God, Gods Lord, Lords

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scriptural questions

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The Book of Yahweh is used exclusively in this article unless otherwise specified. It has the Sacred Names restored that were replaced under the direction of the Vatican (Roman Catholic Church) in all versions, such as the King James Version.


God, Gods

Lord, Lords


Those terms were used to replace the Creator’s and the Savior’s Names in all versions of the Sacred Scriptures. The excuse given for replacing the Creator’s Name is that ‘Yahweh’ is too Holy to pronounce.


The Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 23, page 867, tells us that the proper, original Name, ‘Yahweh,’ was replaced with common substitutes:


YAHWEH, the proper name of the (Heavenly Father) of Israel; it is composed of four consonants (YHWH) in Hebrew and is therefore called the tetragrammaton…

    The name Yahweh later ceased to be used by the Jews for two somewhat contradictory reasons. As Judaism began to become a universal religion, the proper name Yahweh tended to be replaced by the common noun Elohim, meaning “God,” which could apply to foreign deities and therefore could be used to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel’s God over all others. At the same time, the divine name was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered, for fear of profanation, and in the synagogue ritual it was replaced by Adonai (“my Lord”), which was translated Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint.


The process of removing the Creator’s Name, forbidding the people from calling on the Creator, Yahweh, and by penalty of death, forcing the people to stop worshipping Yahweh was led by the same religion that the twelve tribes of Israyl practiced in Egypt. They came out of Egypt with Mosheh but never repented of their worship of the Elohim (Gods) and Lords.


Read the Words of Yahweh’s Prophet Yeremyah, whose name the translators were forced to change in the versions, such as the King James Version, to Jeremiah, in order to remove ‘Yah’ (Yahweh) from his name.

Yeremyah 23:1, 13

1 Woe to the pastors; shepherds, who destroy and scatter the sheep of My Pasture! says Yahweh.

13 I have seen folly; offense, in the prophets of Samaria—they prophesied by Baal; the Lord, and caused My People Israyl to err; go astray.


In verse 13, notice: they caused.


Those who took by force The House of Yahweh were the Coptic Catholic God (Elohim) worshippers, who hated Righteousness. This is shown by Yahweh’s Prophet Micahyah, whose name they also changed in all versions to Micah, in order to hide the ‘Yah’, which is the shortened form of Yahweh.

Micahyah 3:1-2, 9-10

1 Then I said; Hear now, O heads of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl! Is it not for you to know justice?—

2 You who hate Righteousness and love evil; who strip off the skin from My People, and the meat from their bones;

9 Hear now, O heads of the house of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl, who abhor justice and pervert all equity,

10 Who build up Zion with blood, and Yerusalem with iniquity:


Verses 1 and 9 show the heads of Yaaqob, speaking of the rulers of the twelve tribes of Israyl who were brought out of Egypt by Mosheh.


Now, back to Yeremyah:

Yeremyah 23:10

For the land is full of adulterers; those who turn from following Yahweh to follow the Gods (elohim). Because of this curse the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up. Their conduct is evil, whose might is not Righteous—


Verse 10, notice: their conduct is evil. Remember that word.


Yeremyah 23:10 was written in the year 599 BY (Before Yahshua).


Now, let’s look back in history to the year 1140 BY, to the days of Yahweh’s Prophet Samuyl. That was 430 years before Yahweh sent His Prophet Micahyah to the tribes of Israyl. Remember, Micahyah showed the evil of the twelve tribes of Israyl, whose fathers Mosheh had brought out of Egypt but they never repented of their God (Elohim) worship.

Micahyah 3:1-2

1 Then I said; Hear now, O heads of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl! Is it not for you to know justice?—

2 You who hate Righteousness and love evil; who strip off the skin from My People, and the meat from their bones;

I Samuyl 7:1-6

1 Then the men of Kiryath Yearim came and took the Ark of Yahweh, and brought it into the house of Abinadab on the hill, and consecrated Eleazar his son to keep the Ark of Yahweh.

2 So the Ark remained in Kiryath Yearim a long time; it was there twenty years, and all the house of Israyl mourned after Yahweh.

3 Then Samuyl spoke to all the house of Israyl, saying; If you are returning to Yahweh with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the Gods (Elohim) and Ashtaroth; Goddesses, among you. Commit yourselves to Yahweh, preparing your hearts and worship and serve Him only. Then He will deliver you out of the hands of the Philistines.

4 So the children of Israyl put away the Baals; Lords and Gods (Elohim), and the Ashtaroth; the Goddesses, Astarte and Easter, and worshipped and served Yahweh only.

5 Then Samuyl said; Gather all Israyl to Mizpah, and I will pray to Yahweh on your behalf.

6 So they gathered together at Mizpah. They drew water and poured it out in front of Yahweh. On that day they fasted, and there they confessed; We have sinned against Yahweh. And Samuyl was judge of Israyl at Mizpah.


In verses 3-4, take note of all their Gods.


At that time, 1140 BY, those Coptic Catholics repented of their God (Elohim) worship. But just 28 years later, the heads of Yaaqob, who hate Righteousness and love evil, rejected Yahweh (I Samuyl 8).

Micahyah 3:1-2

1 Then I said; Hear now, O heads of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl! Is it not for you to know justice?—

2 You who hate Righteousness and love evil; who strip off the skin from My People, and the meat from their bones;


The heads of Yaaqob came before Samuyl, wanting to be like all the God worshipping nations.

I Samuyl 8:4-8

4 Then all the elders of Israyl gathered together and approached Samuyl when he was at Ramah,

5 Saying to him; You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Appoint us a king to judge us; just like all the other nations.

6 But these things displeased Samuyl, especially when they said; Give us a king to judge us. Then Samuyl prayed to Yahweh.

7 Yahweh answered Samuyl, and said: Listen to all the words the people speak to you, for they have not rejected you; they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.

8 Just as they have done to Me from the day I brought them out of Egypt, to this very day, they are now doing to you__they are forsaking Me in order to serve God(s); Elohim!


In the days of the Savior, Yahshua, the children of those Coptic Catholics called themselves Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Herodians, but their worship was the same as in the days of Samuyl, Micahyah and Yeremyah. They took the Temple by force after the days of King Solomon and practiced evil, as their Gods.


See, here, the Words of Yahshua Messiah:

Yahchanan 7:7, 19, 32

7 The world cannot hate you; but it hates Me because of the Testimony I bring against it: that its works are evil.

19 Were not the Laws given to you through Mosheh? And yet none of you keep the Laws! Why do you seek to kill Me?

32 The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning Him, so the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to arrest Him.


Notice in verse 7, ‘its works are evil’.


Verse 19: they practice breaking Yahweh’s Laws.


They murdered Yahshua because He taught that they should seek Yahweh’s Righteousness.

Mattithyah 6:33

But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.



Mattithyah 19:17

But He said to him: Why do you question Me about Righteousness? There is only One Who is the Standard of Perfection, and He is Yahweh; so if you would enter into Life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.



Revelation 22:14

Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.


In Yahchanan 7:7, He was speaking of the same group of Coptic Catholic God worshippers, the children whose fathers Mosheh had led from Egypt.


Coptic means Egyptian. Catholic means universal, which means they worship all Gods, even the host of heaven.

Acts 7:41-43

41 And they made an image of a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice to the God (el), and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.

42 Then Yahweh turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, just as it is written in The Book of Yahweh: Was it to Me you brought sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israyl?

43 No! But you have lifted up the idolatrous temple of Molech; your God (el), and Chiun your star-God (el); Saturn, the star of your God (el) which you made for yourselves. And I will carry you away beyond Babylon.


Yahshua shows who they worship:

Yahchanan 8:44-47

44 You are of your teacher who is Satan the devil, and whatever she who is your teacher desires, you will do. She was a murderer from the beginning, and remained not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in her. Therefore, when you speak your falsehoods, you speak her words, because she is a liar, and the teacher of all lies!

45 Yet, because I tell you the Truth, you do not believe Me.

46 Which of you convicts Me of sin? So if I speak the Truth, why do you not believe Me?

47 He who is of Yahweh, hears Yahweh’s Words; the Laws and the Prophets. Now you do not hear, because you are not of Yahweh.


Verse 44: the Savior, Yahshua Messiah, shows that the Coptic Catholics—the twelve tribes of Israyl, the heads of Yaaqob—accept Satan as their teacher and their practice is God worship. That’s the same we see in the beginning with Adam, Eve and Cain. Abel served Yahweh and was killed by God worshippers.


Satan, Their Teacher


Genesis 2:9, 16-17

9 And out of the ground Yahweh made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, and desirable for food. The Tree of Life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of Righteousness and evil.

16 And Yahweh commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of Righteousness and evil you must not eat, for in the day that you eat of it dying you will die.


Now, read Satan’s teaching, and see that it’s the same as the religions’ today. ‘Do not obey Yahweh; be evil as the Gods.’

Genesis 3:1-6

1 Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh had made. And she said to the woman; Has Yahweh indeed said: You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said: You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.

4 And the serpent said to the woman; You will not surely die.

5 For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.

6 So when the woman saw that the tree was desirable for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.


Notice, Satan became their teacher. Over the years, Yahweh’s Righteousness was rejected and they became evil as the Gods.

Genesis 3:5

For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil.


Don’t miss the lesson in this verse.


Their teacher is Satan. They chose Satan and evil-as-the-Gods. That was their choice. Yahshua Messiah showed us in Yahchanan 8:44, they were the same in His day.


To the twelve tribes, Yahweh said:

Deuteronomy 30:15-19

15 See, I have set before you this day Life by Righteousness, and death by evil, destruction—

16 In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your Father, by walking in all His Ways, by keeping His Laws, His Statutes, and His Judgments, so that you may live and multiply, and so Yahweh your Father may bless you in the land which you go in to possess.

17 But if your heart turns away, and you are not obedient, and you are drawn away to submit to Gods (elohim), to worship them by serving them—

18 I declare to you this day that you will surely perish; you will not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Yardan to possess.

19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you Life and death, Blessings and curses. Therefore choose Life, so both you and your children may live.


The twelve tribes, except for a few men, women and children, chose evil and hated Righteousness. Their lives are still filled with God worship, even to this day.


Don’t forget:

I Samuyl 8:4-8

4 Then all the elders of Israyl gathered together and approached Samuyl when he was at Ramah,

5 Saying to him; You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Appoint us a king to judge us; just like all the other nations.

6 But these things displeased Samuyl, especially when they said; Give us a king to judge us. Then Samuyl prayed to Yahweh.

7 Yahweh answered Samuyl, and said: Listen to all the words the people speak to you, for they have not rejected you; they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.

8 Just as they have done to Me from the day I brought them out of Egypt, to this very day, they are now doing to you__they are forsaking Me in order to serve God(s); Elohim!


Read, again, verse 8.


Yeremyah 23:2…for the evil of your doings.


Remember Genesis 3:5: evil as the Gods; practicing evil.


Micahyah 3:1-2

1 Then I said; Hear now, O heads of Yaaqob, you rulers of the house of Israyl! Is it not for you to know justice?—

2 You who hate Righteousness and love evil; who strip off the skin from My People, and the meat from their bones;


Do you see the word ‘evil’? Remember Genesis 3:5…as the Gods, evil.


Mattithyah 7:17-18

17 Likewise, every Righteous tree brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of evil brings forth fruit of iniquity.

18 A Righteous tree cannot bring forth fruit of iniquity, nor can a tree of evil bring forth fruits of Righteousness.


Yahweh sent the Light of His Laws by His Prophets, but the world, the whole world, being deceived, rejected them.

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. She was cast out into the earth, and her angels were cast out with her.


The whole world turned to God worship. The whole world rejected Righteousness. The whole world practices evil as the Gods. The whole world rejected Yahweh’s Laws because their deeds are evil.

I Yahchanan 3:1

Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of Yahweh! Therefore, the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Yahchanan 3:19

Now this is the condemnation: Light has come into the world, but men love darkness rather than Light, because their deeds are evil.



Yahchanan 3:20

For every one who practices evil hates the Light, and neither comes to the Light for fear his deeds would be exposed.


Evil as the Gods


Genesis 3:5…evil as the Gods.


Mattithyah 12:33-37

33 Either make the tree Righteous and its fruit Righteous, or else make the tree evil and its fruit iniquity; for a tree is known by its fruit!

34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak Righteous things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth truly speaks.

35 A Righteous man, from the Righteous treasure of the heart, brings forth Righteous things; but an evil man, from the evil treasure, brings forth evil things.

36 And I say to you: That every word against The Work that men will speak, they will give account for it in the day of sentencing;

37 For by your words you will be justified, or by your words you will be condemned!


God worship is all over the world in this generation, just like the days before the flood.


The English term, God, is very strange because there is no sure history of the beginning of this word, nor what source it came from or who/what it might have referred to. Yet, it has been used like the word ‘Lord’, ‘the Lord’ and ‘Lords’ to replace the Name of the Creator that all the world’s authoritative writings know, for sure, is ‘Yahweh’ in English.


Unger’s Bible Dictionary by Merrill F. Unger, page 665, gives us the following information about the word Lord:


    1. Jehovah (yahweh: Heb. YHWH, “self-existent”) This is used as a proper name of [the Creator] and should have been retained in that form by the translators.


The Four Main Manuscripts


The general consensus among scholars is that there are four main sources or manuscripts of The Holy Scriptures named J, E, P, and D. The Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 13, page 234, gives us this fact.


The Encyclopedia Brittanica, Volume 2, page 194:


BIBLICAL SOURCE, any of the original documents that, in compilation, constitute the Bible. …(q.v.), scholars have been able to identify certain sources and to arrange them chronologically in order of composition.
    the Yahwist, or J, source, so called because it employed as the Lord’s name a Hebrew word transliterated into English as YHWH (called J from the German: JHVH) and spoken as Yahweh


It is very important to note that the oldest source, the J (Yahwist source), used the Name of Yahweh exclusively.


The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 2, page 409, confirms the fact that the earliest manuscripts used only the Name Yahweh.


The Yahwist narrative (see Pentateuch) traces the worship of Yahweh far back beyond the period of Moses and affirms that in the time of Enosh, the grandson of Adam, men first began to invoke the name of Yahweh (Gen. 4:26).


The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, page 690 tells us:


The Name par excellence for the Creator of Israyl is Yahweh, found 6,823 times in the OT.


James Moffatt, in his translation, The Bible: A New Translation, 1935, Harper and Brothers, informs us in his introduction:

Strictly speaking this ought to be rendered Yahweh which is familiar to modern readers in the erroneous form of Jehovah.


The Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 7, page 680 states emphatically:

The true pronunciation of the Name YHWH was never lost.

The Hebrew-Aramaic-English Dictionary, by Marcus Jastrow, Volume 1, page 576, proves that the abbreviation in the Targum Onkelos is that of Yahweh’s Name.


יי m. (abbrev. of the Tetragrammaton) Targ. Ps. 1, 2 (ed. Lag. הוהי); a. fr.__Y. Snh. X, 28a top; a. fr. (interch. in eds. with ‘ה).


The book, The Meaning of the Qumran Scrolls for the Bible page 164 tells us that in these original writings the Name Yahweh stood alone.


The Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 7 page 680, tells us a very important fact about Yahweh’s Name.

But at least by the third century B.C.E. the pronunciation of the name YHWH was avoided and Adonai, “the Lord,” was substituted for it.


The terms, ‘God’ and ‘Lord’, were used by the same religion that the Scriptures shows hates Righteousness and loves evil.


Notice in the King James Version:

Exodus 20:2

I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.


It is for sure that the Creator’s Name is Yahweh. What we do not know is where the God worshippers, who hate Righteousness and love evil, came up with the words ‘Lord’ and ‘God’.


Now, read the etymology of the word God from wahiduddin.net.


Etymology of the Word God



Oddly, the exact origin of the word God is unknown.


All that we know for certain is that the word God is a relatively new European invention, which was never used in any of the ancient Judaeo-Christian scripture manuscripts which were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Latin.


This situation is quite remarkable, since there is a long history of people arguing and fighting over the name of God, yet we don’t even know where this European-invented word God came from!


… none of the prophets, sages and disciples who wrote down the various books of the Bible would recognize or understand this recently invented word God. Yet people fight over it!


The following is a brief survey of some of the efforts of linguists who have been trying to

decipher the roots of the word God:


Webster’s 1913 Dictionary:


\God\ (g[o^]d), n. [AS. god; akin to OS. & D. god, OHG. got, G. gott, Icel. gu[eth], go[eth], Sw.

& Dan. gud, Goth. gup, prob. orig. a p. p. from a root appearing in Skr. h[=u], p. p. h[=u]ta,

to call upon, invoke, implore. [root]30. Cf. {Goodbye}, {Gospel}, {Gossip}.]


The Term ‘Lord’

Is Not Sacred


The term ‘Lord’ is not a sacred title. Yet, it was chosen by the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Herodians, who moved to Rome, taking the Temple with them. There, they reconstructed it and now call it the Sistine Chapel.


From Rome, the heads of Yaaqob, who hate Righteousness and love evil, rule the world. They have their hand on the necks of all nations. That Prophecy is coming to pass in this generation. It is clearly evident in the sanctions on the nations over oil.


Revelation 17 clearly shows the Roman Catholic Church, with which the commentaries agree, and is coupled with Daniyl 7. I urge you to get our books, The Mark of the Beast, Volumes 1 and 2.


Unger’s Bible Dictionary gives us the following information about the word lord.


LORD. The rendering of several Heb. and Gk. words, which have different meanings:

    1. Jehovah (yahweh: Heb. YHWH, “self-existent”) This is used as a proper name of [the Creator] and should have been retained in that form by the translators. See (The) Lord; Yahweh.

    2. Lord (Heb. Adon), an early word denoting ownership; hence, absolute control. It is not properly a divine title, being used of the owner of slaves (Gen. 24:14, 27; 39:2, 7, rendered “master”), of kings as the lords of their subjects (Isa. 26:13, “master”).


Now notice the term ‘Lord’ refers to rabbi, to whom you pray when you use the term ‘Lord’ or ‘God’. The following information is from Unger’s Bible Dictionary:


RABBI (Heb. rabbi, Gk. hrabbi, “my teacher”). A respectful term applied by the Jews to their teachers and spiritual instructors (Matt. 23:7-8; John 1:38; 3:26; 6:25). The terms rabbi and rabboni both mean simply “master” (John 1:38; 20:16). The use of the title rabbi cannot be substantiated before the time of Christ. Later Jewish schools had three grades of honor: rab, “master”, the lowest; rabbi, “my master”, the second; and rabboni, “my lord, my master”, the most elevated.


In Catechism of the Catholic Church, pages 62-63, we find the following information:



203 [Yahweh] revealed himself to his people Israel by making his name known to them. A name expresses a person’s essence and identity and the meaning of this person’s life. [Yahweh] has a name; he is not an anonymous force. To disclose one’s name is to make oneself known to others; in a way it is to hand oneself over by becoming accessible, capable of being known more intimately and addressed personally.


206 In revealing his mysterious name, YHWH [Yahweh] (“I AM HE WHO IS”, “I AM WHO AM” or “I AM WHO I AM”), [Yahweh] says who he is and by what name he is to be called.


209 Out of respect for the holiness of God, the people of Israel do not pronounce his name. In the reading of Sacred Scripture, the revealed name (YHWH) is replaced by the divine title “LORD” (in Hebrew Adonai, in Greek Kyrios). It is under this title that the divinity of Jesus will be acclaimed: “Jesus is LORD.”


If you understand what you just read, you know that Satan is their teacher, as the Savior said in:

Yahchanan 8:44

You are of your teacher who is Satan the devil, and whatever she who is your teacher desires, you will do. She was a murderer from the beginning, and remained not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in her. Therefore, when you speak your falsehoods, you speak her words, because she is a liar, and the teacher of all lies!


When you pray using the terms from God worshippers, whose teacher is Satan, you are praying to dead rabbis and dead popes.


Now read, again, the First Commandment from the King James Version.

Exodus 20:2

I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.


Now read verses 2 and 3 from The New International Version Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament. Hebrew is read from right to left ?.

Exodus 20:2-3

exodus 20_2-3 interlinear.jpg


Now, read the correct translation from The Book of Yahweh.

Exodus 20:1-4

1 And Yahweh spoke all these words, saying:

2 I am Yahweh your Heavenly Father Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 You shall have no hinder Gods (elohim) at all. They are in opposition against Me.

4 You shall not make for yourself any carved image; an idol, in the form of anything in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters below.


That is the First Commandment of the Ten Commandments, of which Yahshua said:

Revelation 22:14-15

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of Gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.


You will not hear that lesson taught by God worshippers. They hate Righteousness.


Did you notice that God worshippers will not be allowed in the Kingdom of Yahweh?


Verse 15 in the King James Version has idolaters, which means God worshippers—those who worship Gods.


What is the Judgment for God worshippers?

Revelation 20:15

And whoever was not found written in The Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Mattithyah 7:23

But then I will declare to them; I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who practice iniquity.


They belong to Satan, and Satan’s desire is to cause all of mankind to burn.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!


In verse 8, did you see that all God worshippers belong to Satan?


Satan and the Gods are in opposition to Yahweh and His Plan for mankind.

Genesis 1:26

Then Yahweh said: I will make man in My Image, according to My Likeness; they will have Authority over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Any worship, except that of Yahweh and His Righteousness, will be rejected.


Read the Savior’s Words in:

Mattithyah 7:13-23

13 Enter in through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who go that way.

14 Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads to Life, and few there are who find it.

15 Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?

17 Likewise, every Righteous tree brings forth Righteous fruit; but a tree of evil brings forth fruit of iniquity.

18 A Righteous tree cannot bring forth fruit of iniquity, nor can a tree of evil bring forth fruits of Righteousness.

19 Every tree which does not bring forth Righteous fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.

20 Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.

21 Not everyone who says to Me; Teacher! Teacher! will enter into the Kingdom of Yahweh, but only he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.

22 Many will say to Me in that day; Teacher! Teacher! Have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name, and in Your Name performed many wonderful works?

23 But then I will declare to them; I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who practice iniquity.


There are 4,199 religions in this generation that worship Gods and Lords. They do not even know who they worship.


Your bible and The Book of Yahweh show the one and only Work in these Last Days. Read and believe or you will remain evil-as-the-Gods.

Micahyah 4:1-3

1 But in the Last Days it will come to pass that the mountain; promotion, of The House of Yahweh will be established in the chief of the nations. It will be raised above all congregations; and all peoples will eventually flow to it.

2 And many people will come and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain; uplifting, of Yahweh, and to the House of the Father of Yaaqob, and He will teach us of His Ways, and we will walk in His Paths. Because the Laws will depart from Zion, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerusalem.

3 And He will judge between many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.


House of Yahweh


Read this:

Revelation 22:12-16

12 And behold, I come quickly, and My Reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work will be.

13 I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 Blessed are those who keep His Laws, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

15 For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and worshipers of Gods (elohim) and everyone who professes to love, yet practices breaking the Laws.

16 I, Yahshua, have sent My Messenger to testify to you these things in the congregations of The House of Yahweh. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star.


Verse 16: congregations of The House of Yahweh.


We may have a congregation near you. Yahweh’s Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread is tentatively scheduled for 4/19/19 through 4/27/19 at The House of Yahweh at Abel (Texas, USA). Many of those congregations will be in attendance. All who want to learn Yahweh’s Righteousness is welcome to come. Your first step is to repent.

Acts 3:19

Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out; that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of Yahweh.


Next, you must come out from among God worshippers.

I Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh? Do not deceive yourselves. Neither fornicators, nor God worshipers (worshipers of Elohim), nor adulterers, nor men who commit sexual perversions with boys, nor men who commit sexual perversions with other men,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh.

II Corinthians 6:14-18

14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has Righteousness with unrighteousness? And what fellowship does Light have with darkness?

15 And what harmony can there be between Messiah and Belial; worthlessness: Satan? Or what share does a believer have with an infidel; untrustworthy, not faithful, not true nor loyal?

16 And what agreement does The House of Yahweh have with Gods (elohim)? For we are the House of the Living Father. As Yahweh has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their Father, and they will be My People.

17 Therefore: Come out from among them and be separate, says Yahweh. Do not touch the unclean thing, and I will receive you.

18 I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says Yahweh Almighty.


You must seek first Yahweh’s Righteousness.

Mattithyah 6:33

But seek you first the Kingdom of Yahweh and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Righteousness is:

Deuteronomy 6:25

And it will be our Righteousness if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.

I Yahchanan 3:4, 7-8, 10

4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.

7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.

8 He who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.

10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!

Deuteronomy 12:5, 7-8

5 But you are to seek the Habitation of your Father; The House of Yahweh—the place which Yahweh your Father shall choose out of all your tribes to establish His Name—and there you must go.

7 There, in front of Yahweh your Father, you and your families shall eat, and you shall rejoice in all that you have put your hand to do, because Yahweh your Father has blessed you.

8 You must not at all do as we are doing here this day—every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes—


Search the Scriptures. Yahweh will not have any unprophesied Work.

Amosyah 3:7

Most assuredly Father Yahweh will have no work, other than the Work that He has prophesied in advance by His Servants the Prophets.


May Yahweh bless your understanding.


Love, True Love,


Yisrayl Hawkins
