saying to the Last Malak which had the trumpet: Loose the four messengers who are bound for the great River Euphrates!

15 And the four messengers were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a moon; month, and a year, in order to slay the third part of men.

16 And the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred thousand thousand; for I heard the number of them.

17 And in my vision, I saw the horses and those who sat upon them like this: They had breastplates of fire; red, and of jacinth; blue, and brimstone; yellow, and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone.

18 By these three were the third part of men killed: by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.

19 For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails were similar to serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

20 And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues, still did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and gods (elohim, teraphim) of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk;

21 Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


Did you notice in verse 20, they will not repent, nor will they stop until Mattithyah 24:29 and Isayah 24 are fulfilled?

Mattithyah 24:29, 33-34

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.


Verse 20, transgression?

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Overall, Prophecies show that four-fifths of mankind will die and the earth will be devastated. There is a way to Peace, the Creator has the teaching up and going. On the downside, there are untrained Michael Browns and police officers, politicians, and preachers who are untrained in Peace, but well trained in the way to vengeance, retaliation, and continual war.

Isayah 59:1-12

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for Justice, nor does any plead for Truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; Scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.

9 Therefore Justice is far from us, nor does Righteousness overtake us. We wait for Light, but only see obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.

10 We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes; we stumble at noonday as in the night; we are in desolate places as the dead.

11 We groan like bears, all of us; we moan mournfully like doves; we look for Justice, but there is none—for salvation, but it is far from us.

12 For our transgressions are multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we know them—


The End is close, but you who desire the way to Peace, the warning is going out to you, as I write.

Mattithyah 24:14

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


In verse 2, we see He will teach us of His Ways. The House of Yahweh established in this present generation, according to Yahweh’s Prophecies, is the only organization teaching and practicing Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness. Yahshua is the High Priest over this Last Days’ House of Yahweh as shown in:

Hebrews 10:21

And having a High Priest over The House of Yahweh.


Yahshua says of this Last Days’ Work:

Mattithyah 16:18

And I also say to you who are Kepha; whose name means “rock”: That upon this Rock, YAHWEH UNITY; I will build this house;  family: The House of Yahweh, and the gates of sheol (hell); the grave, will not prevail against it.

Revelation 7:1-14

1 And after these things I saw four messengers standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, so that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

2 And I saw another Malak ascending from the east, having the Seal of the living Father; and he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

3 Saying: Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our Father in their foreheads.

4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed: And there were sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israyl.

5 Of the tribe of Yahdah were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed 12,000.

6 Of the tribe of Asher were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Naphtali were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Menasheh were sealed 12,000.

7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed 12,000.

8 Of the tribe of Zebulun were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Yahseph were sealed 12,000. Of the tribe of Benyamin were sealed 12,000.

9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the Throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and with palm branches; taught to keep Yahweh’s Feasts, in their hands;

10 And crying with a loud voice, saying: Salvation to our Father Who sits upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb!

11 And all the Malakim stood surrounding the Throne, the elders, and the four living creatures; and fell before the Throne on their faces, and worshiped Yahweh,

12 Saying: HalleluYahweh! Blessing, and Glory, and Wisdom, and Thanksgiving, and Honor, and Power, and Might, belong to our Father forever and ever! HalleluYahweh!

13 And one of the elders asked, saying to me: Who are these who are arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?

14 And I said to him: Ruler, you know. And he said to me: These are the ones who come out of the Great Tribulation, who have truly purified themselves by forsaking God (the Gods) and those who worship God (the Gods), and who have repented from their murders (bloodshed, war).


Verse 14…great tribulation? Yes, it’s the same time period as:

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.


Revelation 7:14 says, these are the ones who come out.

Revelation 18:1-5

1 And after these things I saw another Malak come down from heaven, having Great Authority; and the earth was enlightened with His Glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues,

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!


Notice the command to come out, do not partake in her sins and you will not receive of her plagues. You will be protected. There is a Protected Place.

Reading this article shows you are thinking seriously. So, what’s the next step?

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


There has never been any other way offered by Yahweh to His creation. The ways of war offered by all the religions of the Gods are not the Way of Yahweh. Yahweh offers a way that will bring an end to all wars, as you just read in Micahyah 4:1-3.


The way out…hoy@bitstreet.com, 1-325-893-5899, or toll free 1-800-613-9494.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com


Keep The Feasts With Yisrayl Hawkins!

Hey! Let us keep the Feast, Yisrayl Hawkins says.

Date October 10th-17th, 2014

Yisrayl Hawkins says he is going to a Feast and he wants all of you to meet him there. This is not just any Feast, but one of three annual Feasts found in the Inspired Holy Scriptures that most people think were done away with by the Savior or one of His Disciples. However, Yahshua says otherwise. Don’t be deceived, read the following Scriptures.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

I Yahchanan 2:4

He who says: I know Him, but does not keep His Laws, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him.

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

Isayah 66:22-24

22 For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make will remain before Me, says Yahweh: so will your seed and your name remain.

23 And it will come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh will come to worship before Me, says Yahweh.

24 And they will go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men who have transgressed against Me; for their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched; and they will be an abhorrence to all flesh.

I Corinthians 5:8

Therefore, let us keep the Feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Hebrews 10:16

This is the Covenant that I will renew with them after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My Laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them.

Hebrews 10:24-27

24  And let us consider one another, how we may urge one another on toward love and Righteous works;

25 Not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together (at the commanded fest), as the manner of some is, but exhort­ing one another; and so much the more as you see the day approaching.

26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.


This is the Feast that all of Yahweh’s Prophets taught and kept. The feast that brings joy and rejoicing to the hearts of mankind. This is the same Feast that the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, and His twelve Disciples taught and kept. We will keep and teach it exactly as the Savior kept and taught it.


The most joyous time of your life may well be at this Feast, keeping your Appointment with Yahweh. So come, keep this Feast with Yisrayl Hawkins. Pick up that phone now and call 1-325-893-5899 to make your reservation, or go to yahweh.com and register there.


Let Yisrayl know you will be there.


May Yahweh bless your understanding, Yisrayl Hawkins says.

What Could Be More Powerful Than The Nuclear Bomb? Non-Fiction

Everyone in the world needs to know, now, what is revealed in this article. You need to read the whole article. Once it’s read, you would be wise to let your representatives know this information. If you push it aside because Scriptures are used, you will miss out on the only power that will bring peace to what’s left of the nations.

The only reason mankind is on this earth is because the Creator has a Fool-Proof Plan to bring peace to the heavens, as well as the earth. It takes a great deal of studying to understand what I am about to show you; that is, if you tried to understand this on your own. I will make it as simple as possible, but you will need to retain and apply what you are shown.




In the study of theology, there is one thing on which all teachers seem to agree. That one thing is that the One called Yahweh is the Creator of all things. There are many Gods, but none of them can claim the power of being able to create from nothing, as does the One Who created the heavens; and none of the Gods deny His claim.




One conclusion, which everyone who studies astronomy agrees on, is that the planets we can see and examine have no life; but since there is life on earth, there must have been life on other planets at one time. From that point, theory takes the reins. So, speculative ideas are all we have from the scientific world up to this generation. However, speculation is not at all reliable. In fact, it’s destructively harmful, in that it sets up wrong ideas that lead one’s studies away from the Truth. Theology is also harmful. In many cases, it leads one to trusting in theories that also lead one away from studying factual material. There is a definite way to prove some documents are factual.


There is Proof that the Inspired Scriptures are Factual


The Books that make up the bible give evidence that a Being with far great intelligence than mankind oversaw, and is still overseeing, the Books once called The Book of Yahweh, known as the Holy Bible in this present generation.


Isayah 34:16

Search out The Book Of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; they shall not want; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.


Call, write or email us for information concerning the reason for the name change from Book of Yahweh to bible. In Isaiah 34:16, the King James Version renders Book of Yahweh as ‘book of the Lord’. Please keep in mind what the Prophet Yeremyah said in:

Yeremyah 23:26-27

26 How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Yes, they are prophets of the deceit of their own minds;

27 Who devise; plan and scheme, to cause My People to forget My Name through their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor, just as their fathers have forgotten My Name for baal; lord.


The evidence showing that the Inspired Scriptures are, in deed, factual and that a Being far Superior in intelligence than mankind inspired them to be written, is found in the Scriptures themselves. Find me a being who can tell us what will take place tomorrow or six months from tomorrow, and it comes to pass, I will believe him. Why? Because there is only one Being Who makes the claim of being able to foretell future events, and He is Yahweh. In fact, He has done one fantastic job of inspiring His Prophets to write those events for us to read and to marvel at their accuracy; also to read and believe all of Yahweh’s Testimonies written by the Prophets and Apostles, as well as the Testimonies of Yahshua Messiah, the One called the Savior. He said in:

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Yahshua Messiah was very adamant about following every Word written by Yahweh’s Inspired Prophets. The Prophets, themselves, were persecuted for strictly teaching Yahweh’s Way. They were even willing to die for doing so.


Proof that Yahweh’s Prophecies Can be Trusted


There are hundreds of Prophecies written for this generation, most of which have already come to pass or are in progress at this time for all to see. Great wars are prophesied for this generation that will kill a third part of mankind in and around the great River Euphrates in that fourth part of the earth. These are already taking place and will get much worse. These wars will turn nuclear. They are prophesied to blot out the sun in this generation. This Prophecy is shown by both the Prophets and Apostles. Yahshua spoke these words concerning The End also called the Last Days or the Last Generation.

Mattithyah 24:3, 29, 33-34

3  Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

Yahyl 2:31

The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the Great and the Wonderful day of Yahweh comes.


Please notice that Mattithyah 24:29 and Yahyl 2:31 reveal the use of weapons that can actually blot out or darken the sun. This takes place in the time period Yahshua declares to be the Last Generation when all these things will come to pass. Now think about this. This Prophecy was written around 29 CE. We are in the year 2014. Therefore, 1,985 years later this Prophecy is being fulfilled. If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that yes, in this generation, we do have nuclear weapons capable of blotting out the sun.


This Means War


Please notice, this chapter, written 1,985 years earlier, details the troubles of this generation. No person or God has the ability to give such accurate details, even down to the exact time period. No person or God is capable of foretelling world events six months in advance, not even six minutes in advance, but what we are witnessing today was foretold about 1,985 years in advance.

Now think of this: the nuclear bombs have not been around forever. The invention of the nuclear bomb took place in this present generation.


Leo Szilard – Patenting the Atomic Bomb

Hungarian physicist, Leo Szilard was the first person to conceive of the nuclear chain reaction and the atomic bomb. He was noted for his contributions to the fields of thermodynamics, biophysics, nuclear physics, and the development of atomic energy.

Leo Szilard was part of the group of scientists that invented the atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project.


Leo Szilard – Nuclear Chain Reaction Patent:

On July 4, 1934 Leo Szilard filed the first patent application for the method of producing a nuclear chain reaction aka nuclear explosion. His British patent included a description of a “neutron induced chain reactions to create explosions”, and the concept of critical mass. The patent was given to the British War Office as part of the war effort.



Add now to this remarkable Prophecy the capability of anything so powerful as to darken the sun and foretold for this same generation, because you have two undeniable Prophecies here, concerning wars for this time period. One, the means of darkening the sun; two, the exact generation in which mankind would have this capability. Has there ever been anything like this before? No! Yet, Yahshua Messiah foretold it before He was murdered 1,985 years ago.

Will nuclear bombs actually blot out the sun? Scientific evidence says so. The following article, an essay from Discover Magazine, February, 1984, deals directly with the consequences of nuclear war.


Dr. Thomas was one of the four American scientists who, at the invitation of Senators Edward Kennedy and Mark Hatfield, met in Washington in December for a three-hour open discussion with four Soviet counterparts. The subject of their discussion: the nuclear winter (DISCOVER, January).


Two scientific reports have recently been published, dealing with the probable effects of nuclear war upon the earth’s climate and the life of the planet. The first discovery is already widely known within the scientific community of climatologists, geophysicists, and biologists here and abroad, and has been confirmed in detail by scientists in the Soviet Union. Computer models demonstrate that a nuclear war involving the exchange of less than one third of the total American and Soviet arsenal will change the climate of the entire Northern Hemisphere, shifting it abruptly from its present seasonal state to a long, sunless, frozen night. This will be followed after some months by a settling of nuclear soot and dust, then by a new malignant kind of sunlight, with all of its ultraviolet band, capable of blinding most terrestrial animals, no longer shielded from the earth by the ozonosphere. In the same research, new calculations of the extent and intensity of radioactive fallout predict the exposure of large land areas to much more intense levels of radiation than expected. The report is referred to as TTAPS, an acronym derived from the investigators’ names: Turco,  Toon, Ackerman, Pollack, and Sagan.

The second piece of work, by Paul Ehrlich and 19 other distinguished biologists, demonstrates that the predictions of TTAPS mean nothing less than the extinction of much of the earth’s biosphere, very possibly involving the Southern Hemisphere as well as the Northern.

Taken together, the two papers change everything in the world about the prospect of thermonuclear warfare. They have already received a careful and critical review by scientists representing the disciplines concerned, here and abroad, and there already appears to be an unprecedented degree of concurrence with the technical details as well as the conclusions drawn. In the view of some referees, the TTAPS report may even be understating the climatological damage implied by its data. The 20 biologists’ paper, summarized by Professor Ehrlich, represents the consensus arrived at by 40 biological scientists at a meeting in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, last spring.

It is a new world, demanding a new kind of diplomacy and a new logic.

Up to now, the international community of statesmen, diplomats, and military analysts has tended to regard the prospect of nuclear war as a problem only for the adversaries in possession of the weapons. Arms control and the endless negotiations aimed at the reduction of nuclear explosives have been viewed as the responsibility, even the prerogative, of those few nations in actual confrontation. Now all that is changed. There is no nation on earth free of the jeopardy of destruction if any two countries, or groups of countries, embark upon a nuclear exchange. If the Soviet Union and the United States, and their respective allies in the Warsaw Pact and NATO, begin to launch their missiles beyond a still undetermined and ambiguous minimum, neutral states like Sweden and Switzerland are in for the same long-term effects, the same slow death, as the actual participants. Australia and New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa, could have as much to worry about as West Germany if a full-scale exchange were to take place far to the north.

Up to now, we have all tended to regard any conflict with nuclear arms as an effort by paired adversaries to settle such issues as territorial dominance or ideological dispute. Now, with the new findings before us, it is clear that any territory gained will be, at the end, a barren wasteland, and any ideology will vanish in the death of civilization and the permanent loss of mankind’s memory of culture.

The risks of this kind of war have conventionally been calculated by the numbers of dead human beings on either side at the end of the battle, armies and noncombatants together. The terms “acceptable” and “unacceptable,” signifying so-and-so many million human casualties, have been used for making cool judgments about the need for new and more accurate weapon systems. From now on, things are different. Leave aside the already taken for granted estimate that in an all-out exchange of, say, 5,000 megatons, something like a billion people would be killed outright by blast, heat, and radiation. Set aside as well the likely fact that more than another billion would die later on, from the delayed effects of the climate and radioactive fallout.


In this generation only has this been possible.


The Knowledge to Build Weapons that Powerful Was Not Available Until This Generation


When I was born in 1934, and for several years after, people were still using wagons pulled by horses to travel to town and back. In my lifetime, planes, rockets, missiles, drones, bombs, and the nuclear bomb, have all been developed. Wow! Can you imagine foretelling all of that? Wow! Look at the next Prophecy in the same chapter about the sun being darkened.

Mattithyah 24:7, 21-22, 33-34

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


Verses 21-22 correlate with a Prophecy written by the Great Prophet Daniyl for this same generation. He was inspired by Yahweh to show how and when we would advance in travel, from horse-drawn wagons to cars and planes, and in technology with an increase in knowledge.

Daniyl 12:1-4

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


Verse 1 shows the same time period the Savior spoke of as being the greatest time of trouble that will ever be.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

In that time period, the Last Generation, to allow for the advancement in man’s weapons of war we see in Daniyl 12:4 that knowledge would be increased. Wow! These things have all come to pass in this generation just as Yahshua Messiah said, and exactly as He said. Plus, the scientific tests are talking the same language, saying no survivors—no life at all left.

Now for another future event, a Prophesied Work brought about by this same Magnificent Being Whose Name is Yahweh. Notice, this Work is the last thing He inspired the Great Prophet Daniyl to write about.

Daniyl 12:5-10

5 Then I, Daniyl, looked; and behold, there stood two others, one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

6 And said to the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching: How long will it be to the end of these wonders?

7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and vowed by Him Who lives forever, that: It will be for a time, times, and a half, when Yahweh will have accomplished pouring out His Power through His Holy People, all  these things will be finished.

8 So I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said; O my ruler, what will be the end of these things?

9 But he said: Go your way, Daniyl, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of The End.

10 Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.


You need to get that part. In the end generation, Daniyl saw two others in a future day teaching. This is important because Daniyl shows that one of them shows the actual end. This is one of the Seven Prophesied Works that Daniyl saw with two others in the Last Generation.

This Work is the Seventh and Last Prophesied Work of Yahweh that brings to a finish, in this generation, the Warning from Yahweh to rebellious mankind.


Two Others


Another fascinating Prophecy concerning the Two Witnesses and their Message is shown in the Savior’s Words in:

Mattithyah 24:14

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.


The Prophecies about the Two Witnesses can be found in many of our publications, so I won’t take the time to explain them here. Call, write or email and request the 2/2010 issue of The Prophetic Word magazine. However, I do want to point out a very important fact, which is that their work is done in this Last Prophesied Generation, and when their warning is finished that’s the end of this present generation. Read the previous verse from the King James Version and the references that show how it should be translated.

Matthew 24:14, KJV

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end will come.


  • The word gospel is translated from the Hebrew word bashar. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Brown, Driver, and Briggs, page 142 shows this word means herald as glad tidings, the salvation of Yahweh, preach the advent of Yahweh in salvation, the praises of Yahweh, (Yahweh’s) righteousness, (Yahweh’s) Messianic servant preaches glad tidings to the meek.
  • The word preached is from the Hebrew word qara. The Hebrew-Aramaic-English Dictionary by Marcus Jastrow, pages 1409-1410, Vol 2, shows this word means teacher, preacher, and Abel.
  • The word for is from the Hebrew preposition and adverb ba. The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon by Benjamin Davidson, page 56, shows this word means by.
  • The word witness is from the Hebrew root word od and its forms odah and owad. These words are found in the Hebrew-Aramaic-English Dictionary by Marcus Jastrow, pages 1042-1043, 1048, Vol 2 and The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament by Koehler and Baumgartner, pages 787-791, 795-796, Vol 2. These words mean witness, testimony, the light in (The House of Yahweh) is (proof) to mankind that (Yahweh) is (with) Yisrayl, Yisrayl (is) to be a Witness, to be called to witness, to be required to witness. Mattithyah 28:20 confirms this, where Yahweh says through His High Priest Yahshua Messiah, “And lo, I am with you always, to the End of the Age”.


Mattithyah 24:14, BOY

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.


There is much that you need to know about the Two Witnesses; they are written about from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. The Two Witnesses are the last Two Lamps of the Seven Lamp Lampstand shown in:

Revelation 11:1-4

1 And there was given me a reed like a measuring rod. And the Malak stood, saying: Rise, and measure the temple of Yahweh, and the altar, and its confines;

2 But the court which is outside the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given to the Gentiles. And the holy city they will tread under foot three and one-half years.

3 And I will give to My Two Witnesses to perform their Prophetic Offices, and they will foretell events about the one thousand two hundred and sixty days, those cast about with darkness.

4 These are, as it were, the two Olive Trees, and, as it were, the Two Lamps of the Seven Lamp Lampstand, ministering for the Father in the earth.

Revelation 10:7

But in the days of the voice of the Seventh Malak, when he will begin to sound, the Great Secret of Yahweh would be finished, as He declared to His Servants the Prophets.


I will leave  you with one more Prophecy concerning Yahweh’s Last Generation Prophesied Work.

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


Did you notice the last part of verse 3they will learn war no more? Peace by force does not bring peace. War only produces more war, vengeance, retaliation, death and destruction. With the increase in knowledge, mankind can actually wipe out all life and make the earth uninhabitable, as can be seen on so many planets in the universe today.


What Would Be More Powerful Than Nuclear Bombs?


The Prophecies you just read and can see they came to pass under impossible odds, were inspired by Yahweh to be written for us in this generation.

The nations bring war today in hope of bringing peace. But what did Yahweh say to Cain and us in the beginning?

Genesis 4:6-9, 12-14

6 So Yahweh said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you downcast?

7 If you do Righteousness, will you not be acceptable? And if you do not do Righteousness, sin is crouching at your door. The desire to sin is with you, but you must overcome it!

8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were spread abroad, that Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.

9 Then Yahweh said to Cain: Where is Abel your brother? And he said; I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?

12 When you work the soil, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. You shall be a fugitive, and you will be ever searching for peace on the earth.

13 And Cain said to Yahweh; My consequences are greater than I can bear!

14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall not be seen by Your Face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


This is truly the power in war. Continual war is prophesied in this way that man’s governments have planned. Notice the Scriptures are absolutely right…continual war.

Isayah 59:1-8

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His Face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for Justice, nor does any plead for Truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; Scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of peace, and there is no Judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know peace.


Surely, we can see by now what 6,000 years of war has brought us. Is it not what we see in Mattithyah 24:7, prophesied for this present generation?

Mattithyah 24:7

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:


Now we are in the Last Generation, the time of the Two Witnesses shown in Revelation 11:1-4. What do we still see? Is it not what Yahweh said our own way would bring?

Revelation 11:18

And the nations were angry…

Genesis 4:6

…Why are you angry?…

Mattithyah 24:7

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:


Why Not the Best?


Why in all the years of war and fighting do you still have hope in war and fighting? Yahweh’s Prophets wrote exactly what we see today. It’s here!

Mattithyah 24:33

…when you see all these things…


We see everything mentioned in Mattithyah Chapter 24, present and accounted. The best is what Yahweh offered in the beginning.

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Yahweh’s Way, His Laws are more Powerful than the nuclear bomb. If taught, they can turn the hearts and minds.

Malakyah 4:1-6

1 For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Father Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.

2 But for you who reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.

3 And the wicked will be trodden down; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that this will be done, says Yahweh our Father.

4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My Servant, which I commanded through him in Horeb for all Israyl, with the Statutes and Judgments.

5 Behold, I will send Yliyah: the Laws and the Prophets, which is the Strength of Yahweh, before the coming of the Great and Wonderful Day of Yahweh;

6 And it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; before it comes to pass that  the earth is struck with a curse.


In Malakyah 4:1, we see burning; that is, nuclear burning. In verse 4, Yahweh is asking you to remember His Laws of Righteousness that all religions are now rejecting. It seems as if they don’t even know these Laws exist. Verse 5 shows there is Strength in these Laws, when they are taught and practiced, that actually changes the hearts and minds, and turns them to Peace. We see in verse 6, they turn the hearts of the fathers, sons, and nations; so, they learn war no more. Remember the Laws and teach them.

Deuteronomy 6:1, 7, 25

1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.


If you practice Righteousness, you will be acceptable to Yahweh and to all nations.

Genesis 4:7

If you do Righteousness, will you not be acceptable?…


America, Sin is Lying at Your Door


Isayah 59:1-8

1 Behold, Yahweh’s Hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His Ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

2 But your own iniquities have separated you from your Father; and your own sins have caused Him to hide His Face from you, so He will not listen.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; sin. Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness.

4 No one calls for Justice, nor does any plead for Truth. They trust in vanity; confusion, and speak lies; scriptural untruths. They conceive mischief; trouble, and give birth to evil; sin.

5 They hatch vipers’ eggs, and weave the spiders’ web; he who eats their eggs dies, and when one is broken a viper bursts out.

6 Their webs will not serve as clothing, nor will they cover themselves with what they make; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.

8 They do not know the way of Peace, and there is no Judgment in their goings: they have made themselves crooked paths; whoever walks on them will not know Peace.


Why not take the Creator at His Word and let the United States say to all nations, we will live by the Laws of the Creator, Yahweh, now and forever, “Could we all do the same?” The Laws of Yahweh are Perfect.

Psalm 19:7-11

7 The Laws of Yahweh are Perfect, converting the whole person. The Testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the simple ones wise.

8   The Statutes of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart; mind. The Commandments of Yahweh are pure, bringing understanding to the eyes.

9   The reverence of Yahweh is clean, enduring forever. The Judgments of Yahweh are true and altogether Righteous.

10     They are more to be desired than gold, yes, than even much fine gold. They are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.

11     Moreover by them are Your servants warned, and in keeping them there is great reward.


Everything that Yahweh inspired the Prophets to write has proven True. Why not give this Promise of Yahweh the opportunity to prove itself, as have all of the Prophecies we just covered? For the cost of one nuclear bomb, we could send every leader on earth their first book of the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program. Let them know that we, too, promise to live by the Promise of the Creator, Yahweh, and we will see the acceptability it will produce. Genesis 4:7 states that if you do Yahweh’s Righteousness, you will be accepted by all nations.

It will work! There is no way it could possibly fail. It will bring to every person everything they could ever hope for in life. You have nothing to lose just trying this program. However, you and all nations have everything to lose if you don’t.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.

Love, True Love


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com


Fifty-two Years Warning…Now You Drink Your Own Urine, as Prophesied

The Savior and the Prophets of Yahweh prophesied famine for this generation. But not just famine, the worst famine ever since there was a nation. Coupled with this prophecy, Yahshua prophesied an extreme increase in hatred among the nations, as well as an increase in iniquity. Iniquity means doing way with the Laws of the Creator Yahweh; Laws of Righteousness, which Yahweh gave to mankind to show each man the way to peace, joy, love, and health. He also foretold that with the increase of iniquity, love would grow cold in this present generation.

In this same time period, Yahshua shows a Work, over which He presides as High Priest; a Work that will cover the earth with the Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh and a last warning, prophesied only for this present, prophesied generation.


The Cause!


Yahshua shows us the cause of the above mentioned Prophecies of destructive plagues, caused by the activities of mankind. Yes, He shows the cause of you drinking your own urine in this generation, which is taking place in many cities and many more will follow. Famine, drought and global warming are caused by the same thing that causes sickness, disease epidemics, hatred, confusion and war in this generation.

Yes, they are all caused by the same activities of mankind. Those activities do not involve the burning of fuels. Those activities are vividly shown by Yahweh’s Prophets to be the result of sin. Sin is the practice of breaking Yahweh’s Laws.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Everyone needs the 6/2007 issue of The Prophetic Word magazine, featuring our article, The True Cause of Global Warming. Your bible actually shows the sins that cause global warming.

The religions try to take the real blame for global warming and the many other troubles facing mankind away from themselves by making false statements concerning the real cause. Yet, Yahweh’s Prophets, the twelve Disciples and Yahshua show the real cause for each and every plague and environmental disaster present and still to come in this generation.


Fifty-two Years Warning


In 1962, through a radio broadcast, a Prophetic Warning to this generation began. This Message brought to light the Prophecy of Yahshua Messiah, showing the worst time of trouble ever would take place in this generation. From that moment on, plagues, brought about by man’s activities, would steadily worsen.

Due to the Message from that radio broadcast, several people joined The House of Yahweh in 1982 when they found out that we were the sponsors of that first radio broadcast. Other radio stations were later added, such as short wave and another sponsored station, both of which broadcasted global.

Since that time, The House of Yahweh has not ceased to send out the warning of what is shown in Prophecy, and is taking place at this time. Year after year, the plagues continue to grow worse. Yet, the world will not repent, as your bible says, of the activities causing the curses mankind, and all living creation, are suffering.

Revelation 9:20-21

20 And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues, still did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and gods (elohim, teraphim) of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk;

21 Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


A great example is shown in the following transcript of the trailer for Cut, Poison, Burn.


Former President Richard Nixon, January 22, 1971: “The time has come America to launch an intensive campaign to find a cure for cancer.”


38 years later…


President Barack Obama, February 24, 2009: “Our recovery plan will invest in electronic health records. It will launch a new effort to conquer a disease that has touched the life of nearly every American by seeking a cure for cancer in our time.”


G. Edward Griffin, Author – World Without Cancer: People will look back at this period of history and they’ll laugh at it, just the way we look back at the way they used to bleed the patients.


Julian Whitaker, M.D.: Nothing we’ve done in a century has substantially reduced the death rate of various cancers.


G. Edward Griffin: They will burn it, or cut it out, or they’ll try to poison it.


Leonard Zwelling, M.D.: Any time human beings try lots of things, a lot of them are not going to work.


Julian Whitaker: We are a total failure.


NBC News: Heavy trading today in the bio-pharma sector.


NBC News: Blockbuster cancer drug Erbitux racked up nearly 425 million dollars in sales.


Julian Whitaker: You have this entire industry that is not just going to pack up and go away. This is a business.


Donna Navarro (mother of Thomas): The treatment that they wanted for Thomas, his quality for life would be non-existent.


Ray Lammie (cancer patient): You know that this poison they’re putting in you can cause other cancers. What is it doing to your body?


Jim Navarro (father of Thomas) If the guys that make it say, “We don’t know if it’s safe, but we’ll put you in prison if you don’t do it”, what’s that all about?


Gloria Labarge (cancer patient): That’s the scary part, you go through all of that, and you never know.


Ralph Moss, Ph.D.: People have tried to bring effective new treatments and have been shot down.


CBS News: Friday, the Food and Drug Administration raided the doctor’s office seizing patients’ files and other documents.


G. Edward Griffin: These guys are part of a club, and that club has nothing to do with protecting the American people.


Dr. Devra Davis, Ph. D. MPH: The first director of the American Cancer Society worked hand-and-glove with the tobacco industry; they were running the cancer society like a massive advertising campaign.


Jonathan W Emord, Constitutional Lawyer: You’re the American Cancer Society; don’t you want cancer to be prevented in America?


Vincent DeVita, M.D.: If you’ve got an idea that’s way off the map, and you say I want to test this, you know, they’ll throw it away.


Jim Navarro: This is Thomas using alternative therapy, and this is conventional therapy, two month’s worth. Who decides?


James W. Emord: This is a cesspool and the American people are left helpless.


Julian Whitaker: We started out on the wrong foot. We’ve stayed on the wrong foot for a hundred years, and we are paying the price.


Recycled Water from the Toilet, Shower, Kitchen and Bathroom Sinks


We are not speaking of a few people washing bacteria off their hands and pouring the water into the lakes. We are speaking of every home, hospital, factory, etc., in this generation, flushing blood, feces, urine, and every known drug into the water supply. The water contains every virus, disease, bacteria, and the drugs used to fight them. The city officials say they are cleaning the water, but just how much is getting through the ‘cleansing process’ into your glass?


AP: Drugs found in drinking water


By Jeff Donn, Martha Mendoza and Justin Pritchard, Associated Press

A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.

… the presence of so many prescription drugs — and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen — in so much of our drinking water is heightening worries among scientists of long-term consequences to human health.

In the course of a five-month inquiry, the AP discovered that drugs have been detected in the drinking water supplies of major metropolitan areas — from Southern California to Northern New Jersey, from Detroit to Louisville

Water providers rarely disclose results of pharmaceutical screenings, unless pressed, the AP found. For example, the head of a group representing major California suppliers said the public “doesn’t know how to interpret the information” and might be unduly alarmed.


How do the drugs get into the water?

People take pills. Their bodies absorb some of the medication, but the rest of it passes through and is flushed down the toilet. The wastewater is treated before it is discharged into reservoirs, rivers or lakes. Then, some of the water is cleansed again at drinking water treatment plants and piped to consumers. But most treatments do not remove all drug residue.


Here are some of the key test results obtained by the AP:

• Officials in Philadelphia said testing there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in treated drinking water, including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city’s watersheds.

• Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications were detected in a portion of the treated drinking water for 18.5 million people in Southern California.

• Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey analyzed a Passaic Valley Water Commission drinking water treatment plant, which serves 850,000 people in Northern New Jersey, and found a metabolized angina medicine and the mood-stabilizing carbamazepine in drinking water.

• A sex hormone was detected in San Francisco’s drinking water.

• The drinking water for Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas tested positive for six pharmaceuticals.

• Three medications, including an antibiotic, were found in drinking water supplied to Tucson.


Drinking toilet water











What can the water suppliers remove from your toilet water before you drink it? Continuing with the article, Drugs found in the water?



The federal government doesn’t require any testing and hasn’t set safety limits for drugs in water. Of the 62 major water providers contacted, the drinking water for only 28 was tested. Among the 34 that haven’t: Houston, Chicago, Miami, Baltimore, Phoenix, Boston and New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection, which delivers water to 9 million people.

Even users of bottled water and home filtration systems don’t … avoid exposure. Bottlers, some of which simply repackage tap water, do not typically treat or test for pharmaceuticals, according to the industry’s main trade group. The same goes for the makers of home filtration systems.

Contamination is not confined to the United States. More than 100 different pharmaceuticals have been detected in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and streams throughout the world. Studies have detected pharmaceuticals in waters throughout Asia, Australia, Canada and Europeeven in Swiss lakes and the North Sea.


Notice the Inspired Words of Yahweh’s Prophet.

Isayah 24:5-6

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.


Now read what your Savior said in:

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Continuing with the article, Drugs found in the water?


“People think that if they take a medication, their body absorbs it and it disappears, but of course that’s not the case,” said EPA scientist Christian Daughton, one of the first to draw attention to the issue of pharmaceuticals in water in the United States.

Some drugs, including widely used cholesterol fighters, tranquilizers and anti-epileptic medications, resist modern drinking water and wastewater treatment processes.



Remember one more Scripture as you continue, just to know that Yahweh told you before it came upon you.

Revelation 9:20-21

20 And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues, still did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and gods (elohim, teraphim) of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk;

21 Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


In verse 21, the word sorceries is word #5331 in the Greek dictionary of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, and means medication, pharmacy, druggist, pharmacist. Christian authorities agree that Rome is the chief seat of idolatry. See Thayer’s Greek Lexicon page 531. For further reading, we recommend The Mark of the Beast.


Superbugs are breeding, spreading drug-resistant genes at water treatment plants


What they found in the treated water

Their tests found that both water treatment facilities were releasing thousands of copies per milliliter of the resistant NDM-1 superbug gene. Treated sludge contained even greater amounts – 10 million copies per gram of dry weight!

One treatment plant was actually expelling more of this infectious DNA into the environment than it was taking in!



Isayah 24:5

The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.


Legionnaires’ disease bacteria lurk in tap water




Cocaine, Spices, Hormones Found in Drinking Water


The water flowing from your tap might be spiked with some unusual ingredients, according to scientists who are investigating what lurks in our freshwater supplies.

Around the world, researchers are finding trace amounts of substances — from heroine and cardamom to rocket fuel and birth control — that might be having unintended consequences for humans and wildlife alike.

University of Washington associate professor Richard Keil heads the Sound Citizen program, which investigates how what we do on land affects our waters.



Disease Epidemics


Anyone should be able to see that diseases are getting worse. They are stronger and drug resistant. The death rates from every lethal disease are climbing. This means the cause of these diseases remains untouched. It also means the reason for these diseases is continually being fed. Below are just a few of these lethal diseases that are mutating and crossing with other fatal viruses and/or bacteria.


Newly identified strains of Chlamydia trachomatis could produce new diseases

A new study led by a scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) is the first to conclude that Chlamydia trachomatis is evolving at a rate faster than scientists first thought or imagined.

Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium that is the leading cause of sexually transmitted diseases and the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Scientists believe the bacterium is evolving through a process called recombination where genes from one or more strains combine to create new strains and – theoretically – new diseases.

“What we found is an organism that not only evolves rapidly, but in ways that we thought were rare. We also discovered that this organism can customize its attack,” said Dr. Dean. “Consequently, the constant flux of the bacterium could serve as a gateway for new emerging diseases…



Deadly Viruses Mutating Faster Than Before


Deadly viruses mutating to infect humans at rate never seen before

By Mark Henderson

At least one new disease is jumping the species barrier from animals to human beings every year, exposing people to emerging germs at a rate that may be unprecedented.

The first work to catalogue the range of germs capable of infecting people has disclosed that 38 new human pathogens have emerged in the past 25 years. Three quarters of these, including Aids, avian flu, Sars and new variant CJD, originated as animal diseases.

The survey, led by Mark Woolhouse, of the University of Edinburgh, has identified more than 1,400 pathogens that can cause disease in human beings, at least 800 of which crossed the species barrier from animals.



C. difficile disease rates increasing with new strain

by Cassandra A. Richards Correspondent


Rates of Clostridium difficile disease are increasing and so is the severity of those infections.

These changes in C. difficile disease are likely related to the emergence of new epidemic strains.



Gonorrhea Steals DNA From Humans

By Duncan Geere, Wired UK

Researchers have discovered the first case of a direct transfer of a human DNA fragment to a bacterial genome. The guilty party? Gonorrhea.

Scientists have known that genes could transfer between different bacteria, and even between bacteria and yeast cells, but biologists at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine discovered that Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea, had stolen a sequence of DNA bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine) from an L1 DNA element found in humans.


“Human DNA to a bacterium is a very large jump. This bacterium had to overcome several obstacles in order to acquire this DNA sequence. The next step is to figure out what this piece of DNA is doing.”



Drinking your own urine is prophesied for this time period. Drinking their own urine occurred before in the land of Israyl, but this time it will occur in all nations. It will be much worse than past history, as is shown by Yahshua Messiah. All plagues will be worse than ever before in history. If you read Yahshua’s Words, He shows this generation will experience the worst wars and hatred among the kingdoms and nations, the worst weather conditions and weather-related disasters, the worst drought, resulting in food shortage and famine, and the worst disease epidemics.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.


Notice carefully:

Mattithyah 24:3, 7

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place.


Verse 3 shows the events Yahshua speaks of will take place in the last days; some render this as The End, it is correctly stated, The End of the Ages. The verse that shows clearly this is a time period in:

Mattithyah 24:34

Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


When you couple these verses together, you find the worst of all these things are prophesied for this present, prophesied generation.

Mattithyah 24:33

In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

Mattithyah 24:3The End of the Ages?

Mattithyah 24:14The End

Mattithyah 24:33…these things named are here! The time period shown in these verses are referring to one generation.

Mattithyah 24:34

Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


Deception is shown to be Great…Remember Mattithyah 24:21-22 shows the worst ever


The Savior greatly emphasized that in this generation all of these things that are causing the plagues to befall the earth are multiplied in this last, and present, prophesied generation. Now notice the deception.

Mattithyah 24:11

And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.


If you noticed, the sodomites, the popes, and even the christian preachers are openly showing dishonor to the Inspired Scriptures and the Laws of Righteousness taught by the Prophets, Apostles, and the Savior, Yahshua Messiah. They use the name jesus christ, which has been plainly shown to be made up from the names of two pagan Gods, chosen by the pope, Constantine, to replace the Name of the True Savior, Yahshua. Even the Name of the Creator, Yahweh, was replaced. Read the facts.


The First Council of Nicaea and the “missing records”


Thus, the first ecclesiastical gathering in history was summoned and is today known as the Council of Nicaea. It was a bizarre event that provided many details of early clerical thinking and presents a clear picture of the intellectual climate prevailing at the time. It was at this gathering that Christianity was born and the ramifications of decisions made at the time are difficult to calculate. About four years prior to chairing the Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol Invictus, one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God (the other was Mithraism). Because of his Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to convene the first of three sittings on the summer solstice, 21 June 325 (Catholic Encyclopedia, New Edition, vol. i, p. 792), and it was “held in a hall of Osius’s palace” (Ecclesiastical History Bishop Louis Dupin, Paris, 1986, vol. i, p. 598).

From his extensive research into Church councils, Dr Watson concluded that “the clergy at the Council of Nicaea were all under the power of the devil and the convention was composed of the lowest rabble and patronised the vilest abominations” (An Apology for Christianity, op. cit.). It was that infantile body of men who were responsible for the commencement of a new religion and the theological creation of Jesus Christ.

Constantine’s intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for his empire who would unite all religious factions under one deity. Presbyters were asked to debate and decide who their new god would be. …the names of 53 gods were tabled for discussion. “As yet, no God had been selected by the council, and so they balloted in order to determine that matter… For one year and five months the balloting lasted…” (God’s Book of Eskra, Prof. S.L. MacGuire’s translation, Salisbury, 1922, chapter xlviii, paragraphs 36, 41).

At the end of that time, Constantine returned to the gathering to discover that the presbyters had not agreed on a new deity but had balloted down to a short list of five prospects: Caesar, Krishna, Mithra, Horus and Zeus (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325). Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicaea and he ultimately decided upon a new god for them. To involve British factions, he ruled that the name of the Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Saviour-god, Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus Hesus Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god. A vote was taken and it was with a majority show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities become one God. Following long-standing heathen custom, Constantine used the official gathering and the Roman apotheosis decree to legally deify two deities as one, and did so by democratic consent. A new god was proclaimed and “officially” ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii Nicaeni, 1618). That purely political act of deification effectively and legally placed Hesus and Krishna among the Roman gods as one individual composite. That abstraction lent Earthly existence to amalgamated doctrines of the Empire’s new religion; and because there was no letter “J” in alphabets until around the sixteenth century, the name subsequently evolved into “Jesus Christ”.

Nexus Magazine, Volume 14, Number 4


In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we find the following:



203 God revealed himself to his people Israel by making his name known to them. A name expresses a person’s essence and identity and the meaning of this person’s life. God has a name; he is not an anonymous force. To disclose one’s name is to make oneself known to others; in a way it is to hand oneself over by becoming accessible, capable of being known more intimately and addressed personally.


206 In revealing his mysterious name, YHWH (“I AM HE WHO IS”, “I AM WHO AM” or “I AM WHO I AM”), God says who he is and by what name he is to be called.


209 Out of respect for the holiness of God, the people of Israel do not pronounce his name. In the reading of Sacred Scripture, the revealed name (YHWH) is replaced by the divine title “LORD” (in Hebrew Adonai, in Greek Kyrios). It is under this title that the divinity of Jesus will be acclaimed: “Jesus is LORD.”



446 In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the ineffable Hebrew name YHWH, by which God revealed himself to Moses,59 is rendered as Kyrios, “Lord”. From then on, “Lord” becomes the more usual name by which to indicate the divinity of Israel’s God. The New Testament uses this full sense of the title “Lordboth for the Father and – what is new – for Jesus, who is thereby recognized as God Himself.60


The Hebrew word rendered false prophet in Mattithyah 24:11 actually means religious impostors. Remember, Yahshua is speaking of the Last Days, the last prophesied generation. An impostor is, in fact, anyone and everyone who is not a part of the prophesied Work of Yahweh.


As in the beginning, it was Yahweh’s Plan.

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

Yahchanan 1:1-3

1 In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh, and the Plan was with Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh’s.

2 The same Plan was in the beginning with Yahweh.

3 All things were done according to it, and without it nothing was done, that was done.


Please study closely:

Amosyah 3:7

Most assuredly Father Yahweh will have no work, other than the Work that He has prophesied in advance by His Servants the Prophets.


Speaking of the Last Days:

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


Remember the Words of Yahshua Messiah.

Mattithyah 6:33

But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.



Keep in mind Yahshua’s Words in:

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


In the Last Days Yahweh will establish His House; He did in this last prophesied generation. Notice, Yahweh’s House does not teach iniquity. His House is prophesied to teach Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness, turning people to Yahweh and His Righteousness. Compare:

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Religious impostors cannot teach Yahweh’s Righteousness. Search the words of every religion in the world, not one of them teach you to practice Yahweh’s Righteousness. The only Place you will seek and find it taught is The House of Yahweh.

Mattithyah 6:33

But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Deuteronomy 12:5

But you are to seek the Habitation of your Father; The House of Yahweh—the place which Yahweh your Father shall choose out of all your tribes to establish His Name—and there you must go.

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


This comes straight from the mouth of the Savior, notice in:

Mattithyah 7:13-20

13 Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go that way.

14 Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to life, and few there are who find it.

15 Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are rav­ening wolves.

16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?

17 Likewise, every Righteous tree brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of evil brings forth fruit of iniquity.

18 A Righteous tree cannot bring forth fruit of iniquity, nor can a tree of evil bring forth fruits of Righteousness.

19 Every tree which does not bring forth Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.

20 Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.


Verse 17, notice every Righteous tree. What is Righteousness? Remember and compare with the above:

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Verse 8, read this and believe or you will be deceived as are all of today’s religions. He who commits sin is of the devil. All the religions in the world today, except The House of Yahweh, are of the devil. That’s why Yahweh had to establish His House in these Last Days.

Mattithyah 24:33-34, 14

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

14 And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.


All religions today, in this generation, are teaching the message of the kingdom of Satan the devil, except the House that Yahweh established in this generation. Read again what the pope and christianity brings forth.

Mattithyah 7:17

Likewise, every Righteous tree brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of evil brings forth fruit of iniquity.


They teach iniquity in their schools, movie theaters, churches, and homes. According to the Greek dictionary in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the word iniquity is word #458 from word #459, and means: not subject to the Laws; that is, doing away with the Laws.


458. άνομία anŏmia an-om-ee´-ah; from 459; illegality, i.e. violation of law or (gen.) wickedness:–iniquity, x transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.

459. ἂνομος anŏmŏs, an´-om-os; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (neg.) not subject to law; (by impl. a Gentile), or (pos.) wicked:–without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.


Now, in this Last Generation, all religions, religious teachers, including and especially the pope and all the vatican, teach iniquity.


In the Last  Prophesied, Present Generation


All christian corporations teach iniquity. They do not teach to obey the Laws of Righteousness found in your bible. They teach the world to sin, to break the Laws of Yahweh. They all belong to Satan. Read this for yourself in your own bible.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


They will not enter Life Eternal. Please read the Words of the Savior in:

Revelation 22:12-15

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.

I Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor  God worshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men.


Sin is taught in your schools, homes, and churches (temples, mosques, synagogues), by all religious organizations all over the world.


Maryland State School Board Upholds Pro-Sodomy Curriculum


A recent ruling by the Maryland State Board of Education has given the green light to the Montgomery County school district to install a “comprehensive sex education” curriculum that affirms and promotes homosexuality.

The board’s ruling also opens the way for any school district in Maryland to do the same.


Sodomy as a Community Value?


At issue is a program of instruction entitles “Respect for Differences in Human Sexuality,” first proposed two years ago, for the eighth and tenth grades. The lessons stress “respect, empathy, and tolerance” for those who pursue aberrant sexual behaviors, and will consist of “three additional lessons” tacked onto the existing curriculum.

It is not known how or when tolerance of sodomy and cross-dressing became community values. But having decided that it is, the state board went on to say, “there is good reason for not requiring viewpoint neutrality or the inclusion of all viewpoints in a school curriculum.



So, Maryland’s State School Board upholds Satan and the evil of the Gods as is shown openly. But, secretly, they fear the roman catholic church and the sodomite mafia.


Adam Carolla Stands By Claim That Gay Mafia Stifles Speech In Hollywood


Adam Carolla isn’t backing down from his recent claim to Salon that the gay [sodomite] community in Hollywood acts like a mafia “demanding everyone apologize for every joke and retract every statement.”

“What I’m saying is if you are a late night show host and you got a joke about Chaz Bono, keep that one in your pocket,” Carolla said.

“And by the way there are many different groups now — and there always have been,” he continued. “But I’m just saying: You get out there and make a joke about you fill in the blank group — sexuality, sexual proclivities, whatever it is — they’ll come after you. And they can make things very difficult. And at a certain point people just realize it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I’m not going to say that joke ’cause I don’t even want to deal with it.”

“So what it is, is sort of stifling,” he argued.



California Public School Kids Now Required to study Contributions of LGBT Americans


(CNSNews.com) – On Jan. I, the California Department of Education started implementing a new law that requires all children in the state’s public schools to study the “role and contributions” of “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans” to the “development of California and the United States of America.”

This law, according to the pro-gamily group SaveCalifornia.com, will require the schools to promote “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans as role models” and mandate that “children as young as kindergarten must be taught to admire persons who engage in homosexuality.


If asked, they would strictly deny the contributions of the Prophets in your bible, or the contributions of the rold of Yahshua and His twelve Disciples. Oh yes, don’t forget those Scripture-loving people who gave their lives fighting against sin being taught in D.C. schools.


In D.C. schools, early lessons in gay tolerance


In the national push to prevent bullying, more elementary schools are introducing lessons about gay tolerance. Some lessons begin before the first day of kindergarten.

The District, which legalized same-sex marriage in 2009, is joining San Francisco, Minneapolis and Cambridge, Mass., at the leading edge of an effort to make public schools more welcoming to gay students and families. Twenty new school-based liaisons to the gay community are helping train teachers this year, and a contingent from the school system marched in the gay pride parade in June.

School officials say it’s important to start early, before children’s perceptions of gay life are dominated by playground put-downs.

Two national gay rights organizations have proposed new elementary teaching guides. Under the banners of “Ready, Set, Respect!” and “Welcoming Schools,” They offer lesson plans and tips for introducing diverse families, challenging gender stereotypes and countering hurtful language.

The Washington Post


From where doest this come? Notice the first two words of the next article…arch-bishop, and the city that sits on seven hills.

Revelation 17:1-3, 7, 9, 18

1 And there came one of the seven Malakim who had the seven bowls, and talked with me, saying to me: Come, I will show you the sentence of the great whore that sits upon many waters,

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; practiced idolatry: godworship (the worship of elohim), and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the midst of Godworshipers (worshipers of elohim); and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

7  And the Malak said to me: Why are you astonished? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns.

9 And here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

18 And the woman whom you saw, is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.


Compton’s Pictured Encyclopedia, 1948, Volume 12, page 144, tells us about the city of seven hills.

…the “City of Seven Hills.” …the Capitoline, Palatine, Aventine, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, and Caelian hills. …the seat of the papacy, the head of the great Roman Catholic Church.


This city (Rev. 17:18) that sits on seven hills (Rev. 17:9) brings forth abominations.

Revelation 17:4-5

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

5 And upon her head was a name written: Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth.


What does your bible say? I’ll quote just a few Scriptures.

I Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor Godworshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men.

Isayah 24:1-6

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

Mattithyah 24:12

And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

Mattithyah 24:37

But just as the days of Noah were, so will also be the coming of the Son of Man.

Genesis 6:5, 11-13

5 Then Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil, continually.

11 The earth also was corrupt before Yahweh, and the earth was lawless, filled with violence.

12 So Yahweh looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all mankind had corrupted their way on the earth.

13 And Yahweh said to Noah: The end of all mankind has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and they; mankind, have corrupted themselves with the earth.

Mattithyah 24:21-22, 29

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.


All in this present, prophesied generation.

Mattithyah 24:33-34

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.



Arch-Bishop Tells Children Sodomy is Good for Them says ‘gay is good’


This guidance aims to help schools express God’s love by ensuring that they offer a safe and welcoming place for all God’s children

Church schools given ‘gay is good’ guidelines: Pupils to be taught to ‘respect all members of the community’ in new rules handed to headteachers and governors

They will be told to ‘revere and respect all members of the diverse community’ and material provided by gay rights pressure groups will be used in their sex education lessons.



Groundbreaking: Homosexuality finding its way into cartoons


Posted on Jan 27, 2005 | by Michael Foust

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Seven years after ABC aired its controversial “coming out” episode of “Ellen,” homosexuality appears to be breaking new ground againthis time in cartoons.

The producers of the PBS children’s show “Postcards from Buster” have filmed an episode in which Buster — a cartoon bunny who travels the U.S. meeting real people — visits a lesbian couple in Vermont. A little girl introduces Buster to “my mom and Gillian” before everyone sits down for dinner, USA Today reported. Although PBS has since said it will not air the episode, the producer — WGBH in Boston — says it will provide the episode to stations that want it.

In February, a regular character on “The Simpsons” is scheduled to come out in an episode that reportedly will feature a same-sex “marriage.” Homer “marries” the couple, and his daughter, Lisa, supports the couple’s relationship. The episode will air in the midst of a nationwide culture battle over the definition of marriage.



The Scriptural facts are very clear. The whole world is practicing and teaching sin.


Prophecy of Yahshua


Keep in mind, for this time period–this last prophesied generation–the Savior is speaking of and showing us what we will face, what the activities of mankind will be, and the resulting plagues of those activities.

Mattithyah 24:11-12

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


Notice in verse 11, the religions will bring these plagues because the religious impostors, led by Satan, will not teach Yahweh’s Righteousness. It’s all coming from the teachings of the religions. Verse 12 clearly shows that iniquity, not Righteousness, is coming from the religions in this present, prophesied generation.


This You Can Now See


The Savior said, when you see all these things named by the Him, that generation will not pass until all these things are fulfilled.

Mattithyah 24:11-12, 33-34

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


In verse 12, we see no love. This means mankind can drop a bomb and kill men, women and children, without remorse. The only thing our conscience will not allow us to destroy is, notice:

Revelation 6:6

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying: A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see you do not hurt the oil and the wine.


Kill, murder, steal, and take by force all the wealth, as when you destroyed the temple and took its wealth and artifacts to Rome, but don’t hurt the oil or our lifestyle in Rome.


What is the Arch of Titus?

The Victory Arch of Titus commemorates Titus’ victorious conquest of Judaea, leading the sacking of Jerusalem and ending the Jewish wars. The arch was constructed after Titus’s death in 81 c.e. after his becoming a god.


Where is the Arch of Titus?

The Arch of Titus is located on the highest point of the Via Sacra, a road leading to the Roman Forum. This is  a single arch, 15.4m high, 13.5m wide, and 4.75m deep. The marble reliefs stand nearly 2.5m in height. On the Arch of Titus is a relief depicting the Romans’ triumphal procession, returning with spoils from the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Especially prominent is the sacred Menorah, but we can also see the Table of the Shewbread, and the silver trumpets which called Jews to Rosh Hashanah.



Revelation Chapter 6 is speaking of the roman catholic church that sits on; that is judges the nations from, the seven hills of Rome. This chapter also shows the quartet standing on the part of the vatican, deeply involved in the depopulation of four-fifths of the earth’s people and their religions. Notice the hunger.

Revelation 6:8

And I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat upon it was death; and sheol; the grave, followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with pestilence—the same under the authority of the beast of the earth.


Notice the word hunger. In 2012, notice the world hunger that was taking place while peace was being taken from the earth.


A hungry world: Lots of food, in too few places

Mark Koba | @MarkKobaCNBC

Monday, 22 Jul 2013 | 8:39 AM ET


Of the roughly 7 billion people in the world, an estimated 870 million suffer each day from hunger.

That’s hunger from malnutrition or not eating even the lowest amount of daily recommended calories—1,800—while often enduring food insecurity, or not knowing where the next meal is coming from.

Of the near billion who go hungry, some 852 million live in developing countries, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (WFO).

But the world’s largest economy— and the richest country on Earth—is not immune from hunger.

An estimated one in six people, or some 50 million U.S.citizens, are unable to afford to buy sufficient food to stay healthy, according to the Department of Agriculture. Nearly 17 million are children.



World Hunger Statistics

Total number of children that die every year from hunger…1.5 million



This generation will see the worst hunger ever.

Mattithyah 24:21-22

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

Revelation 6:8

And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one of them having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the Saints.

Mattithyah 24:7

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place.


In verse 7 notice the word famine. Remember, the worst ever in this generation.

Mattithyah 24:33-34

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


The events spoken of in Revelation Chapter 6 and Mattithyah Chapter 24 are the same; they are prophesied for the same time period–the Last Generation allotted to religious rebellion. We are shown in advance what the rest of this present, prophesied generation will be like.


The Atmosphere is Out of Control


Get our magazine, The Prophetic Word 6/2007, about the real cause of global warming. You will see that the firmament, called the atmosphere, shown in Genesis 1 was created to govern the rain–the formation of the raindrops, the amount released, and the speed in which it is let down to the earth.

Genesis 1:7

So Yahweh made the firmament, and separated the water under the firmament from the water above it. And it was so.


The extreme weather activities we’re experiencing at this time are no accident, nor are they caused by burning fuel. What we see in the Hebrew word rendered earthquakes in Yahshua’s Prophecy found in Mattithyah 24:7, actually means un-normalunnatural weather; in other words, catastrophes of abnormal origin. Global warming and extreme drought are now causing people to drink their own urine. Yes, sewer water, termed “reconditioned” or recycled water, being put into the drinking water, is covered fully by that word rendered earthquakes in most bible translations.

These extreme conditions are causing famine and hunger, due to the lack of rainwater and food being grown. We can see the droughts spreading. We can see people drinking their own urine. We can see a shortage of food and a jump in prices already. But we haven’t seen the worst yet, as foretold by Yahshua.


Science also sees the climate changing, as prophesied in you bible. Notice the next article.


The End of the Rain as We Know It


Say goodbye to the pleasant springtime drizzle. As the climate changes, get ready for more torrential downpours and more droughts

The rain will soon fall at once or not at all. There will be only dryness or downpour, no more metronomic rains…

While California endures its drought, severe storms flooded states along the Gulf Coast, in the Mid-Atlantic, and in the Northeast. This, we are beginning to understand, is our fault: Global precipitation is affected directly by human activity.



The famine and the drought are now getting attention all over the world because of the shortage of food and rain. This will also get worse. It will be the worst in the history of mankind.


Drought Prompts Disaster Declarations in Texas, 11 States

By Michelle Rindels

|  Thursday, Jan 16, 2014  |  Updated 7:45 PM CST

 California Heat Map







Federal officials have designated portions of 11 drought-ridden western and central states as primary natural disaster areas…

The announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Wednesday included counties in Texas — as well as Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Kansas, Utah, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Oklahoma and California.



Water Rationing Begins in Venezuela Amid Drought

CARACAS, Venezuela May 8, 2014 (AP)



Wheat Prices Jump to 13-Month High Amid Drought

Hot, Dry Weather Expected to Continue This Week

By Jesse Newman Updated May 5, 2014 5:58 p.m. ET



‘Epic’ Four-Year Texas Drought Prompts Record Beef Prices in US

By Michael Kuhne, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer

May 09, 2014; 4:42 AM


How many people die each minute from starvation?

Posted by factcheckinginjusticefacts on January 16, 2012 in Global


An article released by WFP on Jan. 24, 2007, said that hunger kills 25,000 people a day.

Every four seconds, one person dies.

To figure out how many people die every minute, we need to divide the number of minutes in a day into the daily starvation death tally. With 1,440 minutes in a day and 21,000 deaths, approximately 15 people die every minute from starvation.


The Cause of the Drought, Famines, and Nuclear Wars is the Religions


Your bible shows the cause of all these plagues, including the soon coming nuclear wars that will take place in this generation. You would be wise to believe.

The leading religion is the roman catholic church. All christian corporations are shown to be her daughters. They are the cause of all these plagues, as well as the extreme hatred, the nuclear stockpile, and the lack of love, care or concern. Notice again in your own bible:

Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 11-12, 21-22, 29, 33-34

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


The cause is shown in Mattithyah 24:11-12–religious impostors teaching against Yahweh’s Laws of Love and Righteousness. Compare:

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

II Yahchanan 1:6

And this is love: That we walk after His Laws. Those are the Laws, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in them.


The teaching of the Laws of Love is taken away by religious impostors who teach iniquity and produce hatred and wars.

Mattithyah 24:12

And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


According to the Greek dictionary in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the word iniquity is word #458 from word #459, and means: not subject to the Laws; that is, doing away with the Laws.


458. άνομία anŏmia an-om-ee´-ah; from 459; illegality, i.e. violation of law or (gen.) wickedness:–iniquity, x transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.

459. ἂνομος anŏmŏs, an´-om-os; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (neg.) not subject to law; (by impl. a Gentile), or (pos.) wicked:–without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.


The Cause Reaches into the Heaven


In the Book of Revelation, we are shown the cause again.

Revelation 18:5

For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!


These sins are reaching into the firmament; that is, heaven. The firmament was created to govern the sun’s rays and the rain needed to water the earth. Without the governing power of the firmament, the original activities of the heaven would not be capable, and would result in abnormal activities bringing un-normal, unnatural disasters.

Again, I urge you to get the 6/2007 issue of The Prophetic Word magazine about the real cause of global warming. Sin and its resulting curses are reaching into the heaven, injuring the firmament. Find out how in this magazine.

The same thing that’s injuring the heaven (firmament) is injuring the coral reef, and your body. It’s wrecking your health. It’s injuring the health of the firmament. It’s causing you to drink your own urine–toilet water and the drugs flushed down the commodes of the sick, all over the city.

The only way to stop these plagues from affecting your body and to be healed from the sickness and disease you now have is found in the following verses.

Revelation 18:4-5

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues,

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!


What is required of you?

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


We are now in the last part of the Last Generation. The world is getting ready to go into nuclear wars. You need our book, Birth of the Nuclear Baby. There is a place of safety and protection. The 6/2007 issue of The Prophetic Word magazine and Birth of the Nuclear Baby, show the Protected Place of Yahweh.

The House of Yahweh is back, and it’s here to stay! The Book of Yahweh is back, and it’s here to stay!

Mattithyah 16:18

And I also say to you who are Kepha; whose name means “rock”: That upon this Rock, Yahweh Unity; I will build this house; family: The House of Yahweh, and the gates of sheol; the grave, will not prevail against it.

Isayah 34:16

Search out The Book Of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; they shall not want; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.


Prophecy says:

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


The House of Yahweh was established in this present, prophesied generation. It is now fulfilling Yahshua’s Prophecy.

Mattithyah 24:14

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.


We are here to help you. Call, write or email us and ask what you can do to save yourself and your family.


Love, True Love


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com





California…Have You Lost Your Minds?

What Are Your Churches Teaching You? Do you know nothing about the Inspired Holy Scriptures? Have your religions been teaching you to hate children, or do you just hate everyone? Have you ever heard the phrase “Love Your Neighbor” or, help them that ask of you? Have you never read the Words of the Savior, Yahshua Messiah?

Luke 6:30-31, 38—

30 Give to everyone who asks of you; and from him who takes away your possessions, do not ask for them back.

31 And just as you would have men do to you, do also the same to them only.

38 Give, and it will be given to you; full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into the lap of your garment. For with the same measure you use, it will be the standard which will be measured to you.


Give to help these children and their families who are asking the U.S. for help and you will be taking a step in the Teachings of the Savior, Yahshua Messiah. Make signs that say Welcome!, We Love You!, We Will Help!, You Came To The Right Place, and Love Starts Here! This is pleasing in Yahweh’s sight. Notice the Words of Yahshua Messiah’s Apostle.

I Yahchanan 3:22-23—

22 And whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His Laws and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

23 And this is His Commandment: That we should believe on the Name of His Son, Yahshua Messiah, and love one another, as He also gave us Commandment.


California is suffering from extreme drought at this time. Surely, it has the attention of at least the majority of the residents of that golden state by now. Are your preachers praying for rain? Yes? How many years? Are those prayers being answered? How many inches of rain were requested? By asking for a certain amount of rain, you can find out if the request was answered, or was it an amount that would have come anyway? If you ask for a certain amount and don’t get that amount, you will know that your preacher is not being heard? If not, for certain, you may want to start searching for someone who can produce or at least explain why. If he is not heard, are you still looking to him for other things? Bad idea? Think about it!

Mattithyah 24:11—

And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.


II Timayah 4:3-4—

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts they will heap to themselves teachers, who will tickle their ears; telling them what they want to hear.

4 And they will turn away their ears from the Truth, and will be turned to fables.


In verse 3, who are they? This is speaking of deception–iniquity–being chosen because of their own lust, leading to sin. Could you be one of the “they” spoken of in verse 3? If so, you may never get another opportunity for Salvation. Compare:

Mattithyah 24:12—

And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


What would cause a person to lose their affection? Just that, the practice of iniquity. Iniquity is doing away with the Laws of Righteousness, which was prophesied in:

Daniyl 7:25

And he will speak great words against Yahweh, and will wear out; mentally attack to cause to fall away, the Saints of Yahweh, and think to change times; Yahweh’s Feast Days, and Laws; and they will be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.


Iniquity is also teaching that the Laws of Righteousness were done away with, causing or teaching the world to lust and fulfill their illegal lusts by practicing sin. Both sin and iniquity cut one off; that is, separate them from Yahweh, the Creator. Yahshua Messiah shows that many will be deceived by following their own lust, instead of following the Inspired Words written by the Prophets of Yahweh.

Mattithyah 7:14—

Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to Life, and few there are who find it.


Notice, few there are that will practice Righteousness; but evil, the many will follow.

Mattithyah 7:13—

Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go that way.


Many will follow the way of destruction. Destruction? Compare a Prophecy for this generation.

Mattithyah 24:7, 11-12—

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


Iniquity abounds in all of these religious imposters teaching against Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness and Love, and spreading hatred among the nations as we see in verse 7. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Notice what neglecting Righteousness brings.

Mattithyah 24:21-22, 29, 32-34—

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

32 Now learn a parable from the fig tree: When its branch becomes tender and puts out leaves, you know that summer is near.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


Did you notice that everything shown in this chapter is seen today? When you see these things (verse 33)… That generation (verse 34)… We are in the Last Generation now, at the time of this writing. How far are we into the Last Generation? Answer: near the end.

Ask for our information on the Prophecies on knowledge will be increased, the nuclear bomb patented, the computer patented, the last of the Two Witnesses being born; all of these took place in 1934. It won’t be another time period. It’s this generation, and we are in the end when nuclear wars are about to take place.


California Repent


You are showing the essence of the fulfillment of Mattithyah 24:12…cold love against children who are crying out for help. Change your signs to what you see below:



















Again, California Repent


From you has come sodomy into every home; sodomy which brings forth disease epidemics such as AIDS. From you came the exploitation of women’s bodies and the teaching that everyone should participate in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and bestiality, which adds to the mutation and spread of HIV-AIDS and thousands of other STDs. STDs cause other diseases, such as those that attack the organs of the body, causing death. Dying you will die (Genesis 2:17). From you the profaneness of sodomy is taught and accepted in homes, schools, churches, the courts of America, even the ‘supreme’ court of America. From you come the murders of billions of babies, making their body parts merchandise. Yes, all of these things are coming from your state. Should Yahweh allow your cities to survive?

You are showing the entire world just how evil the ‘golden state’ can be. You are showing how much hatred there can be for another people. You stand with hateful signs in your hands and paid force like the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians did with the roman catholic army. When will you start hanging them on the stake again? When will you start demanding that the children be thrown in the lions den again? Just how far do you intend to take your hatred, your cold love (Mattithyah 24:12)?

The sentencing Judgment and the opening of the gates of hell begin at the end of this present, prophesied generation. Read it for yourself.

Revelation 20:11-15—

11 And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face the powers of the earth and the powers of the heavens, including the Gods (elohim), were driven away; for the verdict was reached that there is no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before Yahweh. And the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is The Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and sheol; the grave, delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every man, according to his works.

14 And death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whoever was not found written in The Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Is there anyone in California that is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Is there any repentance in the state? Why should Yahweh spare you from the plagues? Why should your dry parched land ever be given rain again? You are as much to blame as the roman catholic church for what is coming next.

Isayah 24:1-6, 18-20—

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.


Acts 3:19 is your only hope. The plagues of nuclear wars will not wait. You need to repent now.

Malakyah 4:1—

For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Father Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.


The hatred you are showing for these begging children is only one of the many evils you now carry in your heart that shows on your face. You will stop condemning and refusing help to children one way or another. The condemnation of children crying for help is too much hatred to show.

Join us in helping these children. We have a way. Call, write, or email us to find out how.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Love, True Love


Yisrayl Hawkins Signature


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com





The Shooting of Michael Brown by Darren Wilson

First off, I want to say that what you are seeing and have seen thus far is only one drop in the midst of a perfectly planned storm that will be the worst in the history of the police and all armed forces, and it didn’t start in Ferguson, Missouri.

In this article, I will show you when it started, why it started, how it could be stopped now, how and when it will stop, and the results we will see when it finally ends in this generation. According to the Words of the Savior, neither Michael Brown, nor Darren Wilson are guilty in this hideous crime that was committed. Don’t get turned off by the Scriptures at this point or you will miss out on the ONLY solution that makes sense.


Get The Following


The pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians brought a woman to Yahshua Messiah whom they accused of being caught in the act of adultery. The reason they brought her to Yahshua was the fact that they hated Yahshua for teaching Yahweh’s Laws, which exposed their sins. They wanted to catch Him with His own Words in order to accuse, arrest and murder Him.

Yahchanan 8:11—

She said, No man, Teacher. Then Yahshua said to her: Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.


The scribes were the lawyers, who were owned and paid by the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians to bring charges against those they considered to be their enemies. This group did not teach the Laws of Yahweh. They taught their own man-made traditions. These traditions made the Laws of Yahweh void in the peoples’ minds.

The word scribes is word #1122 in the Greek dictionary of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. Note the following information.


1122. γαμματεύs (67x) grammatĕus, grammat-yoocé; from 1121; a writer, i.e. (professionally) scribe or secretary: – scribe (66x), town-clerk (1x)

      Grammateus (1) denotes a scribe, a man of letters, a teacher of the law.(2) They are connected with the Pharisees, (2a) with whom they virtually formed one party (Luke5:21), (2b) sometimes with the chief priests (Mt 2:4; Mk 8:31; 10:33).


Mattithyah 2:4—

And when he had assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he asked them; Where will the Messiah be born?

Yahchanan Mark 8:31—

Then He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed; and after three days, raised up.

Yahchanan Mark 10:33—

And said: Behold, we go up to Yerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes; then they will condemn Him to death, and will hand Him over to the Gentiles,


(3) They were considered naturally qualified to teach in the synagogues (Mk 1:22).


Yahchanan Mark 1:22

And they were astonished at His Teaching, for He taught them as one who had Authority, and not as the scribes.


(4) They were ambitious of honor (Mt 23:5-11).


Mattithyah 23:5-11—

5 But all the works they do are practiced to be seen by men. They widen their phylacteries, and lengthen the tzitzit on their tallits.

6 They love the best places at Feasts, the front seats in the synagogues,

7 Being greeted in the markets, and being called by men; Rabbi! Rabbi!

8 But you are not to be called Rabbi; for One is the Great One over you, and He is Messiah, and all of you are brothers.

9 And you must not pray to or worship any man on earth as a “Father”, for you have only One Father, Who is in heaven.

10 And do not be called rulers, for One under Yahweh is your Ruler—the Messiah.

11 But he who is greatest among you will be your servant.


(4a) which they demanded especially from their pupils, and (4b) which was readily granted them, as well as by the people generally. (5) Like Ezra (cf. Ezra 7:12), the scribes were found originally among the priests and Levites. (6) The priests being the official interpreters of the Law, the scribes became an independent company. (7) Though they never held political power, they became leaders of the people. (8) Their functions regarding the Law were (8a) to teach it, (8b) develop it, and (8c) use it in connection with the Sanhedrin and various local courts. (9) They also occupied themselves with the sacred writings both historical and didactic. (10) They attached the utmost importance in ascetic elements, by which the nation was especially separated from the Gentiles. (10a) In their regime piety was reduced to external formalism. (10b) Only that was of value which was governed by external precept. (10c) Life under them became a burden; (10c1) they themselves sought to evade certain of their own precepts (Mt 23:16; Luke 11:46)…


Mattithyah 23:14-15—

14 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and then make a show with long prayers! For this, you will receive the greater damnation.

15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one convert, and when he is won, you make him twice as much the son of the grave as yourselves.

Luke 11:46-54—

46 Then He said: Woe to you as well, lawyers! For you weigh men down with burdens they can barely carry, but you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.

47 Woe to you! For you build the sepulchers of the Prophets, whom your fathers killed.

48 Truly, you testify that you approve of the deeds of your fathers; for they indeed killed them, and you build their sepulchers.

49 For this reason, the Wisdom of Yahweh also said: I will send them Prophets and Apostles, and some of them they will kill and persecute;

50 That the blood of all the Prophets, which was shed since the foundation of the world, may also be required of this generation—

51 From the blood of Abel to the blood of Zecharyah, who died between the altar and the sanctuary. Truly I say to you: It will be required of this generation.

52 Woe to you, lawyers! For you have taken away the Key of Knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves; and those who were entering in, you hindered.

53 So when He left that house, the scribes and the Pharisees began to oppose Him vehemently, and also tried to provoke Him to answer many questions;

54 Setting traps for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, so that they might accuse Him.


These burdens are laws not of Yahweh, such as carrying a needle on the back of the hand on the Sabbath.

Yahchanan 15:22-23—

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.

23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.


…(10c2) by their traditions the Law, instead of being a help in moral and spiritual life, became an instrument for preventing true access to [Yahweh].  (Lk 11:52). See: TDNT–1:740, 127; BAGD–165d; THAYER–121a.


Luke 11:52-54—

52 Woe to you, lawyers! For you have taken away the Key of Knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves; and those who were entering in, you hindered.

53 So when He left that house, the scribes and the Pharisees began to oppose Him vehemently, and also tried to provoke Him to answer many questions;

54 Setting traps for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, so that they might accuse Him..


They hid and took away the Pure doctrine and True understanding of the Scriptures. The key spoken of in verse 52 is the Keys of David.

Yahchanan Mark 7:8-9, 13—

8 For laying aside the Laws of Yahweh, you hold the tradition of men!

9 Then He said to them: How well you reject the Laws of Yahweh, so that you may keep your own traditions!

13 Making the Laws of Yahweh of no effect through your traditions you have handed down! And many other similar things you do.


Again notice:

Yahchanan 8:11—

She said, No man, Teacher. Then Yahshua said to her: Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.


Yahshua did not tell this woman that Yahweh’s Laws were done away with, as the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians were telling the people. You just read where Yahshua said they were teaching traditions of men instead of the Laws of Yahweh, and their traditions made the Laws of Yahweh void. Notice carefully what Yahshua did say and how different His Words are from those of the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians.

Yahchanan Mark 7:7-9, 13—

7 But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrine the commandments of men.

8 For laying aside the Laws of Yahweh, you hold the tradition of men!

9 Then He said to them: How well you reject the Laws of Yahweh, so that you may keep your own traditions!

13 Making the Laws of Yahweh of no effect through your traditions you have handed down! And many other similar things you do.


We see in verse 7 that the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians taught against the Righteous Laws of Yahweh and, instead, taught the traditions of men. They laid aside the Laws of Yahweh (verse 8). They rejected the Laws of Yahweh (verse 9). They hated Yahshua and the twelve Disciples because they taught that Yahweh’s Laws must be kept and they exposed the sins of the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians.

Yahchanan 15:22-23—

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.

23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.


The Woman Had Not Been Taught the Laws of Yahweh


The woman whom they brought to Yahshua had not been taught that she should practice Yahweh’s Laws. She was taught by the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians and their scribes (lawyers), none of which taught or practiced Yahweh’s Laws—the Light that guides children to Righteousness.

Yahchanan 7:19—

Were not the Laws given to you through Mosheh? And yet none of you keep the Laws! Why do you seek to kill Me?


Yahshua exposed their sins.

Yahchanan 15:22-23—

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.

23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.


Sin is breaking Yahweh’s Laws.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


The House of Yahweh that King Solomon had built was taken over by violent men, whose children were ruling it; yet, they called it the temple. Notice the archeological finds dating back to the ‘temple’ of King Solomon. The first of these archeological findings was discovered during excavations in Arad, Israel that took place during the 1960s and 1970s. Fragments of pottery were found at an Israelite sanctuary which dated back to the days of King Solomon. Inscribed in Hebrew on one of these is a reference to the “House of Yahweh.” This was reported in The Jerusalem Post in an article entitled “Unearthing the Land” which appeared June 29,1973. Here is an excerpt from that article.


Mostly used for business transactions, these humble documents are a mine of historic information. At Arad, excavated by Yohanan Aharoni, reference is made to a “House of YHWH”.



Three Shekels For The Lord

Ancient Inscription Records Gift To Solomon’s Temple


Two extremely important Hebrew inscriptions have recently surfaced on the antiquities market. One appears to be a receipt for a donation of three silver shekels to the House of Yahweh, pursuant to an order of the Israelite king. This is the oldest extra-Biblical mention of King Solomon’s Temple ever discovered. The other inscription records the petition of a widow for some portion of her late husband’s property. Both inscriptions, apparently by the same scribe, are written in Old Hebrew, or paleo-Hebrew, the script used before the Babylonian Exile. Both are on pieces of pottery, called ostraca because they bear an inscription.

Only one other extra-Biblical source mentions Solomon’s Temple, destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E…

The text on the first ostracon, which measures about 4 inches wide by 3.5 inches tall (10.9 by 8.6 cm), is only 5 lines and 13 words long. All the words are complete and readable. See the box for the text and translation.





1. K’SR SWK. ‘SY




5. S3



1. Pursuant to the order to you of Ashya-

2. hu the king to give by the hand

3. of [Z]echaryahu silver of Tar-

4. shish to the House of Yahweh

5. Three shekels.


*Brackets indicate that the letter or word has been reconstructed. Half-brackets indicate that part of the leter or word has been reconstructed.


Most of the words are separated from one another by dots acting as word dividers. However, sometimes the word dividers are omitted, such as between LBYT and YHWH, which together are pronounced Beit Yahweh and mean “House of Yahweh.”

The Temple is designated by the Hebrew term BYT YHWH, many times in the Bible. (Temple only refers to the building, Beit—House refers also to the people of Yahweh). But BYT YHWH had been found complete in only one extra-Biblical inscription, a faded ostracon from Arad with an obscure context, until this newly published ostracon was revealed.

BYT YHWH has been reconstructed on the inscribed ivory pomegranate that served as the head of a priestly scepter in Solomon’s Temple… divine name would mean “he causes to be, or exist,” i.e., “he creates.” Amorite personal names after 2,000 B.C. lend support to the Haupt-Albright view, demonstrating that the employment of the causative stem yahwe “he creates” was in vogue in the linguistic background of early Hebrew.


King Solomon died around 984 BCE. Around the year 629 BCE, 355 years after Solomon’s death, Yahweh’s Prophet Yeremyah was sent to warn the twelve tribes of Israyl about their evil God worship.


God Worship?


Genesis 3:5—

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Yeremyah’s warning that came around the year 599 BCE is shown in:


Yeremyah 23:1-2, 10-15, 21-22, 26-27—

1 Woe to the pastors; shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of My Pasture! says Yahweh.

2 Therefore, this is what Yahweh, the Father of Israyl, says against the pastors who feed My People: You have scattered My Flock, and driven them away, and have not visited; attended to, them. Behold, you are going to be called to account for the evil of your doings, says Yahweh:

10 For the land is full of adulterers; those who turn from following Yahweh to follow the Gods (elohim). Because of this curse the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up. Their conduct is evil, whose might is not right—

11 For both prophet and priest are profane! Yes, even in My own House I have found their wickedness! says Yahweh.

12 And so, their way will be slippery places to them; in the darkness they will be driven on, and fall in the darkness; for they will bring trouble upon themselves every time they commit sexual sins, says Yahweh.

13 I have seen folly; offense, in the prophets of Samaria—they prophesied by baal; the lord, and caused My People Israyl to err; go astray.

14 I have also seen in the prophets of Yerusalem a horrible thing__they commit adultery and walk in lies; they turn from Yahweh and follow after the Gods (elohim)! They also strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from his wickedness. All of them are like Sodom to Me, and her inhabitants are like Gomorrah.

15 Therefore, this is what Yahweh our Father says concerning these prophets; Behold, they will be fed with wormwood, and they will be made to drink the water of gall; for from the prophets of Yerusalem profaneness has gone out into all the world.

21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken of them, yet they prophesied.

22 But if they had stood in My Counsel, and had caused My People to hear My Words; the Laws and the Prophets, then they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

26 How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Yes, they are prophets of the deceit of their own minds;

27 Who devise; plan and scheme, to cause My People to forget My Name through their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor, just as their fathers have forgotten My Name for baal; lord.


These evil priests who worshipped evil Gods (Genesis 3:5) practiced sodomy (verse 14) and spread their profaneness out, from their location, to all the world (verse 15). They also removed the Creator’s Name, Yahweh, from the people, causing the people to forget Yahweh’s Name for the titles of men (verse 27). Unger’s Bible Dictionary, page 131, gives us the following information about the word Lord. Lord?


LORD. The rendering of several Heb. and Gk. words, which have different meanings:

1. Jehovah (yahweh: Heb. YHWH, “self-existent”) This is used as a proper name of God and should have been retained in that form by the translators. See (The) Lord; Yahweh.

2. Lord (Heb. Adon), an early word denoting ownership; hence, absolute control. It is not properly a divine title, being used of the owner of slaves (Gen. 24:14, 27; 39:2, 7, rendered “master”), of kings as the lords of their subjects (Isa. 26:13, “master”).


Notice their evil, like the Gods (Genesis 3:5), shown in:

Yeremyah 23:10—

For the land is full of adulterers; those who turn from following Yahweh to follow the Gods (elohim). Because of this curse the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up. Their conduct is evil, whose might is not right—


Did you notice the word adulterers? Adultery is what the scribes (lawyers) of the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians accused the woman of doing, saying they had caught her in the very act.

Yahchanan 8:1-4—

1 But Yahshua went to the Mount of Olives;

2 And early in the morning He returned to the sacred precincts of The House of Yahweh, where all the people came to Him and He sat down and taught them.

3 Then the scribes and pharisees brought a woman to Him who had been taken in adultery.  Now when they had set her in the midst,

4 They said to Him; Teacher, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.


Adultery was the very act of the evil priests whom Yeremyah was sent to warn in the House of Yahweh that King Solomon built.

Yeremyah 23:10—

For the land is full of adulterers…


Adultery was what these evil God worshippers had taught her to do. Why? Was the woman to blame? Is Michael Brown or Darren Wilson to blame today? Would Yahshua blame them for what they have been taught to do by today’s religions?

Yeremyah 23:11—

For both prophet and priest are profane! Yes, even in My own House I have found their wickedness! says Yahweh.


The Great Prophet Yeremyah was inspired by Yahweh, and Yahshua Messiah said you are fools for not believing him.

Luke 24:25—

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Yeremyah said:

Yeremyah 23:1—

Woe to the pastors; shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of My Pasture! says Yahweh.


The Words of Wisdom that Would Have Prevented the Ferguson, Missouri Start of War!


Yahweh gave to mankind Perfect Laws to guide them into becoming perfect like Yahweh is Perfect. That is how the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, said that we all should become.

Mattithyah 5:48—

Therefore, become perfect, just as your Father Who is in heaven is Perfect.


Yahweh’s Perfect Laws guide the way.

Psalm 19:7—

The Laws of Yahweh are Perfect, converting the whole person. The Testimony of Yahweh is sure, making the simple ones wise.


In this Perfect Way of life there is Eternal Life for all who will believe the Testimonies of the Prophets. Notice:

Yahchanan 1:1-5—

1 In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh, and the Plan was with Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh’s.

2 The same Plan was in the beginning with Yahweh.

3 All things were done according to it, and without it nothing was done, that was done.

4 In this Plan was Life, and that Life was the Light to mankind.

5 Now that Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not take hold of it.


Did you notice the word Light? Now see:

Psalm 119:105, 130—

105 Your Law is a lamp to our feet, and a Light to our path.

130 The unfolding of Your Laws gives Light; they give understanding to the simple.


Yahshua said:

Luke 24:25—

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Now notice:

Yahchanan 1:12—

But as many as received Him, to those He gave Authority to become the Sons of Yahweh to those who believe the Testimony of Yahweh


The phrase on his name in the King James Version is the Greek word onoma, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew shem-Yahweh, and means the Testimony of Yahweh. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, page 447. More information is given on this subject in the sermons dated 12-16-89 and 11-30-91. The transcript of the 12-16-89 sermon can be found in The Fourth Book of Yisrayl, Reverencing Yahweh and the 11-30-91 sermon can be found in The Second Book of Yisrayl, Going on to Perfection.


Did you see that? Wow! The Savior said these Testimonies also give Eternal Life.

Mattithyah 19:17—

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into Life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.

Revelation 22:12-15—

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.


Read that again, everybody! Blessed are those who keep His Laws.


The Command to Parents and Priests


Yahweh says if you break these Laws, it will bring curses into your life and the lives of your children. But if you will live by this Righteousness, blessings will follow you. First, let’s look at the curses.

Deuteronomy 28:15-24—

15 However, if you do not obey Yahweh your Father, and do not carefully follow all His Laws and His Statutes, which I command you this day, then all these curses will come upon you, and accompany you:

16 Cursed will you be in the city, and cursed will you be in the country.

17 Cursed will be your basket and your storehouse.

18 Cursed will be the fruit of your body, the produce of your land, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks.

19 Cursed will you be when you come in, and cursed will you be when you go out.

20 Because of the wickedness you have done in forsaking Me, it will come to pass that you will have given yourselves over to curses, confusion, and rebuke, in everything you put your hand to do, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin.

21 It will come to pass that you will cause the plagues to cling to you, until you are destroyed from the land you are entering to possess.

22 It will come to pass that you will cause yourselves to be struck with  consumption, with a fever, with an inflammation, with scorching heat, with the sword, with blasting, and with mildew; they will stay with you, until you perish.

23 And the heaven that is over your heads shall be brass, and the earth under you shall be iron.

24 It will come to pass that you will cause the rain of your land to become powder and dust: from heaven it shall come down upon you, until you are destroyed.


Now read the blessings these Laws of Righteousness will bring to you and your children, if you practice them.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14—

1 And it will be, if you will listen diligently to the Voice of Yahweh your Father, by observing and doing all His Laws which I command you this day, that Yahweh your Father will set you high above all the nations on earth as His kings and priests.

2 And all these blessings will come upon you, and accompany you, because you obey Yahweh your Father:

3 Blessed will you be in the city, and blessed will you be in the country.

4 Blessed will be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground, and the young of your livestock: the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

5 Blessed will be your basket and your storehouse.

6 Blessed will you be when you come in, and blessed will you be when you go out.

7 Yahweh will cause your enemies, who rise up against you, to be defeated in front of you; they will come out against you from one direction, but flee from you in seven directions.

8 Yahweh will send a blessing on your barns and storehouses, and in everything you set your hand to do. Yahweh will bless you in the land which Yahweh your Father is giving you.

9 Yahweh will establish you as His Holy People unto Himself, as He promised you on oath, if you will keep the Laws of Yahweh your Father, and walk in all His ways.

10 Then all the people on the earth will see that you are called by the Name of Yahweh, and they will reverence you.

11 Yahweh will grant you plenteous possessions—in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground—in the land Yahweh vowed on oath to your forefathers to give you.

12 Yahweh will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bountiful treasure, to send rain upon your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will borrow from none.

13 Yahweh will make you the head, and not the tail. You will be at the top only, and never be at the bottom, if you will pay attention to the Laws of Yahweh your Father, which I command you this day, and are then careful to observe and do them.

14 For if you diligently observe and do all of Yahweh’s Law, then you will not turn aside from any of the Laws which I command you this day, to the right hand nor to the left; by going after any God (el) to serve it.


Teaching these Laws to your children is what will guide them all the days of their lives. In the days of Yahshua Messiah, the only place these Laws were taught was in the land of Galilee at Abel, Israyl. In the King James Version it is called the great stone of Abel (I Samuyl 6:18). Write, call or email us for more information.

We are commanded to teach these guiding Laws to our children. The Teachings were to come from the priests to the parents; then from the parents to the child until the child was old enough to go to the priests himself.

Malakyah 2:7—

For the Priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the Laws at his mouth; for he is the messenger of Yahweh our Father.


This in itself is a Law, the Priests should keep this knowledge. The parents could seek the answers at the mouth of the Priest and teach what was given to them to their children.

Proverbs 22:6—

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


Notice now, before Yahshua was born the preachers-teachers-priests had turned to worshipping Gods as is shown in:

Genesis 3:5—

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Evil like the Gods. This is also shown in:

Malakyah 2:7-12—

7 For the Priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the Laws at his mouth; for he is the Messenger of Yahweh our Father.

8 But you have turned from the way; you have caused many to stumble at the Laws; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi, says Yahweh our Father.

9 Therefore, you have also made yourselves contemptible and abased before all the people, because you have not kept My Ways, but have shown partiality against the Laws.

10 Have we not all one Father? Has not one Creator created us? Why do we deal treacherously; act faithlessly, every man against his brother, to profane the covenant of our fathers?

11 Yahdah has not kept the Faith. She has committed a detestable thing in Israyl and in Yerusalem. Indeed, Yahdah has desecrated The House of Yahweh, which He loves, by uniting himself with the daughters of strange Gods (elohim).

12 May Yahweh cut off the man who does this—the teacher with the student—from the tabernacles of Yaaqob, and from among those who offer an offering to Yahweh our Father!


The House of Yahweh at Abel was still active and teaching those in that area the Laws of Yahweh. That is why Yahshua, the twelve Disciples, and their parents had Yahweh’s Laws taught to them and their children. After Yahshua was murdered, the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians sent Titus, the general of their roman army to destroy the temple in Yerusalem and to move the artifacts to Rome. Rome is where the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians had moved to and changed their name to catholic, meaning universal, which means they worship all Gods, as Satan advised.

Genesis 3:5—

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Universal also means they don’t worship Yahweh, because Yahweh condemns the evil practices of the Gods. Yahweh condemns letting children be trained to commit sin, like ‘thou shalt not kill’.


Arch of Titus

Located just to the southeast of the ruins of the ancient Roman Forum, the marble Arch of Titus was ordered erected by the Emperor Domitian.

The Arch of Titus history is intricately entwined with the history of another great ancient city—Jerusalem, as it commemorates the sacking of the city and destruction of the Temple, an event mourned by Jews at the Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and around the world. This occurred in the year 70 AD, and it is ironic that the destruction of the holy Jewish city was at the hands of Rome, where the Jewish community pre-dates Christianity by more than two centuries.

The menorah on the Arch of Titus as well as the trumpets and what is said to be the Table of Showbread are the only representations of these sacred Jewish items and the desecration of the Temple Mount area that exist from that period.



Arch of Titus
















The bible was forbidden to be published for 1,500 years, so the Name Yahweh and the Righteousness of Yahweh almost disappeared completely. Write, call or email us for the history of the bible.


For children to be trained properly, the parents need to seek the Laws of Yahweh at the mouth of the Inspired Priests at The House of Yahweh. The House of Yahweh was polluted and destroyed, leaving not one stone left standing, and Mt Zion was plowed like a field by Titus and his mighty army.

Daniyl 11:31—

And the army will stand on his part, and they will pollute the sanctuary of strength, and will take away the daily, and they will place the Lord of heaven.


The popes changed the Commandments and removed the Names Yahweh and Yahshua from the Inspired Scriptures before they would allow the bible to be printed. So the command to train up a child in the Righteousness of Yahweh was nearly impossible.

Deuteronomy 6:1, 6-7, 25—

1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

6 And these Laws which I command you this day must be in your heart;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

25 And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.




I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10—

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


This Righteousness, when taught, is what turns the hearts and minds. Read this for yourself in your own bible.

Malakyah 4:1-6—

1 For, behold, the day comes that will burn like an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all who do wickedly, will be stubble—the day that comes will burn them up, says Yahweh; and it will leave them neither root nor branch.

2 But for you who reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.

3 And the wicked will be trodden down; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that this will be done, says Yahweh.

4 Remember the Laws of Mosheh My Servant, which I commanded through him in Horeb for all Israyl, with the Statutes and Judgments.

5 Behold, I will send Yliyah: the Laws and the Prophets, which is the Strength of Yahweh, before the coming of the Great and Wonderful Day of Yahweh;

6 And it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; before it comes to pass that the earth is struck with a curse.


Because of the way in which verse 5 was written, many people down through the centuries have erroneously believed that Malakyah was speaking about Yahweh’s Servant and Prophet, whose name was Yliyah (I Kings, Chapters 17-21). The word Yliyah means the Strength of Yahweh. Yahweh’s Laws and the Prophets are the Righteous Strength of Yahweh.

Romans 1:16—

For I am not ashamed of the Message, for it is the Strength of Yahweh unto Life Everlasting for everyone who believes: to the Yahdai first, and also to the Greek.

Proverbs 10:29—

The Way of Yahweh is Strength to the upright, but destruction will come upon the workers of iniquity.


Yahweh’s Laws show His Righteousness and Ruling Authority; and all of His Prophets proclaimed His Laws. Yahshua Messiah proclaimed the Laws and the Prophets to be the Yliyah (the Strength of Yahweh) which was to come, as He said in:

Mattithyah 11:13-14—

13 For all the Prophets and the Laws prophesied until Yahchanan.

14 And if you are willing to accept it, this is the Strength of Yahweh; Yliyah, which was to come.


The Prophet Malakyah was inspired to write that just before the Great Day of Yahweh would come, Yahweh would establish a Work to bring one last warning to this world. This Work of Yahweh is to proclaim Yahweh’s Laws and Yahweh’s Prophets, thereby turning the remnant of sons and fathers to Yahweh before The End comes.

Mattithyah 24:14—

And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.

Yahchanan Mark 13:10—

But the Message must first be published throughout all nations.


These Laws have the Strength, when taught diligently to your children, to turn them to Righteousness.

Proverbs 22:6—

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


We also see the results of when they are not taught.

Proverbs 29:15—

The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left alone brings his mother to shame.


When there is no Yahweh Inspired Priest, the people do what we see taking place today all over the world. Yahweh did not send the priests and preachers of today.

Yeremyah 23:21—

I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken of them, yet they prophesied.


The Righteousness of Yahweh that changes the heart and mind had not been taught for over 1,500 years, but it was prophesied to be re-established in this Last Generation. None of the religions on earth teaches these Laws to the children. In fact, they had not been taught for over 1,500 years. Iniquity is taught, which has resulted in cold ‘love’.

Mattithyah 24:12—

And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


According to the Greek dictionary in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the word iniquity is word #458 from word #459, and means: not subject to the Laws; that is, doing away with the Laws.


458. άνομία anŏmia an-om-ee´-ah; from 459; illegality, i.e. violation of law or (gen.) wickedness:–iniquity, x transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.


459. άνομος anŏmŏs, an´-om-os; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (neg.) not subject to law; (by impl. a Gentile), or (pos.) wicked:–without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.


Iniquity was taught to the woman accused of adultery and brought before Yahshua. Yahshua did not tell her the Laws of Yahweh were done away with. Notice what Yahshua taught, as did His Disciples:


Yahchanan 5:14—

Afterward, Yahshua found him in the sacred precincts of The House of Yahweh, and said to him: Behold, you are healed. Sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you.

Yahchanan 8:11—

She said, No man, Teacher. Then Yahshua said to her: Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.

Yahchanan 8:34—

Yahshua answered them: Truly, truly, I say to you: Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin.


Yahshua did not practice sin.

Yahchanan 8:46—

Which of you convicts Me of sin? So if I speak the Truth, why do you not believe Me?


He exposed sin.

Yahchanan 15:22-23

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.

23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.


Righteousness is the way to Life that the whole world has rejected.

Mattithyah 19:17—

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into Life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.

Yahchanan 8:11—

… Go and sin no more.

Revelation 22:12-14—

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


The Disciples said:

Acts 3:19—

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.

I Corinthians 6:9—

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor God worshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men.


The Last Generation


The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, described this generation. He said there would be many false prophets teaching iniquity and turning the love of the many cold, so there would be hatred among the nations and kingdoms.

Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 11-12—

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


This hatred will bring to fulfillment what is written in Mattithyah 24:29–nuclear wars will darken the sun.

Mattithyah 24:29-30—

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

30 And then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven; and then will all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with Power and Great Glory.


These things are here and can be seen as Yahshua said.

Mattithyah 24:33-34—

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


We are in the Last Generation and we see the hatred spoken of by Yahshua Messiah. The religions will not repent.

Revelation 9:20-21—

20 And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues, still did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and Gods (elohim, teraphim) of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk;

21 Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


But individuals can repent.

Acts 3:19—

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


Individuals can come out from among those who practice sin, as we are told in:

Revelation 18:1-5—

1 And after these things I saw another Malak come down from heaven, having Great Authority; and the earth was enlightened with His Glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues,

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!


No, Michael Brown and Darren Wilson are not the ones Yahweh holds guilty, as Yahshua showed the woman brought to him by the catholic lawyers. Yahshua told her to sin no more. You who are filled with hatred, I ask that you repent because you are as Cain.

Genesis 4:6, 11, 14—

6 So Yahweh said to Cain: Why are you angry? Why are you downcast?

11 So now, you are cursed from the earth which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.

14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall not be seen by Your Face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.


Cain didn’t win; neither can anyone who goes to war. Yet, that’s the way it’s going to come to an end, with few men left.

Isayah 24:1-6—

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and utterly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.


No, the nations will not repent. However, you can start learning now what the religions should have been teaching you all along. You can start learning now how to love your enemies and how to teach them peace, and Yahweh will protect you in doing so.


Come and I will show you. I am Yahweh’s Last Days’ Witness.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Love, True Love,


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com




Robin Williams…Hopefully His Way of Death Was Not in Vain

The way of death that he chose is a great reminder of why we are told in Yahweh’s Inspired Writings by His Prophets to diligently and constantly teach our children Yahweh’s Righteousness.

Deuteronomy 6:1-7–

1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

2 So that you may reverence Yahweh your Father by keeping all His Statutes and His Laws, which I command you, your son, and your son’s son all the days of your life; and so that your days may be prolonged.

3 Hear therefore, O Israyl, and be careful to obey; so it may be well with you, and so that you may greatly multiply, as Yahweh, the Mighty Father of your fathers, has promised you, in the land that flows with milk and honey,

4 Hear, O Israyl, Yahweh is our Father. Yahweh is One.

5 And you must love Yahweh your Father with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.

6 And these Laws which I command you this day must be in your heart;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Proverbs 22:6–

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 29:15-18–

15 The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left alone brings his mother to shame.

16 When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases; but the Righteous will see their fall.

17 Correct your son, and he will give you peace. Yes, he will give you delight.

18 Where there is no prophetic vision, the people perish; but blessed is he who keeps the Laws.


Concerning these Teachings, the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, said:

Luke 24:25–

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


We see in Proverbs 29:15 that a child left alone without this Wisdom is headed for trouble. What wisdom? Notice verse 18, blessed is he who keeps the Laws. What Laws?

Deuteronomy 6:6-7–

6 And these Laws which I command you this day must be in your heart;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.


There is an old song about a town in Oklahoma called Muskogee. The town became famous because the song bragged about the fact that the parents taught their children to say ‘no’ to marijuana. You may recognize part of the chorus, “We don’t smoke marijuana in Muskogee, and we don’t get our kicks from LSD”.

I was born and raised near Muskogee, in the town of Lexington. Due to the teaching of my parents, who studied and taught the Holy Scriptures, I lived a drugless life. I have always been thankful for the Scriptural Teachings of my parents, which took place mostly in the evenings for about 2 to 3 hours. There were also reminders given many times throughout the day.


The Great Wisdom Vanished


Etched in my memory are the preachers who would come to our country home and ask Dad for permission to build a brush arbor on our farm. Meetings were held in the evenings under the arbor. We used carbide lights to see and sat on wooden benches. We listened to the preachers speak against the use of drugs and alcohol. At that time, marijuana was known to contain brain fogging, brain damaging, marriage wrecking, family destroying drugs that everyone taught their children to avoid like the plague.

This wisdom, taught by the preachers at that time, kept many people away from marijuana and other drugs as well. Just the teaching from these brave preachers about the harmful effects these drugs have on people who use them made a great impact in much of Oklahoma in the ‘30s and ‘40s. With this knowledge about marijuana, everyone should be teaching their children against it.


Where Are the Brave?


It is said, the pen is mightier than the sword. Likewise, teaching this Wisdom to children when they are young has greater strength than the nuclear bomb. The tongue can be sharper than a two-edged sword, which is beneficial if used for Righteousness. The problem is, Righteousness is avoided today.


What is Righteousness?


I am not speaking of the boy scouts form of ‘righteousness’. I’m speaking of the Perfect Righteousness given in the Holy Scriptures, The Book of Yahweh, which are the Inspired Words of Yahweh’s Inspired Prophets. This Book contains the Ten Commandments that have been outlawed by the ‘supreme’ court of justice.

Where were the brave preachers when the roman catholic church said we must not teach the Ten Commandments in the schools, but we must teach sodomy? I am speaking of the type of bravery that the Apostle Shaul (Paul) displayed when he faced death and wrote the following:

I Corinthians 6:9-10–

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor  God worshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh.


I am speaking of the Righteousness that the Apostle Kepha (Peter) bravely voiced shortly before they murdered him.

II Kepha (Peter) 2:20-22–

20 Now if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Yahweh and the Savior Yahshua Messiah, they are again entangled in them, and overcome by them, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the Way of Righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Laws delivered to them.

22 There has befallen them the thing spoken of in the true proverb: A dog returns to his own vomit, and: A sow is washed, only to wallow again in the mire.


I am speaking of the Words spoken by the Savior when he exposed the sins of the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians before they moved to Rome, ordered general Titus to destroy the temple and Yerusalem, and to move all the artifacts of the temple to Rome.

Yahchanan 15:22-23–

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.

23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.

Yahchanan 7:19–

Were not the Laws given to you through Mosheh? And yet none of you keep the Laws! Why do you seek to kill Me?


Now compare the Apostle Kepha’s Writings with the above two Scriptures.

II Kepha 2:20-22–

20 Now if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Yahweh and the Savior Yahshua Messiah, they are again entangled in them, and overcome by them, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the Way of Righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Laws delivered to them.

22 There has befallen them the thing spoken of in the true proverb: A dog returns to his own vomit, and: A sow is washed, only to wallow again in the mire.


Surely, every preacher in the world has a bible. Surely, they can see that everything the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, prophesied in Mattithyah 24 is here.


The End—The Last Generation


Mattithyah 24:3–

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?


Did you notice the words End and Your coming?

Mattithyah 24:33-34–

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


So the End means Last Generation, when you see all these things (Mattithyah 24:33).

Mattithyah 24:29–

Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.


This is the first time in man’s 6,000 year history that they have the power to darken the sun. That power is called the nuclear bomb, and you can see it. Mattithyah 24:33…when you see all these things.


Your Coming


Mattithyah 24:3…Your coming and The End. If you don’t stand up for Yahweh’s Righteousness now, it will be too late for you at Yahshua’s coming. You will be ashamed as the Great Prophet of Yahweh, Daniyl, shows in speaking of the same time of trouble foretold by the Savior.

Mattithyah 24:7, 21-22–

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

Daniyl 12:1-4–

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


Your Evil is Showing Greatly


Yahshua Messiah said only fools will not believe.

Luke 24:25–

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Yahshua Messiah shows your evil or your fear to stand up for Righteousness in this generation.

Mattithyah 24:11-12–

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


Did you notice the words false and iniquity? False means any religious preacher who pretends to bring forth Righteous fruit, but teaches and practices iniquity. Iniquity means doing away with Yahweh’s Laws, practicing and teaching sin to all the world.

The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, shows that iniquity will be the worst ever in this last prophesied, present generation; the generation that has the largest amount of knowledge, when knowledge was increased as prophesied by the Prophet Daniyl.

Daniyl 12:1-4–

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.


We see this now, as the Savior said we would, in this generation. Mattithyah 24:33…when you see all these things. I was born in 1934, the same year that computer knowledge and the nuclear bomb were conceived.


The Evolution of the Modern Computer. An Open Source Graphical History (1934 to 1950)

This is the home of the Computer Evolution File. This file attempts to provide a comprehensive graphical representation of the evolution of the modern computer for the period 1934 to 1950.


The Evolution of the Modern Computer (1934 to 1950): An Open Source Graphical History

For the record. I believe that The Manchester Mk I Prototype was the first Computer in a modern sense. But the text file is not intended to prove this or any other machine was first. It is only intended to record the known dates and influences for computing machines designed between 1934 and 1950. I Believe that the graph is complex enough to support many interpretations.



Invention and Discovery: Atomic Bombs and Fission

Last changed April 1997


Leo Szilard and the Invention of the Atomic Bomb

It would be logical to assume that the discovery of fission preceded the invention of the atomic bomb. It would be normal also to expect that no single individual could really claim to be “the inventor”, since the possibility sprang naturally from a physical process, and required the efforts of many thousands to bring it into existence. Many descriptions of the origin of atomic bombs can be found that logically and normally say exactly these things. But they are not correct.


In the case of the atomic bomb there is clearly one man who is the originator of the idea. He was also the instigator of the project that led ultimately to the successful construction of the atomic bomb, and was a principal investigator in the early R&D both before and after the founding of the atomic bomb project – making a number of the key discoveries himself. By any normal standard this man is the inventor of the atomic bomb.


On July 4, 1934 Leo Szilard filed a patent application for the atomic bomb In his application, Szilard described not only the basic concept of using neutron induced chain reactions to create explosions, but also the key concept of the critical mass. The patent was awarded to him – making Leo Szilard the legally recognized inventor of the atomic bomb.



In my lifetime, I have seen the morals of all religions drop like hail from the sky, just as the Savior shows they would in this present, prophesied generation. This is the worst generation of all generations before us. I have seen love, which in my youth showed true care and concern for others, dwindle like the water in our lakes from today’s drought, that the religions are praying for rain to offset; to no effect.

Notice the Words of the Savior again.

Mattithyah 24:11-12–

11 And many false prophets will rise, and will deceive the many.

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.


Now notice how He says it will be the worst ever.

Mattithyah 24:21-22–

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.


Robin Williams was born July 21, 1951. He was just seventeen years younger than me. The one difference in my life and that of Robin Williams’ was the eighteen years of training I received from my parents and preachers who taught Righteous morals and how to say no to unrighteousness.

Deuteronomy 6:1-7–

1 Now these are the Laws, the Statutes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

2 So that you may reverence Yahweh your Father by keeping all His Statutes and His Laws, which I command you, your son, and your son’s son all the days of your life; and so that your days may be prolonged.

3 Hear therefore, O Israyl, and be careful to obey; so it may be well with you, and so that you may greatly multiply, as Yahweh, the Mighty Father of your fathers, has promised you, in the land that flows with milk and honey,

4 Hear, O Israyl, Yahweh is our Father. Yahweh is One.

5 And you must love Yahweh your Father with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.

6 And these Laws which I command you this day must be in your heart;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

Proverbs 22:6–

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 29:15-18–

15 The rod and reproof give Wisdom, but a child left alone brings his mother to shame.

16 When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases; but the Righteous will see their fall.

17 Correct your son, and he will give you peace. Yes, he will give you delight.

18 Where there is no Prophetic vision, the people perish; but blessed is he who keeps the Laws.


Eighteen years after I was born, television was in many homes teaching against Righteous morals that kept marijuana out of Muskogee, Oklahoma and many other towns in that state. I shed tears when I think of the misery this man suffered in private because the religions failed him.

If the religions had stood up for Righteousness, they could have kept hollywood from destroying so many lives, as it is doing today. Listen closely in your dreams, or maybe even your nightmares, and you may hear Robin crying out for help, as he did for many years in his state of depression and helplessness. You may hear him crying, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

There are still billions of Robins out there suffering because they had the guiding Laws of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy taken from them. Now marijuana has been brought into their lives and even the children are told it’s lawful. Lawful? What fools mankind have become in this Last Generation, proving the Words of the Prophets true. They warned us of what would happen if the Guiding Laws of Wisdom were cast aside and iniquity was allowed to increase…because taxes are ‘needed’?

Yahweh’s Judgments still hold you preachers and pastors responsible, even if you are like the evil Gods.

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing righteousness and evil.



Isayah (Isaiah) 24:2

And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

Yeremyah (Jeremiah) 23:1

Woe to the pastors; shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of My Pasture! says Yahweh.

Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 33:8-9

8 When I say to the wicked: O wicked man, you will surely die! And if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man will die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand.

9 Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked to turn from his wicked way, and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your own life.


Notice you preachers; your life is required for failing to perform the job of ministering in which you placed yourself.

How many more lives are you willing to allow to be ruined? How many more cries will you close your ears to? How many more people will you withhold help from? How many more are you willing to see die?

Why don’t you brace yourself with Yahweh’s Righteousness and let us fight together to save lives?

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10–

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10  In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


You saw how Robin suffered. Soon it will be one close to you, but if you don’t join in this fight against marijuana and all other drugs, it will be too late to help.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Love, True Love


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Prophets Spoke of This Generation

Satan failed to tell Eve that the Gods would not answer her prayers when the devil deceived her into practicing sin. Be evil like the Gods; it’s a lot of fun, Satan said. The other side of the coin was not shown until later when the plagues began in the form of sickness, disease, hatred, fighting, war, death, and for your children, continual war.

Now, 6,000 years later, in the last part of Yahweh’s finishing Plan, we face the worse plagues ever in the history of the Great Plan of Yahweh, which is to make mankind in the Image and Likeness of Yahweh, Himself, perfectly sinless, eternally.

Now, we are near the end of the 6,000 year plan. We’re seeing every prophecy come to pass in detail, from the increase in knowledge for this generation and the invention of nuclear bombs that will darken the sun and kill four-fifths of the earth’s population, to the whole world being cut off from Yahweh, in this generation.

Satan didn’t mention any of the above to Eve when she talked Eve into the service of evil Gods.


In Worship of the Gods, You Know Not What You Worship


The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, said you don’t know what you worship.

Yahchanan 4:22

You do not know what you worship; we know what we worship, for salvation is from the Yahdaim.


The Hebrew word translated Yahdaim means those who reverence Yahweh, to which the Apostle Shaul (Paul, KJV) said the following.

II Timayah 2:19

Nevertheless, the Foundation of Yahweh stands sure, having this seal: Yahweh knows those who are His, because everyone who reverences the Name of Yahweh departs from iniquity.


Did you notice there is a difference in the Heavenly Father Yahweh and that of the Gods? If not, read again the last two Scriptures. There are plenty of other Scriptures showing the same thing. This was elaborated on by the Apostle Yahchanan (John, KJV) in:

I Yahchanan 3:10

In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil (or the evil Gods-Genesis 3:5) are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Read what else is shown in this chapter. Salvation rests on one knowing who they worship and the fact that Yahweh shows us in Revelation 12:9 that Satan has deceived the whole world. So read these Scriptures carefully.

Realize that Yahweh is not a God and that Yahweh, alone, has a Plan for mankind. Only Yahweh will give Life and give it only to those who choose to practice Righteousness, as you will see throughout this letter.


I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yah­weh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Think a moment, can Satan give you life? Those who reverence Yahweh know who they worship because Yahweh commands us to practice Righteousness and receive Eternal Life. So, who persuades the whole world to practice evil? Answer:

Genesis 3:1-5

1 Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh had made. And she said to the woman; Has Yahweh indeed said: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said: You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.

4 And the serpent said to the woman; You will not surely die.

5 For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Please notice, one must practice Yahweh’s Righteousness to be like Yahweh, or one practices evil and becomes like the Gods. All the world today is like the Gods, practicing evil. But life comes by Righteousness only, by practicing Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness.

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.

19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Therefore choose Life…


This shows clearly that the Gods cannot give you Life Eternal. You will perish, never to live again. So why are all religions today teaching and practicing evil?

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. She was cast out into the earth, and her angels were cast out with her.


Evil is practicing breaking Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness. It’s also called sin or transgression. Notice to whom you belong when you practice evil, as you are doing at this time.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


It’s a Scriptural fact that if we choose to break or continue breaking Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness, we are only choosing death and destruction, because Life only comes by practicing Righteousness.

Deuteronomy 30:15

See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


The Savior, the Apostles, and the Prophets of Yahweh, the Creator, all show, in no uncertain terms, that you prove to whom you belong by what you practice.

Romans 6:16

Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, his servants you are whom you obey—whether of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to Righteousness?


Did you notice that sin leads to death? What is sin?

I Yahchanan 3:4

Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.


In this present, prophesied generation, the whole world is deeply involved in practicing sin because they are taught to sin. Yes, they are taught to practice sin–the breaking of Yahweh’s Laws–by the very religions they look to for Salvation. Yet, they are led down the path of evil, to death.


Sin Leads to Death


This is the same teaching that was given to Adam in the beginning, but Satan led him away from the way of Life.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10-11

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

11 For this is the Message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.


It’s the same Message given by the Savior to this generation.

Mattithyah 19:17

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into Life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


The Name of the Creator was Removed from the Inspired Scriptures, Bringing Great Deception to the World – They Know Not What They Worship


Even in the day of Yahweh’s Prophet Yeremyah, the majority of the twelve tribes had stopped using and had forgotten the Name of the Creator Yahweh, replacing it with the title lord. Most people, today, do not know or have never heard the Name Yahweh, mainly because they almost never read. They are too involved in entertainment and pushbutton gadgets.

The roman catholic church was not always called catholic. In the days of Yeremyah, whom Yahweh sent to warn the tribes of Israyl of their sins and loss of Salvation, they were called the elders and priests of Israyl and Yerusalem. These priests were much like the priest of the roman catholic church today in Rome who worship Gods and practice evil, as shown in:

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Notice, evil like the Gods. Now notice the instruction Yahshua Messiah gave concerning those violent, evil men.

Matthew 11:12, KJV

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Mattithyah 11:12

And from the says of the Prophets until now, the Work of Yahweh at The House of Yahweh has suffered from violence, for violent men take them by force.


Those who took The House of Yahweh by force also forced the people to stop using the Name Yahweh by saying, to pronounce the Name Yahweh was blasphemy. They made using the Name a penalty of death. Imagine, the Prophets Inspired by Yahweh to write and preach in the Name and by the Authority of Yahweh being told by these evil men, “we will kill you if you prophesy in the Name of Yahweh again”.

Yeremyah 11:21

Therefore this is what Yahweh says concerning the men of Anathoth who seek your life, saying; Do not prophesy in the Name of Yahweh, or you will die by our hand!


By their violence they murdered those Righteous men, such as Yeremyah, the Prophet of Yahweh who was sent to warn the twelve tribes living in the land of Israyl in the time of Yeremyah, who were bringing evil into the House called by the Name, The House of Yahweh.

Yeremyah 7:1-10

1 This is the word that came to Yeremyah from Yahweh, saying:

2 Stand in the gate of The House of Yahweh, and proclaim this Word there, and say: Hear the Word of Yahweh, all you of Yahdah who enter in through these gates to worship Yahweh!

3 This is what Yahweh, the Father of Israyl, says: Reform your ways and your doings, so that I may dwell with you in this place.

4 Do not trust in these lying words, saying; This is the sanctuary of Yahweh! The sanctuary of Yahweh! The sanctuary of Yahweh!

5 No! Only if you truly reform your ways and your doings—if you truly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor;

6 If you do not oppress the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, nor follow after hinder Gods (elohim) to your own harm,

7 Only then will I dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, forever and ever.

8 But behold, you trust in lying words that are worthless!

9 Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, vow falsely, burn incense to baal; lord, follow hinder Gods (elohim) you know nothing of,

10 And then come and stand before Me in this House upon which My Name is called, and say; We are saved! Saved to do all these abominations?


They took control of The House of Yahweh, and then told everyone to call it the temple instead of The House of Yahweh. The same evil God worshippers murdered Yahchanan (John, KJV) by cutting off his head. Why? Because Yahchanan revealed to them their sins. They murdered the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, for the same reason.

Yahchanan 15:22

If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.


The Prophet Yeremyah prophesied from about BCE 629-595. For 34 years, he warned the twelve tribes against what they are still doing today in Rome on the seven hills. Then and now, they rejected the Name Yahweh and His Laws of Righteousness. For full details of these Prophecies, get our books, The Mark of the Beast, Volumes 1 and 2,


Example of Name Replacement


The name of Yahweh’s Prophet Yeremyah, whose name means, may Yahweh lift up, was changed to Jeremiah, which removed the shortened form of Yahweh’s Name “Yah” from his name. Yeremyah prophesied in the Name of Yahweh and they threatened to kill him for doing so around the year BCE 600.

Yeremyah 11:21

Therefore this is what Yahweh says concerning the men of Anathoth who seek your life, saying; Do not prophesy in the Name of Yahweh, or you will die by our hand!


Yahweh sent Yeremyah to speak to the leaders–the elders, priest, princes–of Israyl, who had taken the House of Yahweh by violence and force, and all the cities of Yahdah, especially Yerusalem. Before they destroyed the temple and moved to Rome, they were known as the elders of Israyl.

I Samuyl 8:1-9

1 W hen Samuyl became old, he made his sons judges over Israyl.

2 The name of his firstborn was Yahyl; Yahweh is Strength, and the name of his second was Abiyah; My Father is Yahweh. They judged in Beersheba;

3 But his sons did not walk in his ways. They sought dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.

4 Then all the elders of Israyl gathered together and approached Samuyl when he was at Ramah,

5 Saying to him; You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Appoint us a king to judge us; just like all the other nations.

6 But these things displeased Samuyl, especially when they said; Give us a king to judge us.  Then Samuyl prayed to Yahweh.

7 Yahweh answered Samuyl, and said: Listen to all the words the people speak to you, for they have not rejected you; they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.

8 Just as they have done to Me from the day I brought them out of Egypt, to this very day, they are now doing to you__they are forsaking Me in order to serve God(s); elohim!

9 So, listen to them. However, solemnly forewarn them and let them know how the king who will reign over them will behave toward them.


In Yeremyah 11, we see that Yeremyah was sent to warn the descendants of the forefathers whom Yahweh had brought out of the land of Egypt, as shown in I Samuyl 8. It’s very important that you understand I Samuyl Chapters 7-8. Chapter 7 shows the forefathers of the children in Yeremyah’s days. The events in I Samuyl Chapters 7-8 took place around BCE 1120. Yeremyah was talking to their descendants around BCE 629; that was 491 years later. Their descendants had taken control of The House of Yahweh building that Solomon built around BCE 992.

I Kings 9:1-9

1 When Solomon had finished building The House of Yahweh, and the king’s house, and had finished all he had desired to accomplish;

2 Yahweh appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon.

3 Yahweh said to him: I have heard the prayer and the supplication that you have made before Me; I have sanctified and consecrated this House you have built to establish My Name there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually (Kowl-Yom); at the required seasons; Yahweh’s Ordained Weekly Sabbaths and Feast Days.

4 And if you will walk before Me, as David your father walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do all that I have commanded you, and if you will keep My Statutes and My Judgments,

5 Then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israyl forever, just as I promised David your father, saying; You shall never fail to have a man on the throne of Israyl.

6 But if you or your sons turn away from following Me, and will not keep My Laws and My statutes which I have set before you but go off and serve hinder gods (elohim) and worship them:

7 Then I will cut off Israyl from the land I have given them, and this House, which I have hallowed and sanctified for My Name, I will cast out of My sight. Israyl will then become the subject of short, pointed sayings, and an object of sarcasm and ridicule among all peoples.

8 Though this House is now exalted, all who pass by will be appalled, and will scoff, and say; Why has Yahweh done such a thing to this land and to this House?

9 And they shall answer; Because they forsook Yahweh their Father, Who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have embraced hinder Gods (elohim), and have worshiped them, and served them. Because of this, it came to pass that all this disaster was brought upon them.


The children in Yeremyah’s time (BCE 629) were the descendants of the rebellious elders and priests of I Samuyl 8 (BCE 1120) who, by the keys of this blood, took control of the temple that was once called The House of Yahweh. These were evil, violent men known in Yahshua Messiah’s time period as pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians.

Matthew 11:12, KJV

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Mattithyah 11:12

And from the says of the Prophets until now, the Work of Yahweh at The House of Yahweh has suffered from violence, for violent men take them by force.


The House that Solomon built was called The House of Yahweh, but that Name was forbidden to be spoken by those violent men who were taking control of all Israyl and Yerusalem in Yeremyah’s time. They fought against Yahweh’s Name and His Laws. Notice Yahweh’s warning given by Yahweh’s Prophet Yeremyah about 608 BCE.

Yeremyah 11:12

Then the cities of Yahdah and the inhabitants of Yerusalem will go and cry out to the Gods (elohim) to whom they offer incense; but they will not save them at all in the time of their trouble.


In this last, prophesied generation the religions are praying to the same Gods for rain and for healing, protection, and Salvation! Are their prayers answered? The whole world is being filled with plagues, famine, sickness, disease epidemics, hatred, and war. Is that what you are praying for?


Notice their background.

Yeremyah 11:1-5

1 The word that came to Yeremyah from Yahweh, saying:

2 Listen to the Laws of this covenant, then speak to the men of Yahdah and to the inhabitants of Yerusalem,

3 And say to them; This is what Yahweh, the Father of Israyl, says: Cursed is the man who does not obey the Laws of this Covenant

4 Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying: Obey My Voice, and do them exactly as I command you; then you will be My people, and I will be your Father;

5 And this will allow Me to carry out the oath that I vowed to your fathers; to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day.  Then I answered, and said; May this be so, O Yahweh.


Verse 5 shows that the promise made to King David, King Solomon, and all Israyl was conditionally based on them following Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness.

Yeremyah 11:6-14

6 Then Yahweh said to me: Proclaim all these Laws in the cities of Yahdah and in the streets of Yerusalem, saying; Listen to the Laws of this covenant, then do them!

7 For I solemnly warned your fathers in the day that I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, until this very day, rising early and solemnly warning them, saying: Obey My Voice!

8 Yet they did not obey, nor did they pay attention, but everyone walked in the imagination; stubbornness, of their evil heart. Therefore, I will bring upon them all the judgments; curses, of the covenant which I commanded them to perform—but they did not keep My covenant!

9 Then Yahweh said to me: A conspiracy is found among the men of Yahdah and among the inhabitants of Yerusalem.

10 They have turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, who refused to listen to My Laws, and they have gone after the hinder Gods (elohim) to serve them! The house of Israyl and the house of Yahdah alike have broken My Covenant which I made with their fathers.

11 Therefore, this is what Yahweh says: Behold, they will bring evil upon themselves, which they will not be able to escape; and though they cry out to Me, I will not listen to them.

12 Then the cities of Yahdah and the inhabitants of Yerusalem will go and cry out to the Gods (elohim) to whom they offer incense; but they will not save them at all in the time of their trouble.

13 For according to the number of your cities were your Gods (elohim), O Yahdah; and according to the number of the streets of Yerusalem you have set up altars to the shame; Bosheth—altars to burn incense to Baal; the Lord!

14 Therefore, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not listen to them in the time that they cry out to Me because of their trouble.


These children, as their fathers, the rebellious priests who had openly turned in defiance against Yahweh in I Samuyl Chapters 7-8, started bringing evil upon themselves and all of Israyl. Yeremyah, the Prophet of Yahweh, was sent to warn the leaders of Israyl, who had control of the House of Yahweh that King Solomon had built (BCE 1004-992). Notice their reaction to this warning.

Yeremyah 11:17-21

17 For Father Yahweh, Who planted you, told you that the evil you brought against yourselves is because of the evil of the house of Israyl and of the house of Yahdah, which they have brought upon themselves, in provoking Me to anger by offering incense to baal; the lord.

18 Now Yahweh gave me knowledge of it, and I know it; for You showed me their doings.

19 But I was like a docile lamb brought to the slaughter; and I did not know that they had devised schemes against me, saying: Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, and let us cut him off from the land of the living, so his name may be remembered no more.

20 But O Father Yahweh, You Who judge Righteously, Who tests the heart and the mind, let me see Your Judgment on them, for to You I have committed my cause.

21 Therefore this is what Yahweh says concerning the men of Anathoth who seek your life, saying; Do not prophesy in the Name of Yahweh, or you will die by our hand!


These violent priests were not following the Laws of Righteousness. They threatened to murder Yeremyah because he prophesied in the Name of Yahweh. Compare:

Yeremyah 23:11-14

11 For both prophet and priest are profane! Yes, even in My own House I have found their wickedness! says Yahweh.

12 And so, their way will be slippery places to them; in the darkness they will be driven on, and fall in the darkness; for they will bring trouble upon themselves every time they commit sexual sins, says Yahweh.

13 I have seen folly; offense, in the prophets of Samaria—they prophesied by Baal; the Lord, and caused My People Israyl to err; go astray.

14 I have also seen in the prophets of Yerusalem a horrible thing__they commit adultery and walk in lies; they turn from Yahweh and follow after the gods (elohim)! They also strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from his wickedness. All of them are like Sodom to Me, and her inhabitants are like Gomorrah.


We see the same religious teachings coming from the seven hills of Rome and from their priests all over the world today, who rape children and sodomize each other like the evil Gods of Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and Gomorrah were both well-known for their evil vice of sodomy. The profaneness they were spreading is shown in:

Yeremyah 23:15

Therefore, this is what Yahweh our Father says concerning these prophets; Behold, they will be fed with wormwood, and they will be made to drink the water of gall; for from the prophets of Yerusalem profaneness has gone out into all the world.


Sodomy is strictly forbidden in Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness. Notice the following information from Unger’s Bible Dictionary.


SOD’OMITE (Heb. Qadesh, “consecrated, devoted”) The sodomites were not inhabitants of Sodom, or their descendants, but men consecrated to the unnatural vice of Sodom (cf. Gen. 19:4-5; Rom. 1:27) as a religious rite. This dreadful “consecration,” or rather desecration, was spread in different forms over Phoenicia, Syria, Phrygia, Assyria, and Babylonia. Ashtaroth, the Greek Astarte, was its chief object. The term was especially applied to the priests of Cybele, called Galli, perhaps from the river Gallus in Bithynia, which was said to make those who drank it mad. In Deut. 23:17 the toleration of a sodomite (“cult prostitute,” NASB; “shrine prostitute,” NIV) was expressly forbidden and the pay received by a sodomite was not to be put into the Temple treasury (v. 18). “The wages of a dogis a figurative expression used to denote the gains of a qadesh (sodomite), who was called kinaidos by the Greeks, because of the doglike manner in which he debased himself (see Rev. 22:15, where the unclean are called “dogs”).


Now compare that with the writings of the Apostle Shaul (Paul) in:

I Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor  godworshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men,


Did you notice that the word perversion in I Corinthians 6:9 and profaneness have the same meaning? Note the following synonyms for the words profane and perversion.


profane v. desecrate, degrade, debase, abuse, misuse, blaspheme, violate, contaminate, pervert, prostitute, sin, transgress. —adj. 1 irreverent, sacrilegious, blasphemous, disrespectful, impious, iconoclastic, irreligious, wicked, sinful, obscene, vicious, evil. 2 secular, worldly, earthly, mundane, temporal, lay.


perversion n. deviation, abnormality, aberration, degeneration, corruption, depravity, immorality, vitiation, debauchment, debasement, prostitution, injury, impairment.

pervert v. 1 misconstrue, misinterpret, distort, falsify, garble, stretch, twist, scramble. 2 corrupt, debase, entice, vitiate, misdirect, lead astray, deprave, seduce, debauch. —n. deviate, delinquent, aberrant, deviant, debauchee.


Those who practice such are choosing death.

Revelation 20:11-14

11 And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face the powers of the earth and the powers of the heavens, including the Gods (elohim), were driven away; for the verdict was reached that there is no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before Yahweh. And the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is The Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and sheol; the grave, delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every man, according to his works.

14 And death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.


This Message was the same Message taught in the beginning. It has never changed. It was taught by the Prophets, Apostles and Yahshua Messiah.

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by destruction—

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will sure­ly perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.

19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Therefore choose Life, so both you and your children may live.


Evil Like the Gods


Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


This whole world needs to wake up and realize that Yahweh is not a God. Yahweh created mankind for the express purpose shown in:

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


The Catechisms of the Catholic Church revealing the church’s doctrine shows that the roman catholic church removed the Name Yahweh, like their fathers whom Yeremyah, the Prophet of Yahweh, condemned and warned of this evil. Yes, evil like the Gods. They’re not like Yahweh Who created mankind.

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


The roman catholic church took the Name Yahweh out of verse 26 and put the word God in its place, as we see in the King James Version.

Genesis 1:26, KJV

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


When you remove the Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, and put the word lord in its place, you deceive the reader into thinking that God created the heavens and the earth instead of Yahweh. You are like the evil Gods when you practice sin. Sodomy is sin. It has nothing in common with Yahweh the Creator. Practicing this evil sin does not make one like Yahweh. Sodomites will be destroyed in the lake of fire. They will not be in the future.

I Corinthians 6:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor  godworshipers (worshipers of elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who com­mit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men,


Back to:

Yeremyah 23:15, 26-27

15 Therefore, this is what Yahweh our Father says concerning these prophets; Behold, they will be fed with wormwood, and they will be made to drink the water of gall; for from the prophets of Yerusalem profaneness has gone out into all the world.

26 How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Yes, they are prophets of the deceit of their own minds;

27 Who devise; plan and scheme, to cause My People to forget My Name through their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor, just as their fathers have forgotten My Name for baal; lord.


As early as 629 BCE, these evil priests, who took control of the House of Yahweh by force and violence, were rejecting Yahweh and His Righteousness. The children of these priests were rebellious like their fathers. Even in the generation of Yahchanan (John, KJV) and Yahshua Messiah, they did not keep Yahweh’s Laws. In fact, they tried to murder everyone who did.

Yahchanan 7:19

Were not the Laws given to you through Mosheh? And yet none of you keep the Laws! Why do you seek to kill Me?


Notice the reason they hated Yahshua Messiah.

Yahchanan 15:22-23

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had their sins revealed; but now they have no cloak, covering for, their sins.

23 He who hates Me, also hates My Father.


The Savior said they hated both Him and Yahweh. After they murdered Yahshua Messiah, they spent the next thirty-five years, or so, moving their headquarters to Rome. In 70ACE, they assigned Titus, a roman general, to destroy the building that was called The House of Yahweh in the first years of King Solomon’s reign. After the death of King Solomon, the Name Yahweh was taken away and that House became known as the temple.

Yahweh’s Prophet, Yeremyah, in his writings shows that action had already been taken to cause Yahweh’s Name to be forgotten and the use of the title lord was instilled instead.

Yeremyah 23:26-27

26 How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Yes, they are prophets of the deceit of their own minds;

27 Who devise; plan and scheme, to cause My People to forget My Name through their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor, just as their fathers have forgotten My Name for baal; lord.


Yeremyah shows in the same chapter that the House of Yahweh had been taken control of by evil priests who practiced sodomy.

Yeremyah 23:11-15 

11 For both prophet and priest are profane! Yes, even in My own House I have found their wickedness! says Yahweh.

12 And so, their way will be slippery places to them; in the darkness they will be driven on, and fall in the darkness; for they will bring trouble upon themselves every time they commit sexual sins, says Yahweh.

13 I have seen folly; offense, in the prophets of Samaria—they prophesied by Baal; the Lord, and caused My People Israyl to err; go astray.

14 I have also seen in the prophets of Yerusalem a horrible thing__they commit adultery and walk in lies; they turn from Yahweh and follow after the Gods (elohim)! They also strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from his wickedness. All of them are like Sodom to Me, and her inhabitants are like Gomorrah.

15 Therefore, this is what Yahweh our Father says concerning these prophets; Behold, they will be fed with wormwood, and they will be made to drink the water of gall; for from the prophets of Yerusalem profaneness has gone out into all the world.


These evil prophets and priests were not sent by Yahweh. By violence they seized The House of Yahweh and took over all services.

Yeremyah 23:21

I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken of them, yet they prophesied.


The descendants of these priests were still in control in the days of Yahshua Messiah, who spoke to them and of them.

Matthew 11:12, KJV

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Yahchanan 7:19

Were not the Laws given to you through Mosheh? And yet none of you keep the Laws! Why do you seek to kill Me?


Around 70 ACE, the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians had moved to Rome and sent their roman general Titus to destroy the temple, once called the House of Yahweh, move all the artifacts to Rome, remove all the temple stones, and plow Mount Zion like a field so that no one would  know that a temple had ever stood there. This fulfilled the Prophecy in:

Yeremyah 26:18

Micahyah of Moresheth prophesied in the days of Hezekyah king of Yahdah, and spoke to all the people of Yahdah, saying; This is what Yahweh our Father says: Zion will be plowed like a field, Yerusalem will become heaps of ruins, and the mountain of The House of Yahweh like the bare hills of the forest.


Now read the words of Yahweh’s Prophet Micahyah.

Micahyah 3:1-2, 5-12

1 Then I said;Hear now, O heads of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl! Is it not for you to know justice?—

2 You who hate Righteousness and love evil; who strip off the skin from My People, and the meat from their bones;

5 This is what Yahweh says concerning the prophets who cause My People to err; go astray; who proclaim: Peace! to those who give them something to chew on; who prepare war against those who put nothing in their mouths—

6 Night will come over you, and you will not have a vision; darkness will cover you, without divination! The sun will go down for these prophets, and the day will be dark for them.

7 So the seers will be ashamed, and the diviners confounded; yes, they will all shut their mouths, for there is no answer from Yahweh.

8 But truly I am full of Power by the Spirit of Yahweh, and of judgment and might, to declare to Yaaqob his transgression, and to Israyl his sin.

9 Hear now, O heads of the house of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl, who abhor justice and pervert all equity,

10 Who build up Zion with blood, and Yerusalem with iniquity:

11 Her heads judge for reward and her priests teach; give instruction in the Law, for pay, and her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean upon Yahweh, and say; Is not Yahweh among us? No evil can come upon us!

12 Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Yerusalem will become heaps of rubble, and the mountain of The House of Yahweh like the high places of a forest.


With the Name of Yahweh forgotten, the House of Yahweh destroyed, the mountain on which it had set plowed like a field, and the death penalty hanging over the head of anyone caught practicing the Fourth Commandment, to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath Holy, it was a simple thing to institute many religions of lord God worship, because deception reigned throughout the world. We recommend that you read Who is Lord God? Who is Baal? and The Name Above All Names. Call, write, or email us to find out how you may receive these booklets.

The roman catholic church took The Book of Yahweh, which was part of the hoard from The House of Yahweh taken to Rome. They confiscated all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles, and for 1,500 years enforced the death penalty upon anyone who owned any of the writings or a Seven Lamp Lampstand (menorah). Crusaders went out constantly in search for those who used Yahweh’s Name or practiced keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath (Saturday), as commanded in the Fourth Commandment found in Exodus Chapter 20 and Deuteronomy Chapter 5. Write, call, or email for information about the history of the bible.


The Fourth Commandment


Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remember the Sabbath  Day, to keep it Holy.

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. Therefore, in it you shall do the Work of Yahweh: you, and your wife, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and your cattle, and the stranger who dwells within your gates.

11 For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that are in them; and ceased from this work on the Seventh Day. Therefore, Yahweh  blessed the Sabbath Day, and did Righteous works on it.

Hebrews 4:8-11

8 Now Yahshua caused them to Rest in obedience to the Law, spoken of by Yahweh in a day previously.

9 Therefore, there remains the keeping of the Sabbath to the people of Yahweh,

10 For he who has entered into His Rest has also ceased from his own works, as Yahweh did from His.

11 Therefore, let us be zealous to enter into that Rest, so that no one may fall after the same example of unbelief.


For over 1,500 years, the great conspiracy was to deceive the whole world so they would never know they were worshipping Satan, the adversary, instead of Yahweh, the Creator. Truly, in this generation Yahshua’s Words are true and correct, for they know not what they worship.


A Few Places of Importance Where the Name was Changed to Create Deception


The Book of Yahweh is the correct translation.

Genesis 1:26, BOY

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Changed in the King James Version.

Genesis 1:26, KJV

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Psalm 23:1, BOY

Yahweh is our Shepherd; we shall not want.

Psalm 23:1, KJV

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Isayah 34:16, BOY

Search out The Book Of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; they shall not want; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.

Isaiah 34:16, KJV

Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.

Malakyah 4:2, 5, BOY

2 But for you who reverence My Name, the Light of Righteousness will arise with healing in its wings; and you will go out, leaping like calves released from the stall.

5 Behold, I will send Yliyah: the Laws and the Prophets, which is the Strength of Yahweh, before the coming of the great and wonderful day of Yahweh;

Malachi 4:2, 5, KJV

2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

Mattithyah 19:17, BOY

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.

Matthew 19:17, KJV

And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

Revelation 1:1, BOY

The Revelation of Yahshua Messiah, which Yahweh gave to Him, to show His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it through His malak to His Servant Yahchanan:

Revelation 1:1, KJV

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Revelation 22:12-16, BOY

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.

16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Messenger to testify to you these things in the congregations of The House of Yahweh. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.

Revelation 22:12-16, KJV

12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

Revelation 22:18-19, BOY

18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this Book: If any man will add to these things, it will come to pass that he will add to himself the plagues that are written in this Book:

19 And if any man will take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, it will come to pass that he will take away his part out of The Book of Life, and out of Yahweh Shammah, and from the things which are written in this Book.

Revelation 22:18-19, KJV

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Yahweh’s Branch.com


The Gods are Evil


If  you look carefully, even in the King James Version where the Name Yahweh was removed and replaced with the title ‘God’, you can tell there is a difference in the beings described in Genesis 1:26-27 and Genesis 3:5.

Genesis 1:26-27, BOY

26 Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

27 So Yahweh created man in His own image. In the Image of Yahweh He created the man. Then He created the woman from the man.

Genesis 1:26-27, KJV

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


Verse 27 says clearly that God, one person, not several, created mankind. It’s said in verse 26 that mankind would be made in the Image and Likeness of this Being. Whereas, in Genesis 3:5 we see that to be like the Gods, one would be evil; actually rebellious towards the One Being Who created them.

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


To be evil like the Gods makes one different from the Creator; clearly, a distinct difference is shown between the Gods and the Creator. In Genesis 2:16-17, the Creator commands the man to follow Laws that would make mankind in the Image of Himself.

Genesis 2:16-17

16 And Yahweh commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of Righteousness and evil you must not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die.


Then in Genesis 3:1-5, Satan deceives the woman into disobeying Yahweh and losing out on the opportunity to become part of the Greatest Kingdom in the universe, where mankind would have Power and Glory that is unimaginable at this time. Think of this…there is no other reason for mankind to exist other than that which is revealed in the Inspired Scriptures.

Everything the Scriptures state as history has been proven. Everything the Prophecies show is coming is here. Think of the Prophecies for the Last Generation showing that knowledge would be increased for this specific generation. It doesn’t say maybe for some generation, but for this generation that sets the closing of the doors and the finishing of the Plan for those chosen to be members of the Yahweh Family.

Knowledge stayed basically the same for almost 6,000 years. Horsepower was just that, four-legged horses pulling wagons, buggies, plows, canons for war. In 1934 knowledge was increased, now we see what was prophesied for this present generation—nuclear bombs that can darken the sun.

Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 12, 14, 21-22, 29, 33-34

3    Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7    For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

14 And this joyous Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh shall be preached in all the world from The House of Yahweh at Abel by the Witness Yisrayl; for Yahweh will be with him. He will preach this Message to all nations; and then The End will come.

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

Daniyl 12:1-13

1 And at that time, one who is like Yahweh will stand up at Abel; Yisrayl, the Great Priest, who stands at Abel to teach Yahweh’s Just, Perfect Laws to the children of Your People; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation to that same time. And at that time, Your People will be delivered, everyone who will be found written in The Book of Life.

2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the heavens; and those who turn many to Righteousness, as the stars forever and ever

4 But you, O Daniyl, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of The End; many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased.

5 Then I, Daniyl, looked; and behold, there stood two others, one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

6 And said to the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching: How long will it be to the end of these wonders?

7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who on that future day is teaching, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and vowed by Him Who lives forever, that: It will be for a time, times, and a half, when Yahweh will have accomplished pouring out His Power through His Holy People, all  these things will be finished.

8 So I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said; O my ruler, what will be the end of these things?

9 But he said: Go your way, Daniyl, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of The End.

10 Many will be purified, and made white, and tried; tested; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.

11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice will be taken away, and The Lord of Heaven set up, there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty five days.

13 But you, go your way until the end; for you will rest, and stand in your lot at The End of the days.


Comparing the previous verses we see a time of trouble in Daniyl 12:1 and Mattithyah 24:21-22. We also see in Daniyl 12:1 that Yahweh’s People will be delivered in that time of trouble. In Daniyl 12:3, we see teachers of Righteousness will shine at that time. Righteousness?

Deuteronomy 6:25

And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Again, comparing the Prophecies in Daniyl and Mattithyah, we see the time of The End in Daniyl 12:4 and Mattithyah 24:3. Also in Daniyl 12:4, we see knowledge would be increased; that is, computer knowledge that would bring about the nuclear bomb shown in Mattithyah 24:29. Details of these Prophecies are shown in our book, Birth of the Nuclear Baby. You need to read it quickly, before the nuclear wars start. Remember, Yahweh’s People will be delivered (Daniyl 12:1). There is a prophesied Place of Protection for Yahweh’s People.


Withholding Evidence


The One called the Savior in the second part of The Book of Yahweh (Isayah 34:16) shows the evil that Satan brings forth and the injustice of her system set up on the seven hills of Rome, which leads the (kings) leaders of the earth with the same deception Satan taught Eve in the beginning. In turn, Eve influenced her son Cain, whose influence is seen in all the world today.


The Evil of the Gods


Yahdah 1:11

Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for reward, and have perished in the rebellion of Korah!


The evil system of the Gods brings forth war, continual war. Compare two Scriptures.

Genesis 3:1-5

1 Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh had made. And she said to the woman; Has Yahweh indeed said: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said: You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.

4 And the serpent said to the woman; You will not surely die.

5 For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.

Genesis 4:13-14, 16

13 And Cain said to Yahweh; My consequences are greater than I can bear!

14 Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall not be seen by Your Face. I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, for there shall be continual war, vengeance, and retaliation.

16 Then Cain went out from the presence of Yahweh and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.


The word Nod in verse 16 means vagrancy, drifter, parasite, ne’er do well, sponger, outcast, aimless, unsettled, irresponsible, shiftless. These descriptions do not fit anyone, totally; but, they partly summarize today’s shifting population.


The World Today


Daniyl, a Great Prophet of Yahweh, prophesied for this present generation saying knowledge would be increaseed and mankind would run to and fro. Below are figures of the money spent on travel for gasoline and oil consumption for just one yearly holiday, July 4th, showing what the Prophet Daniyl saw for this generation.


Gas prices high for July 4 getaway



Approximately 41 million Americans are expected to travel 50 miles or more during the July 4 holiday weekend, according to AAA Travel.

The increase of 1.9 percent over the 40.3 million people who traveled last year and a nearly 14 percent increase compared to the Memorial Day holiday weekend is being met with higher prices at the gas pump.

More than eight in 10 (34.8 million) are choosing to travel by automobile, the highest level since 2007.

The average price for regular unleaded gasoline was $3.66 for the first half of June, comparable to last year. At this time, many decisions on travel have already been made, and budgets set aside. A possible increase in gasoline prices due to events in Iraq leading up to the holiday weekend typically means consumers will allocate more of their budget towards travel expenses and cut back in other areas. The current price for a gallon of gas is $3.68 compared to $3.48 on July 4, 2013. In New York City, the current average is $4.06 per gallon, Nassau/Suffolk $4.03. Last year prices were $3.84 and $3.79 respectively.


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One of the Apostles show that they are ever learning, educationally, but never learning the Truth.


Evidence Withheld


The Truth is this: the only reason that mankind exists today is because Yahweh created mankind for the express purpose of building a Perfectly Righteous Family in order to give that family Authority to teach all beings in the universe the way to live forever in peace, joy and love. Mankind’s days are limited. Therefore, they should be practicing Yahweh’s Righteousness to prove to heaven and earth that they are willing to live by Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness so they will be able to bring peace to the universe. Compare:

Genesis 4:16

Then Cain went out from the presence of Yahweh and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

Yahchanan 1:1

In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh, and the Plan was with Yahweh, and the Plan was Yahweh’s.

II Timayah 3:7, 13

7 Always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

13 But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.


Did you notice the word evil? Now notice from where it comes.

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Be as Gods, knowing evil.

II Timayah 3:1-7, 13

1 Know this also: that in the Last Days perilous times will come.

2 For men will be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, unforgiving, false accusers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those who are Righteous,

4 Traitors; betrayers, headstrong, arrogant, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of Yahweh,

5 Having a form of Holiness, but denying the Authority of it—from such turn away!

6 For they are the sort who creep into The Houses of Yahweh, and lead away silly women who are loaded down with sins, captured by various lusts,

7 Always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

13 But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.


Be as Gods Knowing Evil


Isayah 24:1-6, 17-20

1 Before Yahweh’s very Eyes, the earth is made empty and it is made waste; the face of it is perverted and its inhabitants scattered abroad;

2 And it will be: as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his owner; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with him who takes usury, so with him who gives usury to him:

3 The land will be utterly emptied and ut­terly plundered, for it has come to pass that this Judgment has been pronounced.

4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world mourns and fades away, and the haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants of it, because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the Ordinance, and broken the Everlasting Covenant.

6 Because of this, the curse has devoured the earth, and they who dwell therein are desolate; therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

17 Fear and the pit, and snare, are upon you, O inhabitants of the earth;

18 And it will come to pass, that he who flees from the noise of the fear will fall into the pit; and he who comes up from the midst of the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is dissolved clean, the earth is shaken exceedingly.

20 The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and will sway like a hut. The transgression in it will be heavy upon it; it will fall, and not rise again.


But if you desire Righteousness…Righteousness?

Deuteronomy 6:1, 7, 25

1 Now these are the Laws, the Stat­utes, and the Judgments which Yahweh your Father has commanded me to teach you: so that you may observe them in the land you are crossing over to possess;

7 And you must teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

25    And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Love? It is a simple fact that you do not show love to your neighbors if you break even one, any one, of the Laws of Yahweh. They are all based on love for your neighbor and love for Yahweh.

Yaaqob 2:10-13

10 For whoever keeps the whole Law, and yet offends in one point, he is guilty of all.

11 For He Who said: Do not commit adultery, also said: Do not murder. Now if you do not commit adultery, yet you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the Laws.

12 So speak, and so do, as those who are being judged by the Laws of liberty—

13 For the Judgment will be unmerciful to the one not practicing mercy; but those who practice mercy will rejoice in Judgment.

I Yahchanan 5:3

For this is the love of Yahweh: That we keep His Laws, and His Laws are not grievous.

I Yahchanan 3:10

In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

II Yahchanan 1:6

And this is love: That we walk after His Laws. Those are the Laws, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in them.


There is no love taught or practiced today in all the world except in the Last Days Prophesied Work.

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


Think of that, a world free of war and uncertainty.


For this is love…

II Yahchanan 1:6

And this is love: That we walk after His Laws. Those are the Laws, that, as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in them.


In this time period, we see the following.

Mattithyah 24:12, 33-34

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.


According to the Greek dictionary in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the word iniquity is word #458 from word #459, and means: not subject to the Laws; that is, doing away with the Laws.


458. άνομία anŏmia an-om-ee´-ah; from 459; illegality, i.e. violation of law or (gen.) wickedness:–iniquity, x transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.


459. ἂνομος anŏmŏs, an´-om-os; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 3551; lawless, i.e. (neg.) not subject to law; (by impl. a Gentile), or (pos.) wicked:–without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.


Because iniquity abounds, love grows cold. We see in this generation what cold love brings.

Mattithyah 24:3, 7, 12, 21-22, 29, 33-34

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately, saying; Tell us, when will these things be? What will be the sign of Your coming and The End of the Ages?

7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, and pestilences; disease epidemics, and earthquakes; environmental disasters, in place after place:

12 And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold.

21 For then will be Great Tribulation, such as has not come to pass since the beginning of the world to this time—no, nor ever will be.

22 And unless those days were shortened, there would no flesh be saved; but for the Elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.

29 Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

33 In the same way, when you see all these things, know that His coming and The End of the Ages are near, at the very door.

34 Truly I say to you: That generation will not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled.

II Timayah 3:1-5, 7, 12-13

1 Know this also: that in the Last Days perilous times will come.

2 For men will be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, unforgiving, false accusers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those who are Righteous,

4 Traitors; betrayers, headstrong, arrogant, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of Yahweh,

5 Having a form of Holiness, but denying the Authority of it—from such turn away!

7 Always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

12 Yes, and all who will live Righteously, as Yahshua Messiah, will suffer persecution.

13 But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.


Come Out from Among Them


The religions are all teaching evil, like the Gods. Christianity says Jesus did it for them so they can practice breaking Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness and still receive Eternal Life, but that’s not what your bible says. Read the following and notice in each, the words sin and evil.

II Timayah 3:13

But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with Righteousness.




I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

I Corinthians 10:6-8

6 Now these things are examples for us, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

7 So do not become worshipers of Gods (elohim) as some of them were. As it is written: the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.

8 Nor let us commit sexual sins, as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.

II Corinthians 13:7

Now I pray to Yahweh that you do no evil; not that we should appear approved; having stood the test, but that you will do what is right, even though we may seem to be reprobates.

Hebrews 3:12

Be on guard, brothers, that there not be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the Living Father.

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!

Yaaqob 1:13

Let no one say when he is tempted: I am tempted by Yahweh; for Yahweh cannot be tempted with evil, nor does He tempt anyone.

Yaaqob 3:16

For where rivalry and strife are, there is confusion and every evil work.


Rivalry and strife are the two most seen activities in the whole world today. Remember, because iniquity abounds, love grows cold (Mattithyah 24:12).

I Kepha 3:10-12

10 For He who would love life, and see Righteous days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking guile;

11 Let him turn away from evil and do Righteousness; let him seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of Yahweh are on the Righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the Face of Yahweh is against those who do evil.

I Yahchanan 3:11-12

11 For this is the Message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and murdered his brother. And why did he murder his brother? Because his works were evil, and his brother’s were Righteous.

III Yahchanan 1:11

Beloved, do not follow that which is evil, but that which is Righteous. He who does Righteousness is of Yahweh, but he who does evil has not seen Yahweh.


Each person is only allotted a short time to live; afterwards comes the Judgment. The Judgment is firmly set in both part one and part two of The Book of Yahweh (Isayah 34:16), but the Book of Revelation shows it best.

Revelation 20:11-15

11 And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him Who sat on it, from Whose Face the powers of the earth and the powers of the heavens, including the Gods (elohim), were driven away; for the verdict was reached that there is no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before Yahweh. And the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is The Book of Life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and sheol; the grave, delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every man, according to his works.

14 And death and sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whoever was not found written in The Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.


The Savior, Yahshua Messiah, shows those who are written in the Book of Life.

Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


Knowing that each person is given an allotted time to live and try out for the purpose for which they were created, don’t you agree that we should start repenting of past sins and work towards conversion by practicing Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


Notice verse 7, let no man deceive you. The Savior said don’t be a fool.

Luke 24:25

Then He said to them: O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!


Isayah said:

Isayah 34:16

Search out The Book Of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; they shall not want; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.


The Book of Yahweh Inspired by Yahweh


How do we know that Yahweh inspired the Prophets and Apostles to write The Book of Yahweh? How do we know that it was not written by man’s own intellect? The answer is: fulfilled Prophecy. No man has ever lived that was capable of foretelling the future. Think of the Prophecy that shows the temple would be destroyed and Mount Zion plowed like a field, so that no one could ever tell by looking at that site that a temple ever stood there.

Yahweh states that only He can foretell the exact future. No God has ever made that claim, because no God can foretell. There are many Prophecies concerning this generation showing exact events such as we just read about the nuclear bombs darkening the sun. The next Prophecy shows it will.

Mattithyah 24:29

Immediately, but after the Great Tribulation of those days will the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Revelation 18:1-5, 8

1 And after these things I saw another Malak come down from heaven, having Great Authority; and the earth was enlightened with His glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Come out of her, My People, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues,

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!

8 Therefore, her plagues will come in one day—death, and mourning, and famine; and she will be utterly burned with fire; for strong is Father Yahweh Who judges her.


Verses 4 and 5 show the reason Rome, the city that sits on seven hills, will be burned; because her sins and her iniquities have engulfed the entire world and she got entrapped in her own iniquities. Verse 8 show this religion that sits on seven hills (Rev. 17:9) is plagued with sin and bringing hatred from all nations upon herself, then soon nuclear burning.

You can’t afford to wait. You really need to stop wasting your time and set aside time to study the lessons brought in The Prophetic Word magazine, the Newsletters, and the many booklets that are free of charge. They are a must to read.


Keep Your Appointments with Yahweh


Revelation 22:12-14

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


As you can see, it’s a very important that you work towards finding your place in the Eternal Kingdom of Yahweh. The Seventh Day Sabbath, Saturday, is a weekly Appointment with Yahweh. It is the fourth of the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remember the Sabbath  Day, to keep it Holy.

9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,

10 But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of Yahweh your Heavenly Father. Therefore, in it you shall do the Work of Yahweh: you, and your wife, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and your cattle, and the stranger who dwells within your gates.

11 For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that are in them; and ceased from this work on the Seventh Day. Therefore, Yahweh  blessed the Sabbath Day, and did Righteous works on it.

Exodus 31:13

Speak also to the children of Israyl, saying; Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for they are signs between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am Yahweh Who sanctifies you, and makes you Holy.


Please know that no one keeps the Seventh Day Sabbath according to the Commandment; that is, no one keeps it the way its commanded to be kept without Yahweh knowing you are keeping His Sabbath. When you start keeping Yahweh’s Sabbath according to the Commandment, as Yahshua Messiah kept it, as an example for us, you will know that Yahweh has set you apart for His Work and His Eternal Kingdom.


The Seventh Day Sabbath Done Away? Only in the Minds of the Rebellious


The popes of the seven hills of Rome, mostly Constantine, made it a death penalty to celebrate the Seventh Day Sabbath. The Book of Yahweh, which was kept in the House of Yahweh, was taken to Rome along with all the other temple artifacts, then they destroyed the temple and made slaves of almost all of the citizens of Yerusalem. They murdered more than they took captive to Babylon and Rome. Call, write or email us for the history of destruction of the temple and Titus, the general who destroyed it and took all the artifacts to Rome.

For 1,500 years no one could own a bible because the popes forbid such by instituting a death penalty. But again, Prophecy by Yahweh and His Inspired Prophets stated that the Two Witnesses would teach Yahweh’s Laws of Righteousness in the Last Generation, so that meant that the bible would have to be made available for the Work of Yahweh in the Last Days.

The Prophet Micahyah wrote about Zion and the sins of the roman catholic church fathers, who were known, at that time, as the heads of Yaaqob–the pharisees, sadducees, essenes, and herodians.

Micahyah 3:1-2, 9-12

1 Then I said; Hear now, O heads of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl! Is it not for you to know justice?—

2 You who hate Righteousness and love evil; who strip off the skin from My People, and the meat from their bones;

9 Hear now, O heads of the house of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl, who abhor justice and pervert all equity,

10 Who build up Zion with blood, and Yerusalem with iniquity:

11 Her heads judge for reward and her priests teach; give instruction in the Law, for pay, and her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean upon Yahweh, and say; Is not Yahweh among us? No evil can come upon us!

12 Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Yerusalem will become heaps of rubble, and the mountain of The House of Yahweh like the high places of a forest.


The Prophecy was written around 710 BCE, but was not fulfilled until 70 ACE. This same Prophet who prophesied of the destruction of the temple and Zion being plowed like a field, also prophesied about the Last Days’ Work of Yahweh, which you can be a part of in this Last Generation.

Micahyah 4:1-3 (written 710 BCE)

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will go and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


This Prophecy was fulfilled in 1983, in the very place and age prophesied. This Prophecy was made long before the printing presses or computers that came along with the increase in knowledge, as did the nuclear bomb. All of these things came into existence in this Last Generation so that the Last Days’ Work of Yahweh could take place, the House of Yahweh could be established, and the Two Witnesses trained and inspired to do their work of taking Yahweh’s Message to all nations. The House of Yahweh in these Last Days, in this Last Generation, is another fulfilled Prophecy that Yahweh’s Prophets spoke of for this present, prophesied generation. It is now taking the Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh to every nation on earth.

The lives of every individual in the whole world are being wasted on foolishness. They are being taught to sin and worship evil Gods. If you want Salvation and a place in Yahweh’s Kingdom of Righteousness, you need to repent now of this time wasting and start training. To learn how, contact us immediately. You can call, write, or email us and we will get you started.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Yisrayl Hawkins

Yahweh’s Branch.com