Strange? The Coronavirus
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The Book of Yahweh has the best reference of any bible I know, and is used exclusively in this article unless otherwise specified. It has the Sacred Names restored, which were replaced with titles such as Lord and God, under the direction of the Vatican (Roman Catholic Church) in all versions, such as the King James version.
Isayah 34:16 — Search out The Book of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them. |
The Coronavirus
15 January 2021
As COVID deaths pass two million worldwide, Guterres warns against self-defeating ‘vaccinationalism’
With more than two million lives now lost worldwide to COVID-19, the UN Secretary-General appealed on Friday for countries to work together and help each other to end the pandemic and save lives. In a video statement, Secretary-General António Guterres noted that the absence of a global coordinated effort has worsened the pandemic’s deadly impact.
Since its discovery at the end of December 2019, COVID-19 has now spread to all corners of the world, with cases in 191 countries and regions. Deaths due to the disease reached the grim milestone of one million only in September.
In addition, the socio-economic impact of the pandemic has been massive, with countless jobs and livelihoods lost globally, and millions pushed into poverty and hunger.
Past Covid-19 infection grants some immunity for at least 5 months, but people may still transmit virus – UK study
14 Jan, 2021
A study by Public Health England has found that most people who have previously been infected with Covid-19 are protected from catching it again for at least five months.
The study suggests that most people are protected from reinfection for at least five months, dispelling fears that immunity may be quickly lost.
The study’s authors warn that those who have previously been infected may still be able to carry and transmit the virus…
61 Members of Congress Have Tested Positive
Jan. 14, 2021 — The coronavirus has affected – – and infected — almost every aspect of American life, including the U.S. Congress.
Sixty-one members of Congress have tested positive for COVID-19 — more than 10% of the 100 senators and 435 representatives. On Wednesday, the New York Times had reported a tally of 60 with 44 Republicans and 16 Democrats testing positive.
Now compare the coronavirus deaths to the deaths (murder) of unborn children:
The Sacred Scriptures called The Book of Yahweh, and the versions which are called bibles, show the coronavirus as being one of the seven last plagues that are to strike the whole world in this generation.
Details of those plagues were written 2,000 years ago in the Book of Revelation, the last Book in your bible. Some of those details ARE:
- Coronavirus does not kill the person
- Power as scorpions
- They cover the atmosphere like smoke
- They fill the smoke as locusts
- They’re everywhere you want to be
- Symptoms last 5 months
- Confusion of the brain
The Greek word for locusts shows them to be a satanic plague, prophesied by Yahweh, that was created by mankind as a result of sin, and comes back to join the wild party.
Word #200 in Strong’s Concordance refers the reader to word #206, which is akin to the base of 188. Now get this, word #206 shows us the result of the extremity or end result of the sinner’s actions. This word means: the end result, the extremity, the top, uttermost; the end result of all your past sins and they use the Scripture, Luke 16:24, which is great, it shows the torment that all nations are facing at this time.
Luke 16:24
Then he cried, and said; Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he might dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; point out all the Living Truth of Yahweh that he has, that I might refresh the language of Yahweh’s Truth that I did not acquire when I had the opportunity, for I am sentenced to the flame!
Yahshua gave this warning to all 4,199 religions in this generation, saying, Sin no more or the worst (Mattithyah 24:21) will come upon you.
Yahchanan 5:14
Afterward, Yahshua found him in the sacred precincts of The House of Yahweh, and said to him: Behold, you are healed. Sin no more, or a worse thing will come upon you.
Proverbs 26:2
As a fluttering sparrow, or a flying swallow will alight, so a curse causeless will not come.
Practicing Yahweh’s Righteousness
Brings Yahweh’s Prophesied Blessings
It is written.
Mattithyah 4:4
But He answered, and said; It is written: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh.
Isayah 34:16, BOY
Search out The Book of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.
Isaiah 34:16, Amplified Bible
Seek out of the book of (Yahweh) and read: not one of these [details of prophecy] shall fail, none shall want and lack her mate [in fulfillment]. For the mouth [of the Lord] has commanded, and His Spirit has gathered them.
Yahweh’s Written
Contract To You
Remember, it is written. It can’t be changed and won’t fail.
Isayah 34:16
Search out The Book of Yahweh, and read. Not one of these will be neglected. For it is written: Yahweh is their Shepherd; for His Mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.
Here it is. Read it and believe it. It cannot fail.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14
1 And it will be, if you will listen diligently to the voice of Yahweh your Father, by observing and doing all His Laws which I command you this day, that Yahweh your Father will set you high above all the nations on earth as His Kings and Priests.
2 And all these blessings will come upon you, and accompany you, because you obey Yahweh your Father:
3 Blessed will you be in the city, and blessed will you be in the country.
4 Blessed will be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground, and the young of your livestock: the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
5 Blessed will be your basket and your storehouse.
6 Blessed will you be when you come in, and blessed will you be when you go out.
7 Yahweh will cause your enemies, who rise up against you, to be defeated in front of you; they will come out against you from one direction, but flee from you in seven directions.
8 Yahweh will send a blessing on your barns and storehouses, and in everything you set your hand to do. Yahweh will bless you in the land which Yahweh your Father is giving you.
9 Yahweh will establish you as His Holy People unto Himself, as He promised you on oath, if you will keep the Laws of Yahweh your Father, and walk in all His Ways.
10 Then all the people on the earth will see that you are called by the Name of Yahweh, and they will reverence you.
11 Yahweh will grant you plenteous possessions—in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground—in the land Yahweh vowed on oath to your forefathers to give you.
12 Yahweh will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bountiful treasure, to send rain upon your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will borrow from none.
13 Yahweh will make you the head, and not the tail. You will be at the top only, and never be at the bottom, if you will pay attention to the Laws of Yahweh your Father, which I command you this day, and are then careful to observe and do them.
14 For if you diligently observe and do all of Yahweh’s Law, then you will not turn aside from any of the Laws which I command you this day, to the right hand nor to the left; by going after any God (el) to serve.
This is where we see 4,199 religions, shown today, trying to fight the coronavirus that mankind brought upon themselves by not heeding Yahweh’s simple warning.
Read this:
Deuteronomy 28:15-24
15 However, if you do not obey Yahweh your Father, and do not carefully follow all His Laws and His statutes, which I command you this day, then all these curses will come upon you, and accompany you:
16 Cursed will you be in the city, and cursed will you be in the country.
17 Cursed will be your basket and your storehouse.
18 Cursed will be the fruit of your body, the produce of your land, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks.
19 Cursed will you be when you come in, and cursed will you be when you go out.
20 Because of the evil you have done in forsaking Me, it will come to pass that you will have given yourselves over to curses, confusion, and rebuke, in everything you put your hand to do, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin.
21 It will come to pass that you will cause the plagues to cling to you, until you are destroyed from the land you are entering to possess.
22 It will come to pass that you will cause yourselves to be struck with consumption, with a fever, with an inflammation, with scorching heat, with the sword, with blasting, and with mildew; they will stay with you, until you perish.
23 And the heaven that is over your heads shall be brass, and the earth under you shall be iron.
24 It will come to pass that you will cause the rain of your land to become powder and dust: from heaven it shall come down upon you, until you are destroyed.
The coronavirus affects the brain. Notice, confusion of mind.
Deuteronomy 28:28-29
28 It will come to pass that you will be afflicted with madness; spiritual blindness, and confusion of mind.
29 And you shall grope at noonday; reduced to blind helplessness, just as a blind man gropes in darkness. You will not be successful in any of your ways; you will only be oppressed and robbed continually, with no one to rescue you.
Coronavirus is the extremity of 6,000 years of sin. Every detail concerning the coronavirus, foretold in The Book of Yahweh, written thousands of years ago, is coming upon mankind at this time.
There is no cure. There will be no cure.
This is the top, the peak, the extremity of the 6,000 years of sin that Yahweh said would come back at mankind until all sinners are destroyed.
The following information is from the Greek dictionary of Strong’s Concordance:
Sin! Sin?
Read what 4,199 religions are teaching the world to practice at this time. They are teaching the world to practice sin. Sin is the cause of the seven last plagues.
I Yahchanan 3:4-10
4 Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws.
5 And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him is no sin.
6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin; whoever sins, has not seen Him, neither knows Him.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous.
8 He who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil.
9 Whoever is begotten of Yahweh does not practice sin; for His seed remains in him; and it is possible for him not to sin, because he has been begotten of Yahweh.
10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor!
Yahweh bless your understanding.
True Ahab (Love),
Yisrayl Hawkins